Black and white stripes are wrinkled on the body, black jeans are a deep feeling, and a pair of pure white cotton wool shoes are worn on the feet.

Park Shilling took a few shots in front of Kim Jae-ho, and he suddenly felt that Kim Jae-ho, who couldn't see his face, had a special feeling, and he took a few shots casually, and the white flash jumped back and forth on Kim Jae-ho.

He was waiting for the moment Kim Jae-ho raised his head...

Kim Jae-ho slowly raised his head, his elbows did not move, he was still propped up on his legs, his hands were triangular on both sides of his nose, and his slightly raised head was just enough to see his eyes, his eyes were opening and the camera was in focus in the air.

But when Park Shilling saw Kim Jae-ho's eyes in the camera, he felt as if his breathing had stopped.

What kind of eyes are that...

When Kim Jae-ho opened his eyes, the momentum on his body suddenly changed, and a person who looked only felt that the world seemed to stop for him for a second, and a heartbreaking sense of loneliness spread out like a halo on Kim Jae-ho, and the thick loneliness made those who saw it couldn't help but avoid that line of sight, as if there would be a sense of guilt when it looked, making people want to embrace him but reluctant to touch it.

Everyone was actually forgotten by Kim Jae-ho with a look, what he was doing now...

Just when Kim Jae-ho raised his head and opened his eyes, the one who was most shocked was Park Shilling, who was directly at Kim Jae-ho, and as a professional photographer, he forgot to take pictures at this moment!!

When he saw Kim Jae-ho's eyes, he suddenly understood what the feeling his uncle said was, because he also has this feeling now, and he can't say it, but you understand what it feels like.

After a slight pause of half a second, Park Shilling immediately reacted, his nerves were as tight as if they were full of clockwork, and countless voices urged him in his mind to press the shutter and retain this moment, but at this moment, the hand did not listen to the call, and the body had a feeling of weakness.

He took a deep breath, calmed down slightly, closed his eyes, and when he reopened, an irrepressible excitement trembled in the depths of his soul.

Can't move???


It's never been better!!

Adjusting the camera as fast as he could, he had pressed the shutter with all the strength of his body before the exclamations of others could be made.

"Keep it up!!" He shouted loudly at Kim Jae-ho, and regardless of whether it would affect Kim Jae-ho, he didn't have time to think so much now.

"Quick!! No. 3 and No. 6 lights off!! Turn on the number eight!! Turn down the number five light by one gear!! Hurry up!!! What are you still stunned for?! Hands on it!! He roared at the stunned light crew around him, afraid that the feeling would be gone a second later.

The lighting team, who had been watching from the sidelines and doing nothing, also moved quickly when they heard it, although they were a little flustered, but they did it quickly with professionalism.

In an instant, the team that had been lazy moved, not only the lights, but everyone involved.

Kim Jae-ho surprisingly kept his posture, he looked at the camera, his gaze gave people the feeling that he was outside the camera, the noisy crowd could not disturb him, he could see God, his eyes were open but he seemed to have his eyes closed, his thoughts were flowing in the air, and the melody of the shutter was surrounding his ears.

It's like a one-man world, yes, it's always been like that.

He thought about how he usually is, people are spinning, the melody is dancing, everything in front of him is real, but he may only be illusory, he is a sensible person, a person who knows what he should think.

I had always hoped before I was reborn, but when I was really in it, I inexplicably felt lonely, alone, lonely, has always been the main theme of this world.

However, soon, the white light that kept flickering in front of him brought him back to the reality of this world.

Like, not so harsh either...

No one told him to move, but he slowly leaned back, lay on the backrest, looked at the ceiling, let the unbuttoned shirt cover his hands, casually placed on the sides, mouth slightly open.

Originally, when he saw Kim Jae-ho moving, Park Shilling seemed to be called to rest, but when he saw Kim Jae-ho's posture, he held back the shouts that had been repeated several times.

As a photographer, he prefers to express his inner joy with photographs.

So when Kim Jae-ho saw that there was suddenly an extra head in his line of sight, it was still a little dramatic...

I saw that Park Shilling actually climbed the ladder, from top to bottom, his kind of ladder can still extend out, not only up.

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho noticed him, Park Shilling also waved his hand, as if he was saying hi, and this funny scene also made Kim Jae-ho couldn't help laughing.

But this smile is exactly in Park Shilling's arms, and a series of shutter sounds and strong lights also made Kim Jae-ho can't help but raise his arm to cover his eyes and smile, and a row of white and neat teeth appeared in Park Shilling's shot.

Kim Jae-ho was suddenly relieved and changed back to the appearance of having no heart and no lungs.

From this perspective, you can also see the large piece of smooth skin on Kim Jae-ho's open cufflinks, which is simply a rotten female welfare, and look at the girls around you either staring at things or looking at the computer screen.

Kim Jae-ho's smile was like melting ice and snow, winter turned into early spring, and when the loneliness that could not be dissolved turned into a smile of relief, the onlookers couldn't help but smile.

It's still Kim Jae-ho who loves to laugh, and the Kim Jae-ho just now, they don't want to see it again.

After Kim Jae-ho finished laughing, all the tension and insecurity disappeared into history, Ait, the god of nature, succeeded, he now became extremely comfortable, and his movements were natural.

He opened his hands and happily pointed at the camera to make the flash come harder!!

Park Shilling was also happy to see Kim Jae-ho like this.

"Brother, let's shoot below, the angle above is too strange." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Good~ you may not believe it, brother is afraid of heights~" Park Shilling made a joke, or did not...

"Then you come down quickly, otherwise it will be bad to fall down and hit me." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Ha, at least there is your back~"

"Don't worry, I'll quickly dodge and let you kiss the earth happily~" Kim Jae-ho joked.

"Then you hide well, brother is coming down!" Park Shilling said.

"I'm ready, you come down~"

The two people are also chatting happily, this shooting atmosphere is the best, these two people have begun to call brothers and brothers, and it is also progressing quickly.

The uncle also didn't know where to get a stool, sat on the side with Erlang's legs up, and drank the coffee bought by the staff in hand.

This leisurely time can not be disappointed~

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