A black suit bodice, the handsomeness is not inferior to the assassin COS suit just now.

People who don't like suits by Kim Jae-ho feel that they have worn them many times, like work clothes.

By the time everyone stood together again, it was already dark, and the suits they wore were different colors, Kim Jae-ho, Kim Ji-guo, Song Zhi-hyo, Lee Kwang-joo and Ni Kun were wearing black suits, which should mean a team.

Kim Jae-ho originally planned to stand on the very edge, but because Lee Kwang-joo was too tall, Lee Kwang-joo stood next to him.

To be honest, Kim Jae-ho had to look up to see the top of Lee Kwang-joo's head, and sure enough, the height advantage was really big, and he was only a little worse than himself in a suit.

is Li Guangzhu's current look, even if he wears a suit, it is difficult to say that he is handsome, but it is Ni Kun like this, you will feel that this guy seems to be shining.

"Oh, you're too handsome, aren't you?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"You are also very handsome~" Nikun said with a smile.

"Hahaha, is it~ No way, natural beauty, what do you say?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Hahaha~ You are so interesting." Ni Kun laughed.

"What have you been doing lately?"

"It's all about the same, brother, your LostStart song is so good, can I cover it?" At a concert? Although it is definitely not as good as you sing~"

"Hahaha~ Where is it, you can sing it casually, free and free, hey Yigu, it's great to have such a big star to help me publicize ~"

"Where is ~ brother, your fame doesn't need me to publicize, right?"

"I still want it~I'm also generally famous~"

"Brother, you are too modest~"

Zhixiao, who was sandwiched in the middle, said that it was very uncomfortable, such a big beauty standing here, you two actually talked through her?

Pretty happy?

Li Guangzhu next to him kept listening and wanted to join the topic, but as usual, he failed to join.

Just when he finally found the entry point, PD said to start shooting, and the words that came to his mouth were held abruptly, and he seemed to hear his BGM ringing.

Not caring about Lee Kwang-joo, Kim Jae-ho discovered a phenomenon, that is, as long as he is at work, chatting with the guests will naturally become a commercial blow-up, even if he has met someone who knows each other a few times, it is the same, like a contrived plating.

One black and one white are clearly distinguished, forming a unique landscape.

Accustomed to seeing fancy costumes with bells and whistles, such neat and formal clothing has a kind of eyewash comfort.

"Why are you two different in clothes?" Song Zhongji found a difference.

"Because it's a conductor, a conductor~" Liu Zaishi said seriously.

"Ah~" Everyone uttered a questioning "understood" tone.

"Beethoven virus was filmed in this place." Liu Zaishi said.

Because it is related to musicals, everyone's clothes also follow the theme.

Ji Seok-jin and Kim Jae-ho knew that their first outfit was found at the filming location, but they didn't know either, because they didn't know that it was the filming location.

It was such an ordinary room again, the difference was that the mission items were found in it and the speed of life and death was staged.

"As everyone said, this is the filming location of "Beethoven virus", this link is the RunningMan virus, you can choose one of these two pieces and play that piece."

"How can we play music?" Liu Zaishi was stunned.

"Are there anyone other than Zaihiro who can play a musical instrument?" Chi Shizhen also found it difficult.

Ze Yan, who was standing next to Ji Shizhen, looked at Kim Jae-ho, not to mention that he almost forgot how strong this man was.

As soon as the first song was released, a strong French style came out, as if seeing the Champs-Élysées unfolding in front of you, with fireworks and silver flowers, graceful and luxurious.

The emerald-colored ribbon of light changed wave after wave through the branches, and one could not help but shout: "It's the Champs-Elysees!" "

Everyone scrambled to say that this common sense is still known, after all, artists.


Kim Jae-ho nodded solemnly, hiding his embarrassment that he didn't know the name of the song at all.

People have missed their hands, and his online music library is not all the information of any song...

I was stunned for a moment before I remembered this song, the thief wondered, why did Li Guangzhu know what song it was when he heard it?

Li Guangzhu was still in a very excited state, and although he was the first to say it, no one praised him.

Kim Jae-ho gave him a kind smile and then focused on the song.

The haha on the far side has already begun to sing the tone, but in fact, it is singing blindly, but it interferes with the judgment, and if nothing else, Jin Zhiguo has already laughed.

Through Kim Jae-ho's ability to distinguish the source of the sound and distinguish what the sound is from the unnoticed noise, Kim Jae-ho is actually the absolute sound sense owner of the only one in a million, which is of little use, but after listening to this song, it is not a big problem to write it down, provided that he remembers how to sing the song.

It just so happens that in terms of remembering songs, Kim Jae-ho can be said to have his own uniqueness.

Hearing Haha's humming, Liu Zaishi's self-confidence came up, "We still have people who make music here." "

Jin Zhiguo smiled, "Ah, when it comes to music, it's Zaihao~"

Jin Zaihao's hand pressed down and smiled: "Hey, brother, low-key and low-key, music is the world." "


You don't look low-key.

If you talk about music, there are haha, Ze Yan, Chi Shizhen, and even Liu Zaishi on the white team can be regarded as a quarter, and Song Zhongji is also a quarter, and the weakness of the two makes them look more reliable than serious musicians.

And on the side of the black team, Kim Junguo, Ni Kun, Kim Jae-ho, and Lee Kwang-joo can be counted as half.

When everyone listened to the song, their mood naturally improved.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't know what to say, just say that people in this world are really too simple, a proper music can knock into your heart, and your whole mood is so much better.

Classics are classics, can bring people a different feeling, people of different eras, the willingness to embrace the good is always the same.

Then it was the turn of the second song, and a familiar and light ballad sounded, as if you were in the kind of concert hall on TV, the kind that you turn on as soon as you see this broadcast.

This is a textbook song, but we all know that Kim Jae-ho has not been to school, and the content of the textbooks he has studied is different by hundreds of millions of points.

Compared to the song just now, this song is even less familiar to him, but fortunately, the system has already included it.

After all, he had already heard it when he watched this episode.

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