"It's okay if you want to shake it~" He shook wildly while saying nasty words.

"Yay Don't do this! Ahhh! Kim struggled to maintain his balance.

Everyone began to falter under such a shaking, and the haha, who had poor balance, was directly going down, and when he went down, he also brought Li Guangzhu and Liu Zaishi, both of whom were standing next to him, and the three bangs were extremely spectacular.

Lee Kwang-joo is really miserable, if he didn't choose to stand next to Kim Jae-ho, it would be Kim Jae-ho who would be in the water now.

Before Kim Jae-ho had time to rejoice, he saw that Song Ji-hyo had bent forward on the verge of falling, and Kim Jae-ho quickly grabbed her arm that was constantly waving in the air and pulled it back, saving Song Ji-hyo back.

"Yay! It scares me to death! "Song Zhixiao is shocked.

Just when she was safe, she only heard a pop behind her, and the nose brother fell into the water backwards, and the water splashed a meter high, and it hurt a little to look at.

"Wow! It's terrifying! Scare the baby to death! "

Looking at the sudden empty area around him, Kim Zai-ho patted his chest with a palpitation.

"Ah~ how come everyone doesn't have a sense of balance~" Song Zhongji stood steadily, smiled easily, and looked at a group of bronzes like a king.

There is a Jin Zhiguo next to him who can be supported, as stable as there is a pillar to support, of course he is relaxed.

Do you try next to it haha?

Li Guangzhu trembled and walked over, wanting to come up, Kim Jae-ho stretched out his hand to help him, Guangzhu looked a little moved, grabbed it and planned to go up, but suddenly, the foot slipped, instantly lost the center of gravity, the whole person fell directly back, when he fell, he subconsciously grabbed the life-saving straw in his hand, but he found that the straw was not very stable.

Kim Jae-ho grabbed it hard, and in the next second he found himself in the air.

Kim Jae-ho: ???



The water splashed two meters high, and Kim Jae-ho rolled into the water with a perfect head falling into the water first, directly crashed into the water, and almost hugged Lee Kwang-joo under the water.

Lee Kwang-joo immediately pulled Kim Jae-ho out of the water, because when he came out of the water, he found that Kim Jae-ho was still in the water, and he was so frightened that he quickly pulled Kim Jae-ho out of the water.

Kim Jae-ho was originally a freshly learned swimmer, he hadn't swam for so long, he didn't have this instinct, such a sudden bubble of water, he didn't know what to do, if Lee Kwang-joo hadn't pulled him, he could drink several sips of water in it until he could remember that he would be fine standing up.

"Ahem!" Kim Jae-ho still drank a sip of water, choking him to cough, Lee Kwang-joo quickly patted him on the back, and Song Jihyo squatted on the platform and touched Kim Jae-ho's head with distress and amusement.

Looking at the two people shivering, the people above are about to fall down with laughter, and their palms are about to smash, these two guys are really so funny, this body is funny, invincible is really true.

Looking at Lee Kwang-joo's apologetic look, Kim Jae-ho didn't want to say anything, and scolded for a few minutes...

Just kidding, Kim Jae-ho was about to be scared to death, he thought he was going to die here, so dangerous, sure enough, handsome people will not have too bad luck ...

Wait, is he lucky or bad...

This episode is a lively atmosphere for the beginning of the game, and it is still very effective.

"Be careful!" Liu Zaishi reminded with a smile.

In fact, normally such a grasp, even if it is a slippery foot problem, it is not a big problem, that is, Kim Jae-ho's strength is too small, and he can't swim to have this effect, and the safety is still very safe.

After all, so many people, you can't let Kim Jae-ho drown here, to be honest, it's quite humiliating to drown in such shallow water...

"Ah~ why is your balance so bad~ really depressing~" Song Zhongji was yin and yang strange on the side.

"Ah~ finally found what Zhongji is good at~" Chi Shizhen immediately heard the meaning.

Song Zhongji has always been the kind of person who can't do anything, and now he can finally find one who is good at it, can he not be good at it~

Kim Jae-ho stood up with difficulty, cold to death, Lee Kwang-joo helped Kim Jae-ho to stand up tremblingly, this kind of thing is not easy for a tall person, Kim Jae-ho did not dare to help him this time, he could only stand a little firmer.

His right hand quietly grabbed the corner of Song Zhixiao's clothes, because of the problem of clothes, he quietly pinched Song Zhixiao's clothes, useless but looked stunned.

Song Jihyo is about to die of laughter, it is really too difficult to stand next to Kim Jae-ho, and it is difficult not to laugh next to Kim Jae-ho.

Seeing that Lee Kwang-joo finally stood up, Kim Jae-ho breathed a sigh of relief, this guy was as terrifying as a time bomb.

Kim Jae-ho slowly mastered the skill of standing on it, and his balance was also maintained very well, those things that he could not do by physical strength, but he did things like this kind of detail very well.

In the end, after many difficulties, everyone was finally ready.

"Ah~ It's so difficult! No wonder give us ten chances! Ten times is just the beginning! "Kim Jae-ho has discovered PD's sinister intentions.

PD showed a smug smile, hehe, hehe, waiting for this moment!


"Here, challenge once! Unity is..." Liu Zaishi said.

"Living !!" Everyone clenched their right fists and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, because the unified action made the platform under the addition shake violently, Liu Zaishi, Chi Shizhen, haha, this unstable trio almost fell into it again.

Seeing that the affected Lee Guangzhu almost fell, Kim Jae-ho was startled again, for fear that Lee Guangzhu would pull himself when he fell...

Seeing that Li Guangzhu barely stabilized his body, Kim Jae-ho breathed a sigh of relief, this game, it takes a heart!

"Be careful!" Kim Jae-ho reminded, and said to Lee Kwang-joo, "Don't pull me when you fall!" "

Li Guangzhu: ...

"It's terrible!" Song Zhixiao was also a little scared.

"It's okay, hold me when I'm about to fall." Kim Jae-ho comforted.

Li Guangzhu: ???

That's too true, right?

Watching Song Jihyo grab Kim Jae-ho's arm, he couldn't even touch it himself, and suddenly felt a feeling of jealousy...

If I were a girl, I wouldn't be more beautiful than Song Zhixiao?

However, it is really difficult to be more beautiful than Song Zhixiao.

"I think it's important to support each other, to spread your legs like this..." The national coach began again.

Coach: Listen to me, I have the final say, this issue does not need to be discussed.

Everyone did not discuss it, and subconsciously followed what Jin Zhiguo said, and I don't know why...

After everyone crossed their legs and stood still, the game began, and because Song Zhongji showed very good talent in this area, he became the first challenge.

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