In this game, the person from the far right to the far left is the most important, Song Zhongji is light enough and good enough, and he has the least shots, and it is not easy for him to have a chance to perform.

The first is Jin Zhiguo, this man like a mountain looks very reliable, Song Zhongji wanted to pass from the front at first, and walked directly to the front of Jin Zhiguo, and Chi Shizhen next to him grabbed his hand, but Song Zhongji obviously could not maintain balance with this action, completely relying on the balance of Jin Zhiguo.

The final result is obvious, both into the water.

His legs together in front of Kim Junguo does not maintain a good balance, even if he is Song Zhongji.

In this way, the first attempt Kim Jae-ho failed without seeing it.

He only saw Jin Zhiguo and Song Zhongji hugging together, and then Song Zhongji's head was on Jin Zhiguo's shoulder, which looked, very sweet...

Just when he was about to look back at Song Zhongji's expression, he saw two people fall into the water, ah, what a pity~

How does it feel weird...

But before he had time to think about it, Chi Shizhen, who was affected, didn't know why he had cramps.

I saw that when Kim Junguo went into the water, it affected him, but he didn't go into the water immediately, trying to maintain his balance, and he was about to succeed, but he suddenly jumped into the water, and then touched his thigh and jumped to Kim Jae-ho's side.

"Ah! Draw out... Cramps... Draw out... Help me..."


Looking at Ji Shizhen in front of him, Kim Jae-ho jumped into the water speechlessly and funny, and helped the eldest brother.

Li Guangzhu and Liu Zaishi also followed, they helped lift Ji Shizhen's legs up, Ji Shizhen's whole person was across the water, his head almost entered the water again, Kim Jae-ho quickly held his head to prevent him from entering the water.

Listening to Chi Shizhen's screams, everyone really felt miserable and funny.

"Why did you suddenly have cramps, it really is..." Kim Jae-ho laughed.

Liu Zaishi also forgot to speak with a smile, but the movements of his hands did not stop, helping this big brother stretch his muscles.

The three big men only stabilized Chi Shizhen, who was screaming, which seemed to be real pain, which could not be pretended.

It's because I know that I can't pretend to be speechless, this hasn't started yet, that's it...

"Don't let him participate!" Liu Zaishi said speechlessly.

"How can I not participate!" Chi Shizhen retorted while struggling.

"This water is too cold, and it came down before warming up, but even so..." Kim Jae-ho understood but still felt funny.

"Hey~ really..." Liu Zaishi didn't know what to say, he was too speechless.

"I don't want to either..." Chi Shizhen said aggrievedly, it was him who hurt, it was he who was scolded, my nose brother, aggrieved!

It's so hard!

But seeing that Kim Jae-ho was the first to come down, Ji Seok-jin was also very moved, after all, this kid is lazy and afraid of cold and can't swim, just now he said that Cramp Kim Jae-ho didn't want to be the first to jump down.

"Zaihao, thank you, next time I invite you to dinner." Ji Seok-jin said he had grabbed what Kim Jae-ho's favorite was.

Kim Jae-ho's eyes lit up when he heard this, "OK!" Brother, call me next time you have a cramp! "

"Yay! There is no next time! Chi Shizhen was speechless, this kid was still so heart-wrenching.


Chi Shizhen's funny body made the atmosphere a lot more pleasant, and everyone returned to the platform, ready to continue the game.

Kim Jae-ho went down without thinking about it just now, and regretted it as soon as he entered the water, but this is all tolerable, as long as the head does not enter the water, his requirements are already so low, this is after the beating of PD!

"Unity is!"


Everyone finished shouting the slogan and started the second challenge.

Given that the first challenge ended inexplicably and mindlessly, the second challenge was taken by our big brother Liu Zaishi.

Liu Zaishi showed his flaming fighting soul, which was specifically manifested in the fact that he even took off his glasses!

You must know that the glasses have been all water since this way, and he has not taken them off, but now, Liu Zaishi, take them off!

Jin Zhiguo was still the first, he felt that what he felt was right, he felt that he had to throw people from one side, very cleanly and neatly to the other side.

Liu Zaishi also agreed with him, he completely handed over his body to Jin Zhiguo, only to see that both of them were facing forward, their legs were forked, Liu Zaishi had been legs in the middle of Jin Zhiguo, and then Jin Zhenguo threw it hard, Liu Zaishi used the middle leg as the center, and suddenly went to the other side.

Li Guangzhu next to him didn't even help!

That's right, Li Guangzhu stood on this side, and when he went up just now, he followed Liu Zaishi up, just because he felt that Chi Shizhen was not suitable for standing in front of him.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the haha next to him, shivering, and was ready to jump at any time.

After Jin Zhiguo succeeded, he began to pass on the experience: "Focus on yourself and turn him around!" "

"That's because of your strength, right?" Song Zhongji said that this child is an honest man.

"Yay! That's not true! Kim Junguk defended that he felt that as long as he mastered the center of gravity, even a person like Kim Jae-ho could do it.

Kim Jae-ho: Concubines may not be able to do it...

Looking at Lee Kwang-joo, who was the second turn, Kim Jae-ho pinched a sweat.

"Fortunately, I'm standing with you, I'm really tired over there~" Kim Jae-ho whispered.

"Of course~" Song Zhixiao said proudly.

However, there are fewer shots in this way.

Song Jihyo thought, suddenly smiled, how could Kim Jae-ho mind the weight of this kind of thing, he has always been the most shot, it is really unfounded.

The two people continued to pay attention after saying two whispered words, and it was still very exciting over there.

Under the "guidance" of Jin Zhiguo's strong voice, Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu trembled and hugged together, but what he didn't expect was that Liu Zaishi ignored Jin Zhiguo's instructions and slid directly in front of Li Guangzhu.


Looking at Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu, who passed like this, they were stunned, can it still be like this?

But Liu Zaishi really passed like this, Li Guangzhu shouted excitedly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Song Zhixiao said excitedly.

"This is much simpler than Brother Ultimate Kingdom!" Kim Jae-ho also sees hope, which is simply lazy gospel!

"It's worthy of being Brother Zaishi!" Kim Jae-ho instantly turned into a resounding stone.

Song Zhongji was next, "I'll grab Brother Zaishi, you grab the light bead with your left hand!" "

"Yes, yes! Help each other! "

"Nakaki... Zhongji... Medium..." Li Guangzhu was anxious to speak, but he couldn't say anything.

Everyone laughed.

"I know what you're going to say." Liu Zaishi helped to relieve the siege.

But whether he really knows or not is not certain.

He didn't say anything, and we didn't dare to ask...

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