Maybe a hot comment can't say anything, even if many stars are willing to rack their brains for this hot comment, but a hot comment really can't say anything, it can only be luck.

But Kim Jae-ho is different, he is not just once, almost from the beginning of his entry into the net, the first message he sent, every time on the hot comment, as if it is his back garden, want to go.

Such a weird thing makes many economic companies scratch their heads, and the planning they try their best to invite is not as strong as Kim Jae-ho alone, and they don't know what the meaning of those people's existence is, don't you feel ashamed?

The traffic of Kim Jae-ho's account can even be compared with phenomenal stars such as Girls' Generation and Bigbang, who have debuted for a few years, and more importantly, every time is a shot into the soul, what fuels the wave, what resource inclination is not needed, and there is no need to spend a penny.

If Kim Jae-ho wasn't a star, they really wanted Kim Jae-ho to join their company.

And our Kim Jae-ho has just woken up from sleep.

He looked at the ceiling with his eyes open, and there were various sounds echoing in his head, as if he had his own BGM.

"Yo is almost impenetrable... Mordo Moyo... Wegon's partylike..."

Kim Jae-ho looked at the ceiling expressionlessly, and his mouth unconsciously followed the song that kept echoing in his mind at the moment.

Suddenly, he grabbed his hair and struggled and shouted:

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA What the hell?!! How do you tell me to sleep with such a hi song?!! Is it sick?!!!!! "

Unable to stand it, he turned over and covered his head with a pillow, and for a long time, he gave up resistance and sat up, his hair was like a chicken nest because of the problem of sleeping.

Scratching his hair, Kim Jae-ho looked at the sheet sleepily, his eyes revealing despair.

Rolled over and got out of bed, looked at the alarm clock hanging on the wall, it was only three o'clock in the morning...

Standing at the table with his waist crossed, yawning with a water glass, taking a sip of water, the annoying poisoned music began to fade away.

Although the music stopped, he also woke up, is this an alarm clock???

Every time he woke up and wanted to continue sleeping, the damn music began to play, sometimes even repeating a song twice, like a random playlist.

Hell he can't stop or fast forward, let alone cut the song, he can't even turn up the volume, if this is an auditory hallucination, this is also a little too real, right?

Sometimes he really wants to take revenge on society and record all these songs, so that people in this world have no songs to sing, but in this way, lack of morality, second, waste time, third... Or because of laziness...

Even if he has a song a day, then any list must be fully occupied by him, whether it is the list of this country or the list of Europe and the United States, none of them can escape his poisonous mouth.

However, Kim Jae-ho still positions himself as a comedian, everything else is just a hobby, so that all the songs on a list are sung by him, such a lack of morality... Not to mention, it's quite attractive~

Watching the time tick by, how to spend this long night, it's really hard to think, casually took out two packs of instant noodles from the cupboard, and took out the country's unique small yellow pot.

This kind of pot is specially used to cook instant noodles, almost every family has it, and Kim Jae-ho, a home that is almost a small villa, will naturally have it.

If in the past, it was enough to boil boiling water into a bowl and put it on the lid with instant noodles, and people here obviously have more ideas about instant noodles.

Because his stomach was very hungry, Kim Jae-ho also added an egg and cut a sausage, which looked more delicious, and then served with sea moss and kimchi.

To be honest, at first he was not used to eating pickles, but he ate too much, and that's it, sometimes reading bored and even taking it out to eat, of course, it was made by his sister-in-law, spicy cabbage, it's okay, the taste is okay.

Seaweed, that is, seaweed, and kimchi are put on a plate separately, and he doesn't know why there is seaweed, but people here seem to like to eat seaweed, and there are always one or two counters in the supermarket dedicated to seaweed, and even a variety of seaweed, that is, a lot of added ingredients.

Some even smeared with oil, sprinkled with salt, grilled to eat, crunchy, and people like Kim Jae-ho did not process it, it was originally how it was.

Eating instant noodles with crunchy seaweed is also a good experience, especially late at night when your stomach growls hungrily.

Carrying these on a plate, he came to the computer desk and turned on the computer, he wanted to see a movie without Chinese subtitles, which was also an experience that he had never experienced.

When looking for a movie, I suddenly thought of Song Jihyo, and God sent a ghost to start searching for a certain movie, the artistic component of this movie is very high, and Kim Jae-ho likes it very much.

"You even want money..."

Kim Jae-ho is speechless, why do you have to charge for movies everywhere?

But Kim Jae-ho is not a person who lacks money now, this money Kim Jae-ho still has, very open, after a meal, the movie began to play.

Looking at this familiar lens, Zhao Yincheng is really handsome, but he is not to see this person, soon, Song Zhixiao's prosperous beauty appeared on the screen, happily sucked a mouthful, Kim Jae-ho began to fast forward.

As long as it is dressed, fast forward, and soon, a movie is over.

Kim Jae-ho watched speechlessly as the production list behind the scenes scrolled, and he felt cheated.

This is a truncated version???

What shots do I want???


Kim Jae-myeon, who felt that his mood was ruined, didn't care and began to search on the Internet, but found that this movie was not a deleted version, which was originally the case!!

"What the hell?!!?"

So how did Song Zhixiao become popular???

That also needs to be said, of course, relying on superb acting skills and prosperous beauty, her strength in starring in one excellent movie and TV series after another is affirmed by everyone, and when she first debuted, TV commercials were also dominating the screen and taking the powerful route.

But fortunately, this modified background may be a little better than the original one, and it can be said that there is no stain.

Looking at the computer screen, Kim Jae-ho felt a little pity, after all, I didn't see what I wanted to see, but it's okay, knowing the things about Song Zhixiao in this world, it's worth it.

Soon, Kim Jae-ho continued to eat noodles, and from time to time he heard laughter, and the picture showed a blue cat chasing a mouse.

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