For many fans, seeing their idol and another girl so close must be a little unhappy in their hearts, but when they see Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo together, they have to admit that it is a little beautiful.

And now it is obviously his idol who wants to understand Song Zhixiao, not Song Zhixiao's initiative, so there is nothing to say.

And when you want to find Song Zhixiao's black material, you will find that there is nothing to black, an actress who works very hard, and a person who is also very beautiful and has a good personality.

The most important thing is that even fans have to admit that their idols are actually not as good as the opposite side.

In terms of qualifications, his idol has just debuted, and if he dies, he will just broadcast a few episodes of variety shows and the results of a song, on status, sorry, his idol is a comedian, the opposite is an actor, in other words, it is ancient Kim Jae-ho, but it is a good point to enter the redundant, this is called pursuit, not good, this is called Gao Pan.

In this way, the two people are very sweet to perform, even the most stubborn fans have nothing to say, not to mention that many fans not only do not oppose but also hold high the CP banner, it can be said that they very much want to let these two people together, although everyone knows that this may just be the effect of the show, but everyone is willing!

What idols exist for is so that when you think it is impossible, someone will tell you with actions in front of you that as long as you are willing to work hard, nothing is impossible.

It is to give you a benchmark existence.

There are always people in the world who live a life that you envy, you don't know, it doesn't mean that there is none, life is composed of countless random times superimposed together, but there is always a way for you to clear the level, that is, hard work.

If you have already cleared the level and live a life that is the envy of others without effort, then - boss, can you add a friend ...


"It's finally ready, it's not easy!" Kim Jae-ho crossed his waist and looked at his newly built recording studio with a proud face, the equipment in it is very good, it is quite complete, enough to record songs, and the quality is very guaranteed.

Just one word - cool!

As an otaku, he tends to solve things in his own home, this is good, even if he wants to record, he doesn't have to go to a company far away, and he has to make an appointment, and now he can record how he wants, which is closer than going to the toilet.

Hi Yikes! Flattered!

"You can catch up with the singer with this equipment, right?" The uncle sighed.

"How is it possible, the average singer doesn't have the equipment I have here, okay? Besides, not every singer has their own recording studio. Kim Jae-ho said.

The uncle shook his head, when Kim Jae-ho mentioned it, he had already imagined this place, and he had already been mentally prepared, but now it seems that his psychological preparation is not enough.

"Look at this big sound, put it to the maximum no joke, people in a radius of several miles have to complain." Kim Jae-ho patted his big stereo, it was the first time he bought such an expensive thing.

"Just blow you!"

Although he said so, looking at this shape, the uncle already believed half of it.

"Your small vault didn't expect to be quite big~" The uncle looked at Kim Jae-ho with a bad smile.

"Don't beat it, I tell you, all my money has been invested in these things, and the next few days will depend on you." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Speaking as if you didn't rely on me before..." The uncle glanced at Kim Jae-ho with disdain.

"It's good that you have such an awareness." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

The uncle was used to the pit, he didn't care about any of this, all trifles, he walked over and touched these devices, and there was not much dust even there.

"What is this, why haven't you seen it?" The uncle has also learned a lot of relevant knowledge recently, but he looked at these new devices in confusion.

"Haha, I don't understand, this is all new equipment, the latest, anyway, they are all bought, just buy the latest, the merchant also delivered the teaching video, there are also instructions here, you have time to study carefully." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good." The uncle nodded, he is now very interested in this, this is all high-tech, learned to be in the eyes of others that he is completely a big bull!

It's like he used to look at those writers, it's the same principle, so it's easier for people who study well to pretend, that's the principle.

If you are a poor student, then you must at least master a craft of your own, otherwise you can only watch others show, learn anything that is interested, it is never too late, some things you just started, study for three or five days, it is enough to show in front of others.

"What don't you put on such a good sound to listen to?" The uncle asked.

"Makes sense, come, listen to a ring, what do you want to hear? Come, search for yourself! Kim Jae-ho gave up the chair, leaving the uncle with room to operate.

"Okay, let me play a song you haven't heard!" The uncle also came interested.

"Yo, quite confident, come, let it listen!" Kim Jae-ho also wanted to see what was in his uncle's song list.

"Listen up!" The uncle clicked play, and after a few melodies, he said proudly, "How is it?" Haven't you heard of it?! "

"Che, I thought it was something, wasn't it just 'Love of the Year'? Leslie Cheung's! "Kim Jae-ho knew as soon as he heard the prelude.

"You know that? Wo at noon? "Uncle was surprised.

"You may not believe it when you say it, not only do you know, I will also sing." Kim Jae-ho raised his proud little head.

You put on some older and more niche songs of this country that he may not know, but Chinese songs? Excuse me, but he is an expert in this!

Because of the work of his family and neighbors, he is proficient in Mandarin, Cantonese and English, and even Sichuanese and Northeast Hakka he can understand, and because he always watched the mango stage when he was a child, he can also speak two sentences in Changsha, Hunan Province.

If you want to learn programming, first you have to see if you are good at math, and then it's English, after all, the code is all in English.

And now Kim Jae-ho is even more powerful, even he knows Korean, and unconsciously it turns out that he is already so bullish, Kim Jae-ho himself does not know.

What's more, this song, another dinner and Brother Shi has solo this song, he is also very impressed, after all, it is not standard, I want to laugh and embarrassed, I can only hold it.

Then again, in this country, when it comes to Chinese songs, the first thing they think of may be this song, and I don't know why, the other one that is also dominant, probably sweet...

"Why this song?" Kim Jae-ho was curious.

"You know a fart! This is called feelings! Do you understand feelings? The uncle looked deep.

"I originally understood, but I don't understand when you say this..."

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