The sky is blue, people are lazy, today Kim Jae-ho is more diligent than ever, at least early in the morning instead of staying in bed, but came to the company.

This is a department that I didn't see when I came last time, there were many people coming, and when Kim Jae-ho arrived, these people were already ready, and today, they only serve one person, that is, Kim Jae-ho.

"This is Park Shilling XI."

Before entering the door, the uncle and Kim Jae-ho saw a person waiting at the door, and the uncle also immediately introduced.

"Hello Mr. Park, I'm Kim Jae-ho." Kim Jae-ho said hello.

"Don't be so polite, just call me a shilling, in fact, I'm not a few years older than you haha~"

"Okay shilling, have you been waiting for a long time? Excuse me. Kim Jae-ho said.

How is it better than Mr. Park, Kim Jae-ho always feels that the surname Park is very strange, to be honest, the Han also has the surname Park, but read Pu.

"It's nothing, just wait for a while, then I will call you in Haoxijiao, in fact, I am the photographer in charge of you today." Shilling smiled.

"Shilling XI is very powerful, don't look at him so young, he has already won many awards, and many companies have designated him to shoot." Uncle Kopp said.

"Wow, it's amazing~" Kim Jae-ho sighed, this person in front of him who was not good-looking, wearing a hat, thin and thin, looked like he couldn't beat him a few years old, and he was already so strong.

"Haha, you're welcome, in Hao XI, come in and sit, they can't wait, they have asked me to come out and wait, but they are all your fans~" Shilling said.

"They?" Kim Jae-ho didn't know who they were talking about, but as soon as he entered the door, he knew.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Is it Kim Jae-ho!! A girl immediately recognized Kim Jae-ho and immediately ran over, and many people immediately surrounded when they heard it. Kim Jae-ho immediately surrounded a lot of girls, and even boys.

"Hello~" To be honest, Kim Jae-ho was a little scared by these people, very enthusiastic, and liked it.

"Aaaaaa I'm a fan of yours!! Sign me!! The fan said enthusiastically.

"Oops! Me too! I'm going to !! too. "

In an instant, these people became chattering and quarrelling.

"Good, good, good, all of them, don't dislike the sign is not good~" Kim Jae-ho immediately took over the pen and paper, and it was also good to meet fans in his own company.

It's very proud~

Usually, because Kim Jae-ho always travels at the wrong peak, he has never tried to be surrounded by so many people, although there are not ten people.

"No, no!!" Fans looked excited.

After seeing that Kim Jae-ho satisfied them one by one, they even wanted to take a photo together, and at this time Park Shilling couldn't stand.

"Hey, I said you, can you converge a little, working hours, what are you doing one by one, this is our customer today, look at you like this, haven't you seen a star?" All go back to work!! "

Park Shilling's words are still very intimidating, everyone is slowly dispersed to work after being said, it looks like a good prestige, but everyone is scolded and still smiling, and left without anger at all, which also proves that this person is usually very popular and very amiable.

Sometimes the relationship between people, a few words, a few actions can be reflected,

Looking at the smiling Kim Jae-ho, Park Shilling was also sorry, "I'm sorry in Haoxi, it's rude, they are not usually like this." "

"It's okay, just sign your name, I haven't seen such enthusiastic fans for a long time." Kim Jae-ho doesn't mind either, the more people come, the better, it's better to be drowned by the crowd, and each signature is one two, three or three, to be honest, this makes him very unrealistic about his star status.

Look at the stars on TV, which one is not out on the street, can't walk, and then immediately surrounded by the crowd, even the traffic is blocked, Kim Jae-ho also wants to experience this feeling, but because he is usually too busy, so he didn't try it.

Even if he usually goes out to dinner with RM, he has to wear hats and masks, after all, everyone wears them, and he looks very uncelebrity if he doesn't wear them.

It is also a relatively hidden place, and the travel is all by car, which also leads to Kim Jae-ho hardly walking in places with many people on the street.

So he never felt like he was red.

"Haha, you are still very popular in Haoxi, to be honest, although our team is professional, but in fact, they are very young, many of them are recent graduates, I hope you don't mind." Shilling said.

"It's okay, young people have passion, experience is the accumulation of this line, there is such a process, to be honest, I have just become an artist, shooting pictorial these today is the first time, you are, I hope don't mind I don't understand anything." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"It's okay, understand, speaking of which, this is the first time I have taken a pictorial for our company's own artists, and now you are the only artist in our company's activities?" Park Shilling said.

"Isn't it, aren't there other artists? It seems that there is still Brother Chenguo, I don't know if his contract has been signed. Kim Jae-ho said.

"No, Jin Zhiguo Xi is still talking, but it's about to be negotiated, as for other artists, because the company has just reorganized the relationship, now they are all trainees, only you are an artist." The uncle only interjected at this time.

"Wow, how do you know, didn't you say good together decadence, how did you secretly work hard?" Kim Jae-ho was surprised.

The uncle gave him a roll of his eyes, as the only remaining elder, he knew a lot of things.

"Wait, is the Jin Ultimate Kingdom you are talking about the Jin Ultimate Kingdom?" Park Shilling is puzzled with a belt that brings you expectation,

"Well, it's the one who has a lot of muscles and a completely different singing style." Kim Jae-ho is also complaining.

"Wow! Daihatsu !! I'm a fan of him!! "Park Shilling was pleasantly surprised.

"I said, no wonder you didn't ask me for an autograph, it turned out to be someone else's fan~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Ah, no, I'm also a fan of yours, but I don't really care about autographing, I prefer to be able to take beautiful pictures for them, so I also try to make myself better every day, so that I have the opportunity to shoot for my favorite stars." Park Shilling explained.

"Wow, no wonder you can be so successful, uncle, you look at people, people this pursuit, you look at yourself, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Yay! You take care of yourself first, you mean to say this?! The uncle was speechless.

Looking at the two people who were bickering, Park Shilling also smiled, and they really had a good relationship.

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