Liu Zaishi finally stopped, and as a result, Haha brought the rhythm next to him again.

"One more lap! One more lap! "

Haha shouted while leading the rhythm for everyone to shout along with him, and everyone immediately followed the rhythm.

Liu Zaishi: Are you human?

The most difficult thing was that he was so tired that he didn't have the strength to refuse, and finally made up some strength to say two sentences and was overshadowed by them.

Before he could catch his breath, he was pulled down the steps, and a group of RM big guys in green capes grabbed him directly.

Liu Zaishi looked at these people who hid pig-killing knives in their laughter with his blurry eyes...

I may not be human, but you guys are real dogs.

Before Liu Zaishi could react, the spirit guys put their hands on his shoulders again and walked happily.

"Everyone... Guys, I was wrong... I was wrong..."

This car inexplicably drove up again, Liu Zaishi people are going to crack, just drive the duck on the shelf, at least let the duck breathe for a while, right?

Say yes to hi skin together, you just care about yourself?

Is it human?

In the end, after Liu Zaishi made it clear that he would not be able to meet the moon tonight after running down, everyone was willing to let him stop and take a breath, and Liu Zaishi only felt that any part of his body was about to crack.

Just when everyone gathered to party, Jin Zhiguo, who had been worried about it, finally found Nikun who was following him, and he quickly took his legs and ran.

But when he actually ran, he was uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, his disguise turned out to be the biggest obstacle to his escape after it was revealed.

Because it is women's clothing, it is a skirt, the skirt is fine, the problem is that this is not his own skirt, this is the skirt he borrowed, even at this time, it can't damage people's skirts, so he picked up his skirt and ran for the first time.

Looking at his skirt that was inflated by the wind like a hot air balloon, Ni Kun who was chasing behind laughed while chasing, even if he had been on so many variety shows, this scene in front of him still made him feel so strange.

He is now chasing a muscular man disguised as a medieval aunt, and the muscular man is still pulling his skirt and pressing his turban while running for a hundred years, and the key is that his skirt is still blown up by the wind and puffed up like an umbrella.

Jin Zhiguo was really uncomfortable, it was so difficult to run, he almost rolled down the stairs, but fortunately he stabilized.

How come it just happens to be a staircase?!

And this staircase happens to be the same staircase that Kim Jae-ho ran away just now, just where Kim Junguo almost wrestled, and Kim Jae-ho fell solidly.

But Kim Jae-ho he got up and ran away, and Kim Junguo, he stood firm and ran away, it was a little difficult ...

Because a person popped up in front of him, Ze Yan.

Jin Zhiguo, who has always been invincible, can be regarded as knowing what it means to have a wolf before and a tiger after, this experience has never been done before! First time!

Usually, he chases others to surround others, this is the first time, very panicked, the role is not very used to.

I saw him pulling his pants with both hands, running like this, and then Nikun and Zeyan chased behind.

The RM people who saw such a scene were stunned, do you still have this day?

Watching the invincible capable person running in front of him in strange clothes, followed by two people, the RM people watched this scene blankly, like a mongoose on the prairie, stretching their necks and watching.

More consistent than that, no one had the idea of stepping forward to help...

It's like a crowd of melon-eating masses...

Surprised, onlooking, lively, indifferent.

What everyone didn't expect was that Jin Zhiguo was worthy of being RM's capable person, and relying on such a running posture was to slip the idols of the two beast boy groups out of breath and almost give up.

As a result, in the end, Jin Junguo himself stopped in despair, he could still run, but he didn't want to run.

Ze Yan was also relieved to see that the capable person finally stopped, he almost gave up, this physical strength is too terrifying.

To run so far by such a running position, is this human?

As for Nikun?

Ran lost...

After Jin Zhiguo took a breath, he immediately roared at the useless men next to him.

"Gotta block me!!

"Bia pinch~" Liu Zaishi's apology is not sincere at all.

"Brother, because we're going to party!" Haha said without heart and lungs.

"The situation couldn't help you." Liu Zaishi said.

"How can you patronize and play!" Jin Zhiguo shouted.

"We're not playing, we're enjoying."

Jin Zhiguo is speechless, do you listen to this human language?

Ze Yan was afraid when he looked at the side, is this a person, he can't say anything now, Jin Zhiguo has actually begun to scold, and it looks like he can run for a lifetime.

It's an exaggeration...

He carefully thought on the side how to take off Jin Zhiguo's women's clothes so that he could tear the name tag, otherwise when Jin Zhiguo suddenly remembered to run, he really had nothing to do with him.

But fortunately, Jin Zhiguo did not have the idea of running, and just as Ni Kun also arrived, the two people tore off Jin Zhiguo's name tag.

Kim Ji-kook, OUT.

Next, there are Monday couples left.

There are still three sets of clothes left, which means that each of them will run around with at least one piece of clothing.

To be honest, hanging.

And our filial piety has not yet realized this situation.

As a useful woman, she was now preoccupied looking into the distance, where there was a quest item she had set her eyes on, that dress, hanging on the wall!

She moved quickly and ripped off the clothes hanging high with a slight jump, which was supposed to be for the members to climb up, but the production team never expected that she would jump up and get it.

After getting the clothes, she quickly hid the clothes and changed her clothes, unlike Kim Jong Kook Kim Jae-ho, the clothes she changed were targeted.

This dress looks ordinary, it is the clothes of a very common guard, but just the convenience of movement has already pulled a large street in the country of gold.

Then there is the appearance, which is different from Kim Jae-ho's bells and whistles only for handsomeness, and her suit is the one she wore just now wearing the clothes of the bells to cover the guests, which is very confusing.

She also knows that putting clothes in one place and hiding them first, unlike other people's bells and whistles, shrewdness, reasonable efficiency, is the effect of her program.

It's that the head is too small, and the brain seems a little too big...

When she left, her hat would be crooked.

After correcting himself, he started his journey to find clothes again.

It can only be said that it is worthy of her, she soon found another set of clothes, at this time, the bell approached, our young and experienced Zhixiao immediately transferred, the hat was too much of a hindrance, so decisively abandoned, revealing her tied balls.

Now, there is only one set left.

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