So when it was morning, so when the uncle arrived at the scene, he only saw Kim Jae-ho looking at the computer screen with a sluggish face.

Next to the table was a residual instant noodle pot, a glass of drunken soda, and a cat and mouse played on the screen, and Tom was chased badly by Spike.

Even if it is a good drama, it will become Kim Jae-ho after watching it for a few hours.

"Didn't sleep all night?" The uncle asked.

"Well, almost, it's more than three." Kim Jae-ho naturally took the lunch box in his uncle's hand.

"After serving you, why do you get up in the big night? Why not lie down for a few more hours? The uncle asked.

"You try to close your eyes and rattle in your head, and you will be like me." Kim Jae-ho pushed away the original pot on the table and put the lunch box on it.

"After serving you, you who can compose music are strange, do you want to see a doctor?" The uncle picked up the pot.

"No need, it's not very affectionate, it's only like this when I sleep too much, probably a dream, why did you come so early today?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Come and see you, by the way, tomorrow I will go to shoot the pictorial, you remember to rest well tonight." The uncle collected the remnants of the table.

"Oh." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Not surprised?" The uncle wondered, this can be said to be the first trip, but Kim Jae-ho does not seem to be surprised at all.

"What surprised me when I applied myself? Yo, today is quite hearty~" Kim Jae-ho looked at the contents of the lunch box in surprise, beans and rice not to mention, there are two soups, rib soup and miso soup, miso soup is pork belly, enoki mushrooms, cabbage, tofu bean sprouts or something, and there are even fried dumplings.

"Wow, uncle, fried dumplings are excessive, I don't believe my sister-in-law will do it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Be a ghost, I just bought it, seeing you recording for so long yesterday, I must be very hungry, I know that you like to eat fried dumplings, I just bought it, and finally the rest, it was made by your sister-in-law, I heard you record for more than ten hours, my heart hurts so much that I can't do it, I got up overnight to do it, don't worry, I won't finish eating, I came over just now." The uncle said.

"Just kidding, I'm going to eat too much? Tell you, wait until I eat the plate with you, do you believe it? Help me thank you sister-in-law~" Kim Jae-ho looked at these things, he was so happy that he was about to cry, a ramen noodle completely could not satisfy him well, as an energetic teenager, although his physical strength was not good, he was still very good at eating.

"Ah, don't you have to thank me for the fried dumplings I bought, it's very tiring to take it, okay, you eat it, it doesn't matter if the plate is eaten, I also save the dishes." The uncle looked at Kim Jae-ho, who didn't look like a star at all without talking and didn't eat or talk, shook his head, smiled, took the pot and went to wash.

Soon the uncle washed the pot and came back, and continued the topic just now, "You just said that you applied for the pictorial by yourself?" Why? "

Regarding this, the uncle can be said to feel very strange, so active is not like Kim Jae-ho, there must be some reason.

"Isn't this my website still missing a few pictures, I looked at other people's main sites, all of them use photos of stars, I don't have anything on Kim Jae-ho three words, can't keep up with the big troops~" Kim Jae-ho said.

"No, it feels pretty good~" said the uncle.

"No, no, no~" Kim Jae-ho stretched out his finger and shook it, "What I want is perfection~"

"Perfect? Stinky beauty has your share, I heard that tomorrow is a photographer with a very high cast, do you remember to check how to shoot the pictorial tonight, think of a few poses, do you want me to wait to help you take a few pictures to try the feeling? The uncle asked.

"Forget it, after filming, you changed hands and posted it on the Internet, don't think I don't know, the photo you took yesterday was on the news." Kim Jae-ho glanced at his uncle.

"Is it? So fast? Let me see! When the uncle heard it, he didn't feel sorry for Kim Jae-ho at all, but was a little excited.

Kim Jae-ho was speechless, is this still his own economic man? It won't be sent by the old brother to pit himself, right?

"Kim Jae-ho's selfie became popular on the Internet again, revealing how hard it was to record a variety show???" The uncle reads the headline of the news on his phone.

"This editor is blind, right? Didn't you see that this was taken by me? I even said that it was a selfie, and I didn't mention a word, what kind of garbage editing!! The uncle said indignantly.

Kim Jae-ho was speechless, is this the point???

Can you make people have a good meal???

Seeing the appearance of the uncle scolding and cursing, Kim Jae-ho turned his grief and anger into appetite, and bit the meat in his mouth fiercely, handling it very well, very delicious.

To be honest, meat in this country is not expensive, but as long as it is marked as indigenous, or meat made by foreign and native mating, it becomes particularly expensive and will not be particularly delicious, but listening to the locals will have a sense of happiness when eating, this terrible national pride...

Kim Jae-ho does not dare to compliment this, but any meat, made well is delicious, and has nothing to do with the price, whether it is imported or local, he does not value this.

But my sister-in-law is afraid that she came from a culinary background, no matter what she does, it is delicious, what kind of character is this uncle, as an agent has such an excellent star, as a husband has such a virtuous wife, I am afraid that he saved the world in his last life, right?

Watching the uncle flipping through the news with relish, I suddenly felt that having such an agent was actually not bad, but the photos taken were a little ugly.

"You go and ask the photographer tomorrow, learn from him, don't always secretly photograph me and I secretly shoot so ugly, do you have any strange talent, you can always capture a person's ugliest time?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I don't know, am I so powerful?" The uncle actually smiled a little embarrassed when he heard it.

"I'm not praising you for being good or not, please treat yourself with dignity." Kim Jae-ho looked at the uncle and said, this is also too shameful, right?

"I suddenly became a little interested in photography, do you have any books on it?" The uncle asked.

"Uncle, please don't forget your identity, you sober! You're an agent!! Kim Jae-ho said shaking his uncle's shoulder.

"I know, I know!! Don't get so close, the food is all over me. The uncle said with disgust.

Kim Jae-ho will not tell the uncle, he is on purpose, he is afraid that the uncle really went to learn photography, and then with his crappy technique, use himself as a model, it will be miserable.

But looking at the thoughtful look of the uncle, maybe the uncle really has this idea.

"Wait to get out?" The uncle asked.

"Well, I'm going to the company again." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Then let's go to the bookstore by the way~" The uncle said a little excitedly.

"You're not really going to learn photography, are you? Don't scare me?! Kim Jae-ho looked at his uncle in disbelief.

"It's okay, I'm idle anyway, you say?" The uncle touched his chin with a smile.


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