Just when Kim Jae-ho was nervous, others were very relaxed, and the uncle took a camera to shoot the nervous Kim Jae-ho, but after waiting for a while, he felt bored and began to shoot Park Shilling.

Park Shilling's little brother is also very characteristic, wearing a hat, a thin face, small eyes, but looks like a beautiful feeling.

It's hard to imagine that such a young man would be the leader of the team.

"What is today's theme?" The uncle asked Park Shilling seriously.

Park Shilling was also stunned when he saw the camera, and then said with a smile, "This is an interview?" "

"Well, if you say something powerful, it may be broadcast~" The uncle said.

Park Shilling also smiled when he heard this, and asked cooperatively, "Oh? Yes, what time slot, I must watch. "

"During prime time." The uncle carries nonsense in a serious way.

"Primetime? It's awesome, what's your name? Did the name come to mind? Park Shilling teased.

"Name? Forehead... emmmm... The name is "Uncle TV", how is it, isn't it very good? "The uncle seems to think that the name he wants is good.

"Haha, I thought it was Kim Jae-ho TV." Park Shilling said with a smile.

Laughing and laughing, Park Shilling retracted his smile, crossed his hands with a frown, and asked the uncle who was standing on the side debugging the camera worriedly, "He looks a little nervous, aren't you worried?" "

Everyone present knew that this was Kim Jae-ho's first time shooting a pictorial, and the first time he would always be nervous, especially now that there was such a big battle, and when he met such a professional team as them, it was even more so, but on the one hand, as an uncle of economic man, he should have gone to comfort or worry.

But Park Shilling didn't see that the uncle standing next to him had any bit of nervousness, from beginning to end, was it really so irresponsible?

Park Shilling also knows the details of the uncle, the only remaining veteran of the company, all the team bosses know a little about him, he is not just as simple as it seems, just an ordinary broker, there is anecdotal that the former president even gave him a little stock and has a certain amount of equity.

Otherwise, do you think that the president has such a good attitude towards anyone, an ordinary half-retired old employee agent, worthy of him to be called Uncle Lin, and even entrust his younger brother to him?

If there is no accident, the uncle in front of him, who looks like a hanger and is not serious at all, also has a glorious past.

It's just that I don't know why, he wants to hide it, just to be an ordinary agent, but there must be a reason behind it.

If the uncle hears these words, he will definitely cry out for wrong, he was not like this before, it looks unorthodox, he now looks like this after following Kim Jae-ho, this can also be regarded as the near ink black...

The topic seems to be far away, let's pull it back.

When the uncle heard Park Shilling's words, he also laughed, as if he heard something funny.

"Worried? Who? Is Kim Jae-ho? "

"yes, aren't you worried? Don't go and comfort him? Park Shilling said, after all, this is actually a thing for agents to do.

"Oh, I can only say that you are still too naïve, instead of worrying about him, it is better to worry about yourselves, this is not as simple as it seems now..." The uncle looked at Kim Jae-ho with deep meaning.

"Is it..." Park Shilling's expression changed when he heard this, and he took his uncle's words to heart and began to check his equipment again.

There are several computers not far from him, which can be seen on the computer immediately after the shooting, and there are also special employees in charge of computers.

Retouching, they are professional.

Taking photos is not only shooting, but also needs to be retouched in the later stage, which is also a time to reflect technology, which is definitely much better than what to see.

And even if it is a retouching technique, Park Shilling is very strong, he is almost proficient in everything, and has his own understanding, which makes him sit in this position at this age.

"Ready?" Park Shilling asked Kim Jae-ho.

“OK! Come on! Kim Jae-ho took a deep breath and added oil to himself, it will come sooner or later anyway, so end it early!

Kim Jae-ho sat upright, put his hands on the arms of the sofa on both sides, and sat on the sofa once.

"Don't be so nervous, just sit on the couch like you normally would." Park Shilling also chuckled when he saw Kim Jae-ho's upright sitting posture, or was he nervous, was the uncle joking just now? Deliberately scaring him?

He couldn't help but glance at the uncle next to him, and saw that the uncle was patting Kim Jae-ho, and then looked like he was holding back a smile, as if it was funny to see Kim Jae-ho's nervous look.

This is the board of an unscrupulous agent, he feels that he really thought too much before.

But no matter how Kim Jae-ho is, putting aside human favors, this is a job, as long as it is a job, he will do it seriously, so he tried his best to let Kim Jae-ho send it down.

"Hey, yes, you can try to lean on the sofa, yes, very good, don't be so stiff hands, you can swing it casually, how to be comfortable, legs can be stretched out, stretched and crossed, like lying on the sofa, hey, right~"

As a photographer, he is a professional.

When Kim Jae-ho was almost in a pose, although he still looked a little stiff, he was ready to start shooting.

I saw that the moment he pressed the shutter, the flash flashed suddenly, and Kim Jae-ho's eyes were flashed and he subconsciously blocked it with his hand.

"Don't block, open your eyes!" Park Shilling's voice was a little higher, but his temper was still good, and his tone was still very gentle and patient.

"I'm sorry." Kim Jae-ho apologized, but although he said that he was embarrassed, he had already begun to curse in his heart.

Who says taking pictures is easy? Stand up and promise not to kill you!

Suddenly flashed, Kim Jae-ho's eyes were a little shadowy, and he always had a very awkward feeling, that posture was difficult to pose.

Soon, they tried again, and Kim Jae-ho tried to be as peaceful as possible, showing the kind of smile that showed his teeth.

Park Shilling began to shoot again, this time did not give Kim Jae-ho any psychological preparation, took several pictures in a row, Kim Jae-ho felt that his eyes were going blind, but he still opened his eyes vigorously, and tried to keep a smile.

But under the clicks and flashes of the shoot, Kim Jae-ho's smile slowly turned into a stiff smirk like that of a fake boy.

"Hahahaha!!" The uncle was forced to smile at first, after all, he wanted to grab the camera, but then he couldn't help but laugh directly, hearing the uncle laugh, the staff next to him couldn't help it, Kim Jae-ho's look was too joyful~

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