It may be that dedication can be blessed, Song Zhixiao saw a door next to him, pulled it casually, and a dress with a green light lay quietly in the small cubicle that seemed to be tailored for it.

Zhixiao instantly blossomed, and after taking his clothes, he did not forget to compare a V to the camera

Able-bodied men sit and nag below, and not far away single girls are sick but fighting, really...

Useless men!

Fortunately, as soon as the guests left, they were completely salted, and Liu Zaishi also kindly "borrowed" a high-tech version of the hand organ from passers-by, that is, as long as he shakes the kind of fool-style organ that he can sing, he wants to get up.

The light and pleasant music instantly attracted the attention of the idle men, and the fool-like organ attracted the attention of the fools, holding this organ, Liu Zaishi is the most beautiful cub here.

Haha, the king of the scene, began to dance, and the original bitter prison painting style gradually began to change, and developed rapidly in an inexplicable direction.

Soon, these useless men actually pulled up a team in this place where they came for the first time, and dozens of spectators ran the train behind several of them, connecting into a long dragon, and the leader of 567 was of course Liu Zaishi.

Everyone followed his music and walked forward, adding warmth to this already joyful and peaceful French village, and the scene turned into a joyful party of music.

Ze Yan, who saw this scene from a distance, forgot to chase people, and sighed when he looked at this incredible scene - or these people can play!

He suddenly felt that his grip was not fragrant, it was fragrant over there, but this was work, and it had to be done.

Suddenly uncomfortable!

At this time, he had no idea that as long as he turned back, he could see a Kim Jae-ho swimming by the wall like a gecko.

I saw that he didn't know when he went to get a set of clothes, he found the place where he and Chi Shizhen sang just now, and found that a house there turned out to be a clothing room, and there were many people changing clothes inside.

Jin Zaimo looked at the wardrobe clothes with his chin and tangled for a long time, and his entangled point was not whether he wore it or not, but what to wear.

Looking at this style of clothes, Kim Jae-ho suddenly had an idea.

The final product was that in addition to his original clothes, he also had three more clothes, a vest, and a gown, and he really found a coat with a hood, and wearing this hood directly smelled of Assassin's Creed.

But then he can't roll over, after all, it's someone's clothes, it's not good if it's dirty.

"Such a difficult clothes, I have worn them for half a day, I don't believe you can tear off my name tag at once!" Kim Jae-ho laughed conspiratorially.

It's a little uncomfortable, but it's all worth it, handsome!

The only downside is that he's much more conspicuous than he originally looked...

Before Ze Yan turned back, Kim Jae-ho had strangely left Ze Yan's line of sight, and the Kim Jae-ho "parkour" collection produced by netizens had to add another material.

Just after walking away, Kim Jae-ho got up from the ground again and saw a strange humanoid creature in the distance, and he froze...

What kind of monster is this?!

Looking at the humanoid creature in front of him, Hiroshi believed in the fairy tale for the first time, it turned out that Grandma Wolf is real, and art really comes from life!

It's terrifying!

I saw that in the distance, Jin Zhiguo didn't know where to get a set of women's clothing, and then got a red turban to keep it, and the overall effect was terrifying.

Kim Jae-ho shook his head.

Lose, lose, lose...

There are people in the world who can do such an extreme in dress, the simplest cloth wears the most legendary color, Kim Jae-ho is dressed.

With his back hand, Kim Jae-ho shook his head and paced away, his back looking so lonely.

Alas, old ah, there are talented people in the Jiangshan generation, and the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, alas~

Kim Jiuguo also saw Kim Jae-ho, saw it, did not dare to admit it, even if he was on this body, seeing such a person who seemed to come out of the game, Kim (AGCC) Ultimate Kingdom was also stunned, Kim Jae-ho was stunned He was also stunned, the two people were so far apart, the heart was the same.

Seeing Kim Jae-ho going, Kim Junguo did not stop him, nor did he catch up, after all, it was a little far, his own clothes, inconvenient, could not run.

Today is like a drag party, there is no theme, everyone wears clothes with different styles, and they dare not recognize each other.

Kim Jianguo's purpose is different from Kim Jae-ho's, he really wants to use this aunt to pretend to fool around and disguise himself, which can only be said to be a very failure.

Because right where he could see when he turned around, Nikun was squatting there observing this "aunt", but he did not act rashly, after all, he had seen the crazy appearance of Jin Zhiguo.

I still remember that day, there were a bunch of people hanging behind Jin Zhiguo, and he was one of them.

That's Radu can't hold it!

It's too exaggerated, his hands are sore after the festival, how did he practice to that extent?

So even though Kim Junguo said today that he had serious injuries on his body, he remained vigilant and did not rush over immediately, but hung his tail and called his teammates first.

Kim Junguo's disguise, to some extent, is simply more conspicuous than Kim Jae-ho, and he himself looks as if he is completely unaware of this, still walking slowly with his head down, disguised as an old lady full of muscles.

He pulled his turban and continued to move slowly and vigilantly, thinking he was hidden.

Even if someone as stupid and complaining as Kim Jae-ho knows that he can't wear red clothes, he still wears a big red turban, as if to say "Mr. Wang is good ~ Mr. Wang is coming to play~"

There is a saying that who is more riotous than whom, today's riot operation is one after another, and the people in the prison are not willing to be lonely, and they actually drive the train.

I saw Liu Zaishi, who was dressed in white, walking slowly with swaying steps, his hands were spinning the organ wildly, and the atmosphere became more and more warm.

But too intense will also lead to fatigue, not only up and down the stairs, but also enthusiastic, hands are still crazy movements, even the iron Liu Zaishi can not stand it, walking directly can not bear to fall to the ground.

Liu Zaishi never expected that this was even more tiring than doing a task, and when he felt very tired, the joyful team behind him turned into a train that pushed him and forced him to keep moving forward.

Suddenly, a super long downhill, Liu Zaishi was pushed forward by the people behind, and he himself walked a little faster, but he was too tired and didn't even have the strength to stop, and kept moving forward.

"Ah! Is! This is really not what I want to go to myself! I don't want to go! "

The crowd of onlookers looked at Liu Zaishi's loss of consciousness and almost died of laughter, and joy inexplicably began to be built on Liu Zaishi's pain, everyone didn't know why it became like this, this may be the ability of the great god~

Burn yourself, illuminate others, great god good!

The Great God said that he didn't want to! He was forced! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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