"Understand, understand, you're good, how is it, the sound quality is good, right?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's good." The uncle nodded, paused, took out his mobile phone and put it away, so that the gap was a little big.

After re-clicking the play, my brother's voice lingered in the room again, sounding a little sad.

It has been said that music only provides atmosphere, and each listener actually hears his own story.

The uncle can't understand the lyrics, purely listen to a sound, reflecting his own pressure, but Kim Jae-ho is different, he can understand it, it's easier to fall into it, he didn't leave the stories in his previous life, those stories came to this world with his soul, and he heard Chinese song again, and now it's also a little embarrassing.

The uncle listened, and suddenly seemed to think of something, "That's right! I almost forgot, your show is about to be released! "

"Oh? So fast for another week? There you go, the ratings of the contribution are good. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Don't you look?" The uncle asked.

"No, this issue doesn't have Song Zhixiao, it's not interesting." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Ha, too, you're like this today, in other words, I have something I'm curious about, I don't know if to ask hello?" The uncle said.

"If you don't know if you want to say it, don't say it." Kim Jae-ho is not used to his problems.

"Actually, I just want to ask, do you really like Song Zhixiao?" The uncle's eyes burned with the flame of gossip.

Unexpectedly, Kim Jae-ho asked rhetorically, "Don't you like it?" "

"Hey, don't talk nonsense! I'm a man of faith! "Uncle righteousness.

"Li Xiaoli and Crystal, who do you choose?" Kim Jae-ho looked at the uncle.

Uncle: "..."

This is a proposition that cannot be answered!

Kim Jae-ho's face is really like this, this guy's so-called faith is simply vulnerable.

"Then you continue to stay here, I'll go and see, even if there is no Song Zhixiao, you guys can be interesting!" The uncle jumped and left.

Kim Jae-ho was left alone in the room, looking down at his phone.

In fact, it's not just because of Song Zhixiao, but mainly because, this is the first episode released after Brother Dog quit...

Although some time has passed, I still can't let go of my heart, as if there is a pimple.

He pressed the switch of the mobile phone one by one, watched the light on the screen flicker and dim, and finally, as if he had made some decision, rummaged through the address book that already had a lot of numbers, and dialed the number.

"Hello?" Kim Jae-ho looked at the floor.

"Is it in Hiroshi? Why are you looking for me? Did you tell me to see RM? Haha, I'm already watching~" Brother Dog's words came from the phone.

After Kim Jae-ho heard this, he suddenly didn't know what to say, perhaps, he just wanted to hear this voice.

"How do I feel without me?" Brother Dog said with a smile.

"It's so uncomfortable, I'm about to cry." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh? Is it? I see you are laughing quite happily, and several people can't hold it. "Brother Dog is talking about the picture that is now being broadcast.


That's embarrassing.

"It's all fake, brother, don't look at me smiling so happily, my sadness is in my heart, don't you see the tears in the corners of my eyes?"



"Okay, don't talk about this, brother knows your intentions." Brother Dog said, "I heard the song you sang today, I heard that the song of Xiaoli was also written by you, how about it, do you want to collaborate on a song?" "

The world of singers is like this, it's really impossible to ask you to invite a song if you don't agree with each other, but Kim Jae-ho likes it.

"Isn't that nonsense, brother, it's definitely coming! Don't say a song, you like to release an album directly! Kim Jae-ho said loudly.

"Haha! Then it's settled, you find a time brother, let's have a good chat. Brother Dog said with a smile, of course he didn't believe what Kim Jae-ho said about an album, but he knew Kim Jae-ho's intentions.

"Why look for heaven, today, not now? Go, brother, drink and go! "Kim made a big decision.

"Don't! You calm down! "Brother Dog panicked, so direct? And it's drinking again, he is afraid that Kim Jae-ho will get drunk again, and when the time comes, he will carry him back.

"I'm very calm brother, let's go, go now!" Anyway, there is nothing to do tonight, and the recording will only start tomorrow night, so it will be no problem to wave all night tonight!

Life must be proud, and you must have fun in time!

Brother Dog also had no choice, so he had to agree, sometimes his younger brother is too enthusiastic is also a headache, he keeps searching in his mind for what is good to eat, so that Kim Jae-ho focuses on eating and not drinking.

He has a deep shadow of Kim Jae-ho's drinking, it can be said that he is very pitiful, but in fact, he is also very grateful in his heart, what else do you ask for to have a friend like this? Now friends on call are really difficult to find, especially in this circle, there are common topics.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho doesn't like to drink, don't like it, but go out to eat without drinking to drink peanut milk?

With the last experience, he will also be much more cautious now, and he has begun to filter the restaurant in his heart to find a better restaurant, so that everyone can focus on food.

His ideas and Brother Dog can be said to coincide, and it can be said that they have a very tacit understanding.

"Uncle, don't look at it, take me out, I'll make an appointment with the dog brother." Kim Jae-ho looked at the uncle who was smiling like he was about to pull over and said.

"It's wonderful to fight by yourself! Rain on someone's parade! The uncle said that he would not leave anything, and in the end, it was Kim Jae-ho who directly pulled the uncle out, so that the uncle reluctantly drove.

In the end, Kim Jae-ho came back full of food, and he was not drunk, although he looked tired, but his mood was obviously much better, and he went to sleep directly.

Slept from night to night.

This time it was the Sejong Culture Hall, and the RunningMan members gathered together as usual, but this time, Song Jihyo also came.

"Zhixiao Xi came back after the next week." Liu Zaishi said.

Everyone applauded to welcome the arrival of Song Zhixiao, who wore a beautiful skirt, waved his hand with a dignified and elegant smile, and greeted the audience.

Liu Zaishi looked at Song Zhixiao and sighed, "The topic of Song Zhixiao and Kim Jae-ho CP has been very hot recently!" "

"That's right, it's just me knot, I knot~" Chi Shizhen also coaxed.

"Oh, so envious!" Song Zhongji said with a smile.

Everyone you say a word to me, directly made Song Zhixiao blush shyly, she smiled embarrassedly, and kept waving her hand, even if she recorded a few episodes together, she would still be embarrassed in the face of such a set of fire~

Another character in the topic, Kim Jae-ho, was also smiling happily.

Tonight, the moonlight is so beautiful!

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