There was originally another set here, if it weren't for Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin who took it, Song Zhixiao would have three sets at once, and the thief was fierce.

When it comes to heroic moments, we know that filial piety is never stunned.

Moe is still moe.

Just as she was on her way to deliver a few clothes, Ni Kun suddenly appeared.

Ni Kun looked at Zhixiao, who was very cute and stood up by himself who was scared by himself, and his heart was also very proud.

No one could have imagined that such a strong combination of them did not go to find someone, but acted like guarding the house as if they had not won.

Song Zhixiao held the clothes, seemed to be frightened and stupid, and then choked by his own saliva and squatted down.

Ni Kun very kindly helped Zhixiao to stand up and said let's go together.

Meaning, let's go to jail together.

Kindness hides malice that you have been eliminated.

Zhixiao also stood up obediently, seemingly cooperative, but in fact he shot a false shot.

Sure enough, ACE will definitely not be led so easily.

I saw her holding all the cloaks in one hand, and after taking two steps, she suddenly threw away his hand, and then spread her legs and ran forward.

Seeing her working so hard, Nikun slowly followed behind, not in a hurry, and felt very cute.

Zhixiao used the strength to eat milk and ran forward, and the cloak was directly thrown to the members, and continued to run forward, as if he could still run away.

I haven't given up yet.

But that's the end of it.

Because Nikun chased after him very easily.

Soon, Zhixiao was blocked in front of a wall, leaning his back against the wall, looking at Nikun in front of him, and screamed twice.

"Give up~" Ni Kun laughed easily, how can an untrained girl run a boy who exercises regularly, this is already catching turtles in an urn, there is no chance.

Looking at Song Zhixiao who ran over and Ni Kun who chased behind, everyone knew that there was no chance, and the clothes were still missing, after all, these people left one person to guard the house...

Ni Kun also thought like this, and proudly said to Song Zhixiao, who looked frightened: "I'm sorry." "

Then he planned to reach out and take off Song Zhixiao's coat and tear off her name tag.

When he was so nervous, Song Zhixiao didn't even look at Nikun, but looked at the prison side and shouted: "Hurry up!! "

Ni Kun felt that something was wrong, subconsciously followed her gaze to look over there, and saw a figure in a trench coat rushing to the prison side.

"Not good!"

Ni Kun quickly ran back.

The figure pressed the hood on his head, the other hand grasped the green cape, the dark blue trench coat fluttered in the wind, as if hunting, and the dark boots stepped on the ground powerfully to make a sound, each sound seemed to hit Ni Kun's heart directly.

Such an undisguised arrogant figure, you don't need to ask who it is.

Ni Kun now fully understands that it is actually a plan to move the tiger away from the mountain!

"Yay! What?! "Haha stunned.

"It's !! Hao" Liu Zaishi pointed and shouted.

"Hurry up, hurry up, !!" Jin Zhiguo shouted anxiously, eager to run with him.

Even if Ni Kun reacted at the first time, it was too late now, he chased Zhixiao too far, it turned out that Zhixiao had been acting before, just to lure him away.

With the cheers of useless men, the game, is over.

Shocking turnover!

Because the members were eliminated too quickly, the victory condition was changed to just send the little prince's cloak to prison, and the RMs have now won.

Looking at the RM members who went to Yelaiya, Nikhun had a deep sense of frustration, "It's so unspeakable..."

He didn't expect that he would lose even if he did so.

The chess is bad, if it is only Song Zhixiao, I am afraid that he will really lose, but with Kim Jae-ho, the ending will be rewritten.

The matter of his guarding the house, Kim Jae-ho has already thought of it, and he has already known it through the walkie-talkie, so after finding the last set of clothes, he dodged Ze Yan, found Song Jihyo, and arranged such a play.

Since you keep your home, then sacrifice someone to lead him away.

Then this person can only be Song Zhixiao.

If it were him, he would be pressed to the ground if he ran to prison, but it was different if he was a girl.

Even the gentleman who is an idol is in Kim Jae-ho's calculations, and seeing that there is only one person in the prison, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo begin to act.

Song Zhixiao is responsible for luring Ni Kun away, so he takes the opportunity to run to the prison and end the game.

Everything is planned.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho who ran over, it goes without saying how excited the RM members in the prison are, they all thought that they had lost, and there was such a magical turnover, it was like a movie.

Such a seamless cooperation, everyone has to say, Monday couple cow batch!

Ze Yan, who was looking in the distance, was stunned for a while when he heard this bad news, and he couldn't believe this fact for a long time, it was too sudden.

When he went back along this familiar road today, he saw Kim Jae-ho wearing a dark blue trench coat being thrown up by a group of people, and shouted with happy tears while throwing Kim Jae-ho:

"I'm afraid of heights!!

"It's so good~"

Ze Yan smiled and walked over.

Kim Jae-ho just wanted to say that if he had known that this would be the case, he would have blown himself up...

He's afraid of heights!

He watches TV, many of them are the kind of people who throw them up and directly leave them alone, he is afraid that these people will learn bad when they watch TV, and they will directly throw him up and scatter.

This is concrete...

And the feeling of weightlessness is as bad as ever.

After the worst celebration banquet, everyone went to rest and prepare for the next round.

"It's a pity, it's really..." Ni Kun is still very sorry, this kid is not weak in winning or losing.

"I'm very happy to finally become a hero~" Chi Shizhen said with a smile, he himself also wanted to have such a day.

"It's nothing~ Everything is done by Zhixiao, and Zhixiao is the best~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Hmph~of course~" Song Zhixiao raised his head and crossed his hands, as if he had committed a cute disease.

"You don't even bother, are you sick?" Lee Kwang-joo said and touched Kim Jae-ho's forehead.

"Go, go, go!" Kim Jae-ho said with disgust, "As a highly qualified person, I have never been greedy for merit, and I am not such a person~"

"Yes, it's you who don't have to face~" Chi Shizhen said with a smile.


"Let's go, let's change clothes."

Jin Zaihao took off the clothes on his body with great effort, and even used Xiangyun, and the buttons could not be untied for a moment, and he could not use his dead strength, for fear of tearing it off.

The two big men carefully dealt with the buttons for a moment, the scene was very pleasing, and after taking off his clothes and returning them to others, he also had to put on a suit that was a little more troublesome.

Westerners' costumes are really troublesome...

But to be honest, it's quite handsome.

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