Kim Jae-ho felt the soft touch on his body, the heart thumping feeling, and shouted happily: "Don't stop!" Keep going! Keep going! "

Li Guangzhu: ???

Are you the devil?!

Feeling Li Guangzhu's sudden pause, Song Zhixiao laughed on it until she was weak, and she was completely leaning on Kim Jae-ho's back so that she could barely fall, even if she was separated by a person, she could imagine Li Guangzhu's current expression.

Although there is water buoyancy, but a few meters is still very difficult, after all, Kim Jae-ho is not a devil, Lee Kwang-joo finally reluctantly put them down, and he is afraid that he will die here.

Kim Jae-ho only felt that the happy time passed very quickly, which was a pity.

"Ah~ great, let's have the opportunity to do it again in the future~" Kim Jae-ho sighed.

Li Guangzhu: Farewell...

Don't take me with you on a date...

Please, can't you?

It was the heaviest dog food he'd ever eaten...

"Really, silently make the Summoning Light Pearl ahaha ~ Zhixiaodu~" Liu Zaishi complained.

Song Zhixiao stuck out his tongue embarrassedly and laughed.

"However, this water is really cold..." Kim Jae-ho felt the temperature of his calf.

"Oh, what do you guys who have been turned your back on?" Chi Shizhen couldn't help but complain.

"That's it!" Liu Zaishi also complained, is this looking for a fight?

They're wading through the water!

Everyone else's fishing line is wet!

You wet your calves and say Nima!

But at this time, everyone knows why such shallow water has the meaning of wearing a diving suit, because it is really at least guaranteed to be separated from the water, although the clothes are very cold, but after all, it is not wet, it is still a lot better.

Everyone sat on the bar in a row, shaking their legs and legs, feeling the rippling and cold water...

Kim Jae-ho found that the pole-like thing he was sitting on now was actually a platform like a stool, very stable, but not wide, and his small hips couldn't sit down...

In addition, the water is exactly as high as this platform, and this rippling water surface gives them buoyancy and thrust, but they can still sit firmly.

"So what's going on this time?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

PD saw that everyone was also seated, and began to speak.

Probably eight members stand on the platform, and then one member moves from right to left, and no one falls into the water and succeeds, which is simple and easy to understand.

"This one opportunity gives ten chances." PD said.

"Isn't this a gift for ten chances?" Kim Jae-ho smiled.

"OneChance gives ten chances, what is it~"

Everyone was even a little inflated, and PD smiled and then spoke, "If you succeed within ten times, you will be exempted from punishment by all employees." "

He pushed his glasses, hmph, you'll know how hard it is later!

"What about failure?"

"If you fail, there will be no RM ball members, each choose a member to be punished together!"

"I choose you~" Kim Jae-ho said to Song Ji-hyo with a smile.

"What!" Song Zhixiao glanced at Kim Jae-ho without being angry, and he didn't fail and wanted to pull himself into the water.

Kim Jae-ho: The first one thought of you, are you happy? Lucky or not?

Song Zhixiao: Get out!

This punishment can be seen from this is one-on-one punishment, that is, full punishment, such a cold day, the devil knows what PD will do, Kim Jae-ho feels that at least he has to pull Song Zhihyo so that there is a little comfort.

Kim Jae-ho has even imagined that kind of picture, in the cold wind, the two people shivering together, the group warms, the body is cold, but the heart is warm.

Ah ~ poignant!

Haha suddenly said: "I heard that the punishment this time is to feed the sharks!" "

Kim Jae-ho thought for a moment, if he was with Kim Junguo, he was likely to be Fan...

"Let's get up first." Liu Zaishi suggested.


Everyone moved, Kim Jae-ho hesitated and didn't want to go into the water, and was pushed into the water by Kim Junguo.

Jin Zhiguo: I don't like you to be bad!


Kim Jae-ho fell into the water and roared directly, not mentally prepared at all, suddenly entering the water is also super exciting, he felt that his heart stopped for a moment.

"Yay! Elder brother! "Kim Jae-ho is really angry this time, this is murder, this is!

However, after thinking about the combat power of the enemy and us, Kim Jae-ho felt that this was still forgivable.

Kim Jae-ho was about to say something cruel to show that he was not so intimidated, but Kim Junguo suddenly jumped beside him and splashed him directly.


However, Jin Zhiguo also got his punishment, and the muscle man is also afraid of cold!

The moment he just fell into the water, Jin Zhiguo regretted it, and he knew that he wouldn't do it, and he was cold.

Everyone adjusted their positions, because there would be a lot of physical contact with the person standing on the right side of the waiting, and out of the idea of taking care, Song Zhixiao was divided on the far left.

Kim Jae-ho looked, Song Zhihyo was standing on the left, and it was not interesting for him to stand on the right, so he silently followed, and Lee Kwang-joo saw that Kim was standing on the left of Haodu, and it was not interesting for him to stand on the right, so he also followed...

The three people who had gone to the right together went to the left again.

Song Jihyo climbed up, it seemed a little difficult, Kim Jae-ho patted his shoulder while holding up, "Come, press." "

Song Zhixiao was a little surprised, "Oh Mo, what's wrong today?" "

In the past, Kim Jae-ho, who wanted a body like this, was not allowed by men and women, but today it is really strange~

She didn't think much about it, gently pressed Jin Jae-ho on it, and went up easily.

Lee Kwang-joo was watching from the side, he originally wanted to help, but since Kim Jae-ho helped him, he wouldn't help.

Seeing Song Jihyo go up, he was also ready to go up, and at this time, he saw Kim Jae-ho looking at him.

I saw Kim Jae-ho looking at Lee Kwang-joo and said with a very kind expression, "Brother." "

Kim Jae-ho made a ten-finger interlocking palm upward motion, meaning that he would step on Kim Jae-ho like this.

Li Guangzhu looked at Kim Jae-ho, pondered for two seconds, and said expressionlessly: "Don't call me brother in the future." "

Kim Jae-ho thought for a moment and hesitated, "Nu that? "

Lee Kwang-joo raised his hand and wanted to give Kim Jae-ho a look.

Everyone laughed badly, this is really playing.

But Li Guangzhu is Li Guangzhu after all, he still helped Kim Jae-ho up, as for himself, the long legs were lifted and stepped over, and he went up, relaxed, freehand ~

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo both looked envious.

"This pole is too narrow, isn't it?" Kim stood up tremblingly, he could only use a pole to describe this platform, when he sat he didn't think, when he stood it was really narrow!

"Oh, it's hard to just stand!" Liu Zaishi felt the difficulty.

But some find it difficult, naturally some feel simple, talking about sports madmen like Jin Zhiguo.

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