To be honest, last time Jin Zhiguo held the name note in his hand, and then a group of people went to grab it for dozens of minutes, it was still excusable, after all, it was only the name note that was grabbed, and they did not have such an intuitive feeling.

But now when they are held in their hands, they are very intuitively aware of how terrifying the capable person is, that the muscles are not good-looking, although it is indeed good-looking.

He opened his mouth and looked at Jin Zhiguo speechlessly, and the three of them were at a loss, as if they had been ravaged, although they were indeed ravaged.

Kim Jae-ho and Kim Junguk clapped a high-five, and both of them were happy.

The power of Jin Zhiguo plus Kim Jae-ho's luck is simply invincible, and even Song Zhongji's wisdom has not been used, and they have already obtained another golden pig.

You tell me, how to lose???

Anyway, Kim Jae-ho, who holds the golden pig, does not feel that he will lose at all, what is the end of abuse? This is called abuse.

Finally, everyone came to the gate, the game just now was already the last game, although everyone was tired, but still had to show that they were not tired in front of the camera.

Song Zhixiao bitterly looked at the comparison of the number of golden pigs on both sides, and they had already lost, but the people of the red team still hoped that a miracle would happen, after all, the amount of money of each golden pig was different.

It is a pity that the miracle did not come today, and the blue team even had a few golden pigs left, and already won and completely crushed.

So it's a pity that Song Zhixiao, who was punished last time, continues to be punished this time.

And Kim Jae-ho and they also went out very happily, and after eighteen hours of game time, there was a thrill of getting out of prison.

“freedom!!!!" Haha shouted loudly, embracing the fresh air.

Everyone who enjoyed the sun bathing had a feeling of seeing the light of day again.

Kim Jae-ho had a feeling of being in a trance, and even walked floating, mainly tired, even the strongest Kim Junguo is now full of haggard face.

After changing his clothes, Kim Jae-ho got into his uncle's car.

"How does it feel?" The uncle asked.

"It's about the same as Andy." Kim Jae-ho lowered his seat and collapsed on it.

The uncle smiled, did not say anything, and drove home.

At this point, another episode of Kim Jae-ho's RunningMan recording is over, but the red team is still being punished by hard work, which is a reward for their failure.

This time they worked hard, to stay and clean this big museum, just mopping the floor they had to spend a lot of time, but fortunately, not all of them had to be cleaned.

But I can't run away for more than an hour.

Chi Shizhen can even fall asleep even standing and leaning against the wall, how exaggerated is this?

The high ratings of the show are inseparable from the efforts of this group of people, not to mention anything else, these people are absolutely dedicated, variety shows are not a game that you can end hahaha, it is not so simple, only those who have experienced it know the hardships.

Colorful music appeared in his sleep, and when the most intense one sounded, Kim Jae-ho woke up.

"When you arrive, go to bed and sleep." The uncle looked at Kim Jae-ho and smiled.

"Oh~" Kim Jae-ho walked out of the car door sleepily, squinting for the key.

The uncle is also heartbroken when he sees Kim Jae-ho like this, but this is the world of adults, and these things must be experienced.

The uncle took out his mobile phone, just now he took a photo when Kim Jae-ho collapsed in the car, at that time, Kim Jae-ho was definitely asleep, because the car was still an environment he was more familiar with, so it was a second sleep.

The uncle posted it on the Internet, accompanied by a text, "After the recording, just got on the car like this, this is probably the ugliest Kim Jae-ho..."

I saw Kim Jae-ho in this photo, it can be said that there is no image at all, ugly to a new height, head tilted, hair pulled upward, revealing the line, dark circles are heavy, mouth slightly open, saliva can be vaguely seen, and the face is haggard.

Immediately, people who had been following Kim Jae-ho noticed the news, and the comments below began to brush up.

[Hahaha, finally updated!! 】

[The ugliest Kim Jaehahaha]

[Hahaha, Kim Jae-ho is afraid to laugh at me! ] 】

[What is this?] Love to the depths of nature black? 】

[Love you to death, uncle!! Take more pictures!! 】

[How will Kim feel when he wakes up and finds this photo?] 】

[Where is it ugly, is it good to be cute?] 】

[Hahaha, saliva! ] 】

[Uncle is a veritable first anti fan haha]

[Distressed that you just finished recording RunningMan, right?] Looks tired】

[Have a good rest!] 】

[We have a traitor, wait for Kim Jae-ho to wake up and kill the agent uncle, right?] 】

All sorts of comments came out, and there were many confessions that were not written, of course, there were real black fans, no matter who there were black fans.

On the other side, Jung so-yan, who was brushing various messages on the car, also saw this, to be honest, she had already paid attention to Kim Jae-ho.

Despite being exhausted, she couldn't help but swipe her phone, anyway, she could sleep when she returned to the dormitory.

She saw Kim Jae-ho's silly look and was about to die of laughter, really clearing her exhaustion, she quickly pretended to sleep, took a selfie for herself, and then also sent it.

"FFFFFF, the ugliest Jessica ???"

Looking at the comments that began to brush out below, Zheng Xiuyan also felt beautiful.

Her comment style is different, generally saying beautiful, also saying this obvious selfie, there are also Aitkim Jae-ho, and there is even speculation that Jung so-yan and Kim Jae-ho recorded together, of course, many fans know that she came to RunningMan to record.

Anyway, with the first there is a second, Zheng Xiuyan's follow-up seems to have caused some kind of chemical reaction, first Girls' Generation began to post their own selfies, and then various stars also began to initiate their own sleeping posture.

Anyway, there are all kinds of them, and more and more people are also involved, after all, the most important thing for stars is exposure, how can such a good theme be let go, not to mention the source is Kim Jae-ho.

Anything that seems to be related to Kim Jae-ho will become very hot.

They will all attach to the photo, the ugliest XXX? Many of them are scheming, pretending to be secretly photographed by agents, but in fact, they have been posing for a long time, and even repairing the drawings, in order to create an illusion that they are beautiful no matter what.

There are also Geng straight, many of them are comedians, that is really ugly, anyway, all kinds of strange things have come out, if you want to be distinctive, it depends on your own brain hole.

Kim Jae-ho on the Internet, hot again...

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