When the constantly flickering white light stopped, Kim Jae-ho shook his head and blinked his eyes vigorously, and the sequelae of the white light flashing in front of him seemed to be beaten.

"Oh..." Kim Jae-ho couldn't help but exhale, his head was a little messy, this was also too sudden, right?

Park Shilling smiled and did not take any more pictures, letting Kim Jae-ho slow down, he seemed to have done it on purpose just now.

But to be honest, because there is no shortage of money, they generally take a lot of photos and then choose a good one from them, so a lot of flash is not less.

There is a saying that novices play with lenses, masters play with lights, and Park Shilling happens to be a master at playing lights.

Originally, the lighting here was already sufficient, but Park Shilling was most looking for an ultimate white, and he was looking forward to making Kim Jae-ho one of the dust in the picture.

Strong flashing is something that stars must experience, because some press conferences or receptions will have a group of reporters frantically pressing the shutter at you, and at that time you not only have to keep your eyes open in frequent flashes, but you also have to keep a smile and show your best posture as if you are fine.

Just get used to it, even if it is a female star can do something, he feels that Kim Jae-ho can overcome it.

"Will it be like this all day?" Kim Jae-ho felt that he might be blind if he continued like this.

"No, this is only necessary when you need to strongly fill the light, unfortunately, it will be almost the same next, please bear with me first." Park Shilling smiled and comforted.

"Okay, then come on, I'm ready!" Kim Jae-ho felt that he was just not ready just now, in order to take good photos, such difficulties he could overcome, that is, his eyes were a little uncomfortable.

"Haha, don't use it now, you come and take a look at the photo you just took." Park Shilling's words cooled Kim Jae-ho's blood.

Kim Jae-ho has the feeling that his pants are all off, but you let me see the photo.

"Oh." Kim Jae-ho replied helplessly, then stood up and went to the computer.

There were already many people around there, and seeing that they were all laughing, Kim Jae-ho had a sense of foreboding.

"What do you think?" Park Shilling gave a seat to Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho leaned over to see why those people were laughing.

"What is this?!!!!?" Kim Jae-ho also smiled bitterly when he saw himself on the screen.

The self on the screen looks very handsome, but when you see that face, you can't help but laugh.

"What is this? Didn't you say to be serious? Isn't it funny to say yes? The tears of the uncle's laughter were about to come out.

Park Shilling also smiled and spread his hands and said, "I've tried my best~"

Kim Jae-ho rolled his eyes, wanted to cry without tears, he himself looked at it and wanted to laugh, this is no wonder others, it is indeed his own pot, although it is cruel and funny, but the overall feeling is still very good.

Even he himself did not know that he was so handsome.

"I suddenly felt that the concept I thought yesterday should be overturned, it is better to develop in terms of funny, it is very good, it feels good to look at, very handsome." Park Shilling teased, to be honest, he was really a little moved, after all, he had not filmed the funny type.

"Brother, don't be like this, brother! Don't give up on me! I still want the kind of handsomeness that is serious, give me another chance!! Kim Jae-ho begged that he really wanted to take a set of handsome photos, the kind with a normal style, not this kind of funny.

"I think this feels good, and it may also have a very good effect on the website, after all, fans may see this type of pictorial for the first time~" The uncle said.

To be honest, many people may have paid attention to Kim Jae-ho because of Kim Jae-ho's comic attributes and Kim Jae-ho's ability to make them laugh, and these photos may be more attractive and more satisfying to fans than ordinary handsome photos.

"But..." "Kim Jae-ho understands, but...

"Okay, forget it, let's shoot according to the original plan, after all, even if it is funny, these few are enough." Park Shilling saw Kim Jae-ho's lost and anxious look, and also felt that he should respect Kim Jae-ho's own wishes.

"Haha, thank you brother!" Kim Jae-ho looked at Park Shilling gratefully when he heard this.

"But you yourself should also pay attention, these have exposed your problems, you look at the first few pictures, this is what I took before I turned on the flash, you see for yourself, what do you feel." Park Shilling asked.

Kim Jae-ho also observed carefully, and soon he found the problem, "A little stiff feeling, just very unnatural." "

"Not bad~" Park Shilling nodded in satisfaction, he was still satisfied with being able to discover his problem so quickly.

"But it may also be that you are nervous at first, and paying too much attention will lead to bad results." Park Shilling said.

"Too careful? Then I try not to care. Kim Jae-ho said.

"It's not that you don't care, so you might as well treat this as acting, that is, playing someone you know best." Park Shilling said.

"The most familiar person? Who? Uncle? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Ha, I'm the person you know best?" The uncle said with a smile.

"It's not him, the person I said is the most familiar person, it's yourself." Park Shilling said.

"Myself?" Kim Jae-ho was surprised.

"Yes, you can think of it as playing yourself, playing your usual self."

"Your usual self?" Kim Jae-ho thoughtfully, his usual self, that is really a person he knows best, but who will pay attention to what happens to his usual self?

"You go and prepare first, we'll continue later." Park Shilling is also ready to give Kim Jae-ho some time to think about himself, take pictures of this kind of thing, can't come in a hurry, anyway, there is a lot of time today, he hopes to produce a good work.

Kim Jae-ho slowly paced to the sofa and sat down, because of the gaze around him, he closed his eyes and began to recall what he usually felt like.

"I seem to have complicated things." Park Shilling touched his head and looked at Kim Jae-ho, who closed his eyes and pondered.

"What do you think of Kim Jae-ho usually?" Park Shilling asked Uncle Kim Jae-ho, who stood aside and also looked at Kim Jae-ho.

"Usually Kim Jae-ho?" The uncle thought about it for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "The feeling that cannot be spoken." "

"Unspeakable feelings?" Park Shilling was surprised by this answer.

"Well, it's like, he, living in a world where he is alone." The uncle said in a low voice.

"A world of people?" Park Shilling looked up at Kim Jae-ho.

He sat on the sofa, his elbows propped up on his thighs, his fingers crossed into fists, his head down against his forehead, and he couldn't see his face behind his hands.

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