Happy to eat takeaway, this time is a Chinese restaurant, sweet and sour meat fried sauce noodles, to be honest I don't know why people here think of these two dishes when they mention Chinese food, and dumplings seem to have become the representative of Chinese style and become a regular takeaway.

Kim Jae-ho said that he really rarely ate fried sauce noodles in his previous life, but don't say, it's delicious.

Because the shooting in the morning was relatively smooth, and the atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant, it was a rare time to enjoy the noon time.

Because of the summer, the air conditioning is also turned on in the photography location, the temperature is pleasant, and the conditions are still good.

After lunch, Kim Jae-ho began to prepare for the next set of shoots.

"How's the sweater?" Park Shilling asked.

"It's okay, the main thing is to change your pants, tighten it, it's uncomfortable." Kim Jae-ho touched his pants.

"Haha, yes, come on, try this set." Park Shilling took out another set of clothes.

"Is it so tumultuous?" Kim Jae-ho looked at this set of red.

"Red is very festive~ I don't like it, how about black?" Park Shilling smiled.

"Black is okay, then this set." Kim Jae-ho said.

Kim Jae-ho took it and went to change clothes.

This time it was quickly changed, and Kim Jae-ho spun around, "How is it?" "

Everyone looked at Kim Jae-ho's new look and thought the sweater was so good~

No, it should be Kim Jae-ho who is really handsome, this is a completely different style.

This time there is no table, the sofa is gone, it is going to be taken away, Kim Jae-ho left roses, has gone to the thorn, and it looks good in the hand.

After experiencing the previous set, Kim Jae-ho seemed to be much more comfortable this time, changing poses at will while even joking with the photographer or the staff next to him.

He doesn't seem nervous at all, but also allows him to navigate all kinds of clothes and backgrounds.

Indoors, windows, doorways, and even New York street style, he tried all kinds of things, all of which had good results, and now Kim Jae-ho can also be said to be proficient in the job of shooting pictorials.

These backgrounds are very simple, just change the background board, the later stage looks similar to the real thing, you think it is outdoor, but it is actually indoors.

Kim Jae-ho also changed many kinds of clothes, and changing clothes accounted for most of the time.

And the uncle, who has nothing to do, is chatting with the young lady.

"You look bored and don't continue shooting?" The young lady looked at the uncle sitting on the side boredly swiping her mobile phone and asked with a smile.

"Don't shoot, I'm old, I can't stand my hands, I'm tired, I'll talk about it later, besides, there is nothing to shoot now." The uncle complained.

It was quite interesting at the beginning, but now that Kim Jae-ho has entered the state, it is not interesting, that is, the handsomeness of various painting styles, the girls have seen more and are not staring at it like at the beginning, obviously not enthusiastic at the beginning.

He was probably the first agent to complain that he was doing too well as an artist...

After finishing another group of shooting, he is now wearing a denim jacket, which is very good-looking, and his clothes have not changed, and he directly walked over and sat next to the uncle.

The uncle also immediately picked up the camera and took a picture of Kim Jae-ho, "How do you feel?" "

"I feel that I have finished shooting pictorials all my life, I am really tired, I have never felt that taking pictures is also such a tiring thing, I thought it was very relaxed at first, but it was really too naïve." Kim Jae-ho hammered his shoulder,

"Haha, hold on a little longer, it's almost over." Park Shilling also walked over.

"What do you think of him?" The uncle asked.

"To be honest, at the beginning I was going to shoot for a day, but now it seems that I don't have to shoot for a day, I am really talented in Haoxi, and I have to master this job faster than I thought." Park Shilling praised.

"Hey~ what for? Don't boast, it's not interesting to say this~" Kim Jae-ho said so, but the scream on his face was obvious.

"Look at you like that~" The uncle also scolded with a smile.

But Park Shilling feels that Kim Jae-ho has the capital to scream, and many artists even if they have been filming for a long time, they are just ordinary works, that is, there is no spirituality, and Kim Jae-ho, not only quick to get started, but also very spiritual, and the effect is very good.

Especially the fake smile at the beginning and the one that looked up, he felt that he could take it to the competition, and those were the two groups he was most satisfied with.

"That, brother, I think it's a little boring, it should be similar to repeat it, do you want to play with some flowers?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Flower? What do you mean? "Park Shilling doesn't understand.

Kim Jae-ho had a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

On a black background, Kim Jae-ho wore a decent suit, gray-black, with a plaid pattern, wearing a suit with a little diaphragm, he straightened his bow tie and stood in front of the background board.

Kim Jae-ho's body can be said to be very mature, and there is a very formal and mature feeling.

He was standing upright, closing his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, his posture also changed, looking up at the camera slightly, and a feeling of arrogance and domineering exploded from his body.

Park Shilling, who was originally very relaxed with the camera, thought that there was nothing to surprise him, but when he felt that Kim Jae-ho was still amazed, now Kim Jae-ho looks like a domineering leader, which seems to give people an unclear feeling, the feeling of a domineering president.

But with a black background panel, there will be a strange dark painting style.

Park Schilling felt that Kim Jae-ho's gesture was more than enough to play a powerful agent or a domineering president, which simply gave people the feeling of acting in true colors.

"All lights off, leave number four." Park Shilling did not pause for long this time.

Soon, the entire camera site fell into darkness, and a lone lamp hit Kim Jae-ho's body diagonally from a high place, Kim Jae-ho's upper body was illuminated, but the lower body was pitch black.

In this way, it is more domineering.

Soon, the lighting was restored to the photographic field, and Kim Jae-ho also began to untie his bow tie, which made him uncomfortable.

"How?" Kim Jae-ho changed back to his harmless appearance, as if the domineering person just now was not him.

"It's a waste that you don't act." Park Shilling said with a smile that Kim Jae-ho did surprise him this time.

In this country, the status of actors is very high, and they are definitely better than comedians.

"I also think~" Kim Jae-ho laughed.

"So what now?" Park Shilling asked.

"It's not over yet, it's only half." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Half?" Park Shilling did not understand.

"Yes, half..." Kim Jae-ho smiled mysteriously on his face.

Then, Kim Jae-ho began to take off his coat, revealing the white shirt underneath.

"Sister Eunhye, I'm going to trouble you again~" Kim Jae-ho smiled at Sister Eunhye who had already said hello on the side.

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