Song Zhixiao has been adapting to the rhythm of these big brothers, and she also wants to speak, but she has never been able to find a way to speak, that is, she doesn't know what to say, and she is shy.

Who would have thought that this girl, who is still a little shy now, will become a bad filial piety in the future~

In the face of the jokes of the members, she couldn't help but secretly glance at Kim Jae-ho who was standing on the other side, wanting to see how he reacted, but she didn't expect that this man was just smiling silly and looked quite happy.

Song Zhixiao was also crying and laughing, but seeing Kim Jae-ho who was smiling like this, thinking of yesterday, he felt quite warm in his heart, and an indescribable feeling surged in his heart.

At this time, Haha also found Kim Jae-ho snickering next to him, and also ridiculed, "Haha, look at the way Kim Jae-ho laughs, it seems that he likes it very much~"

Song Zhongji also smiled and nodded, "It seems that I really like it." "

Kim Jae-ho also waved his hand shyly when he heard it, but he just wanted to give these people a big hug in his heart, it was really a shame for everyone brothers, this assist came in time!

Good brother!!

Liu Zaishi was also curious, "Zhixiaoxi, did you contact Zaihao after the last recording?" "

Although there is no true love in the party, everyone knows, but when hearing this question, everyone can't help but look at Song Zhixiao curiously, wondering what kind of answer she is, and at the same time, because I haven't heard Song Zhixiao speak for a long time, she talks less, so everyone is extra serious.

Song Jihyo did not answer directly, narrowed his smile and said, "Didn't Kim Jae-ho ask for my phone last time when we left?" "

Everyone nodded, Kim Jae-ho's habit they know, as long as it is a female guest, almost he asked for a phone with a face, not to mention how many times he came, the last time he was so close Song Zhihyo?

Song Zhixiao continued, "Excessively, since the last time he got my phone number, he has not contacted me once. "

Hearing this, everyone exploded directly and opened fire on Kim Jae-ho.

"Yay! Too much, right?! Liu Zaishi fired the first shot.

"Wow! It turned out to be like this! It's excessive! Ikeishi also took out his Italian cannon.

"There are such people, so why do you want people's phone numbers?" Jin Zhiguo also said.

"It is!" Song Zhongji nodded and mended the gun.

The strongest is that actor Song Jihyo smiled after seeing everyone gather fire, and then kept looking aggrieved, and everyone accused Kim Jae-ho when they saw Song Jihyo like this.

Before Kim Jae-ho was beaten himself, he said loudly, "Listen to me!!!! "

But before Kim Jae-ho could explain, he was directly slapped on the back of the head by Haha, "Yay! Don't explain! Quickly kneel down and apologize! "

Kim Jae-ho spread his hands, his face was stunned, what's going on now, listen to my explanation! Feed!!!

"Speaking of which, Kim Jae-ho never called me once, and I contacted him every time." Liu Zaishi said.

"Yes!" Jin Zhiguo also remembered, "I just found out now that every time I contacted him, he never took the initiative to call me!" "

Haha: "Me too!" "

Kim Jae-ho heard these words of laughter and said excitedly, "That's it! I just want to say this, I generally don't take the initiative to call people. "

Just when he wanted to get out of this way, Liu Zaishi walked out directly, laughing and pointing angrily at Kim Jae-ho while crossing his waist, "Is that how you can be angry?!" Yikes! You never called me once! "

"Neither do I!" Song Zhongji said.

"Me too!" Ikeishi Zhen also said.

If it was just Song Ji-hyo at the beginning, then now Kim Jae-ho can be said to have successfully aroused public anger and attracted everyone's hatred, and everyone began to accuse Kim Jae-ho with all their tongues, and the scene can be said to be very lively, like a certain denunciation meeting.

Song Jihyo laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight, Kim Jae-ho was so funny, and the laughter of the production team could even be heard in the camera.

"If Guangzhu sees this, it will be very happy." Song Zhongji, the child, suddenly thought of Li Guangzhu, who did not come today.

"I forgot to say, Guangzhu he couldn't come here because of the filming of a TV series." Liu Zaishi added, because he had been talking about Kim Jae-ho just now, he was about to forget about this.

"I also spoke with the attention just now, and Guangzhu almost cried because she couldn't come here." Song Zhongji said.

Haha also nodded, "You also spoke to me just now." "

Kim Jae-ho, who stood aside and forgot about the pain, was upset, "Ah! Why didn't the light bead talk to me? "

"Yay! Are you the least qualified to say this? "

Liu Zaishi laughed angrily again, do you still have the face to say this?!

Originally, everyone planned to change the topic, but now they have gathered the fire Kim Jae-ho again, it can be said that Kim Jae-ho is very strong in his ability to die.

"But didn't you send a food truck to Zhixiao Xi yesterday? The news is out. Chi Shizhen wondered.

"Yes! I just wanted to say this! Kim Jae-ho only wanted to give Ji Seok-jin a big hug, but he didn't expect that it was the nose brother who stood up at the critical moment.

Liu Zaishi was afraid that the audience would not know and explained, "Yesterday in Haoxi, I also sent a dining car to the crew of Zhixiao Xi. "

"Pinch it." Song Zhixiao also nodded, "Very moved." "

"This is not Zhixiaoxi's birthday~" Kim Jae-ho touched his head, seemingly embarrassed, but in fact, everyone could see that he was screaming.

The thing is like this, yesterday because of Song Jihyo's birthday, Kim Jae-ho pondered what birthday gift to give, to make something he had not done before, so he thought of some food trucks that often appear in the news, that is, directly rent a dining car to make some food and drink or something, for the pie in the crew, free.

It was a big surprise.

For actors, this is the most face-saving thing, Song Zhihyo saw his own avatar next to the food truck yesterday and Kim Jae-ho's avatar and some words of support, he was also moved, but he didn't expect Kim Jae-ho to do these surprises, she thought Kim Jae-ho didn't know her birthday.

This is probably the best birthday gift she has ever received, but she also deliberately did not mention this matter just now, one is because she is shy, I don't know how to say it, and the other is because she knows that Kim Jae-ho will scream, like now, so she deliberately does not say it, and Kim Jae-ho is anxious.

She also did not contact Kim Jae-ho privately to express her gratitude, but just took photos on social platforms and posted pictures, which can be regarded as showing off, and she is very happy to see it.

Kim Jae-ho wanted to say this when he was set on fire just now, but there was no chance, Song Zhixiao only laughed there, there was no meaning to say it at all, he was also about to die.

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