When I see the sea, my mood naturally improves.

By then, Chi Shizhen was already starting to do the task.

Ji Shizhen and they talked about Kim Jae-ho in the car just now.

JYP SAID, "OH, KIM JAE-HO XI IS REALLY BIG, IF IT WERE MY ARTIST, I would wake up laughing in my dreams." "

Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Seok-jin are also very happy for such a high praise from him, in fact, they have always been by Kim Jae-ho's side and have begun to be immune, when Kim Jae-ho is not performing talent, there is no difference from everyone, that is, it is very comfortable when playing together.

JYP is lamenting that Kim Jae-ho can still guzheng, he has listened to a lot of Kim Jae-ho's songs before, after all, he doesn't want money, as long as he is online, he will listen to one.

He is a musician and has to catch the trend and glance at Kim Jae-ho every time he listens to his songs.

Because it's so good!

He is also a fan of Kim Jae-ho's "Song of the Week", which means fan, and he feels particularly versatile when he sees Kim Jae-ho playing the whole song alone.

Now even such an unpopular instrument, even no one in this country has learned such a strong instrument, it feels really outrageous!

A person's energy is limited, the average person will only choose one or two instruments, and there will be many instruments in this circle like Henry, but now he has not been so exaggerated.

Kim Jae-ho's degree is no longer a genius that can be summarized in two words, just like opening a hanging, not only will, but also the gold content is particularly large.

There are two levels of proficiency and mastery, and proficiency and being able to perform are two levels.

Not to mention that in addition to music, Kim Jae-ho has a lot of advantages, such as looks.

In the entertainment industry, looking good is half the success, looking particularly good, like Kim Jae-ho, that is basically the Avenue of Babel.

I didn't see that the last time he made a pictorial magazine, although it was released with the album, it was all on the hot search alone.

Just by the hot search on the face, that is too few.

After all, everyone will P after shooting the pictorial, and after P is finished, they are all beautiful and handsome, and few people are on the hot search.

"Fried sauce noodle competition, get wooden chopsticks, guess what is inside the iron box."

This task is relatively simple in nature, that is, to see what is inside the box at a super distance, but the problem is that this is super far, so "guess" is used instead of "look".

However, there is still a way, that is, play the counter in time, and use the number of counters to convert into millimeters to advance.

That means people will get closer and closer to that place.

Because it was a little difficult, Chi Shizhen, who arrived first, had not yet succeeded.

After the next two teams came together, the next round began.

First guess, easy used the method they thought of to get JYP as close as possible to that side, that is, with their feet fixed at the starting point, two people grabbed JYP's hand to let him get closer.

Because he has long arms, he has a great advantage.

The other two teams didn't engage in such bells and whistles.

PD opened the iron box, and everyone couldn't see what it was at this angle and distance.

Each team can answer once, and the first round is destroyed.

Li Guangzhu and they were relatively novel, because they did not answer within three seconds.

This caused them to protest, and Li Guangzhu grabbed the flag and threw it out, unexpectedly falling in half on the sand.

"Isn't this level supposed to be eliminated? The flag is in the ranks. "

After Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, everyone began to coax, and Lee Kwang-joo quickly apologized, and he was frightened.

Everyone frightened him and continued, the counter mode turned on, and the song was "Elevator", a very classic song by JYP.

Those who have watched Pooh should know that their stage dance is this, and the rhythm is very strong.

Everyone began to dance in their own way, of course, because the goal was just to make the counter jump, and at the beginning, everyone was more restrained, so there was no group dance.

Soon the song ended, Kim Jae-ho got 300, Kim Ji-guo got more than 400, and Song Zhixiao got more than 100.

"935mm forward." PD said.

"How much is that?" Kim Jae-ho calculated, "This is only ninety-three .5 centimeters!" Zhen Yingge's arms are more than that! "

At such a distance, they worked so hard to advance a meter?

Park Jin-young was also happy to hear it, but soon he couldn't laugh.

Only seven hundred were advanced next door, and hearing the count in front, Park Jinying's words became a lot, and the general words were mostly weak hearts and foreshadowing.

"It's a disadvantage, because you have to move with the beat to the end." He's this because he only has 130.

"More than that, there is no beat."


But what is even more exaggerated is that he is not the least in the whole scene, the least is 36 light beads!

The three of them combined are only more than three hundred!

It's really a very unlucky team, which can even be at the bottom.

"I'm going to have to stay up late today when I get there." Song Zhixiao looked at this long road and complained.

As they were talking, they suddenly saw Chi Shizhen next to them, and they suddenly fell to the ground, because they wanted to repeat the old trick, but Li Guangzhu and they did not catch it.

The three who fell felt funny, and the people who watched were frightened by them, after all, such a big lump suddenly pounced forward.

The second round also came quickly, everyone still didn't guess correctly, and it was carnival time again.

This time everyone let go, and the song is still Park Jin-young's "She is Beautiful".

It's rare to come once, of course, you have to take advantage of it.

After all, if they use it on the program, they are not good at collecting copyright fees.

Kim Jae-ho was dancing and suddenly saw Lee Kwang-joo dancing alone in the back facing the sea, although he was alone, but it seemed that he had entered the realm of selflessness on his own stage, and he enjoyed the camera alone.

It's really a very amazing child...

Kim Jae-ho saw him so lonely, rushed over and knocked him down, because there were a lot of gravel on the ground, so Kim Jae-ho was light.

Seeing them so hi, everyone began to hinder each other.

When the music was over, everyone had no strength.

This time it was still Jin Zhiguo who was ahead, and Jin Zhiguo was too fierce, and one person shook nearly five hundred.

The other three teams combined are not as many as him.

Kim Jae-ho happily jumped next to Kim Ji-kook, ouch is really powerful! Finally hugged my thighs once, it was so comfortable!

Seeing that everyone had advanced a lot more than others, Kim Jae-ho had a smile on his face.

"I'll show you again." PD said, holding the microphone.

Everyone is serious, especially Kim Jae-ho, now they are the most likely people to see.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the PD was opened, Kim Jae-ho immediately raised his hand: "Positive answer!" "


Everyone looked at him, and Kim Jae-ho had already circled in place and began to pretend.

“3!" PD said immediately.


"Positive answer!"

"Yay!!" The three of them were happily walking around, they were used to the gravel on their feet.

Jin Zhiguo stretched out his hand: "Jin! "

Song Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho immediately followed.

"Gold gold is the strongest gold!"

The two teams next to them watched them shout slogans with envy, not knowing whether to envy their slogans, envy them for winning, or both.

Three people took off in place, Kim Jae-ho's eyesight was originally very good, in addition to being gifted, he was short-sighted in his previous life, so he paid great attention to protection in this life.

To be honest, he had a bit of a feeling in the last round, but he answered wrong.

PD picked up the things in the box and approached for everyone to see, and everyone could see what it was.

It is an instant noodle cake, of course, instant noodles are called ramen here, and island ramen is also called ramen.

Because the ramen is from our side, we all pronounce it Chinese.

The main reason is that China has too long history, many foods have been thoroughly studied, and the nearby ones are influenced.

It wasn't even a long time ago, but the ramen technique was passed down in 1912, when it was called "dragon noodles", which means noodles eaten by dragons.

As for the island ramen, it was later developed to cater to the taste of the island people, and many things were passed on and back in this way.

In terms of food culture, we have gone too far, after all, there is such a saying as "people take food as the sky".

Pull away.

"The right team is here."

Hearing the voice of PD in the distance, Kim Jae-ho jumped excitedly on Kim Ji-kook's back, and Kim Ji-guo ran directly to the front with Kim Jae-ho on his back, with a steady pace as if there was no one on his back.

Kim Jae-ho happily turned his hat and screamed, hi up.

Originally, Kim Jae-ho was very worried about Kim Junguo's waist, but thinking about seeing Kim Junguo's training in the gym usually, he was relieved.

His dumbbell in one hand is fifty kilograms, that is a Yoon Eun-hui!

When he got to the place, Kim Jae-ho jumped down very lightly, and to be honest, he was more tired than running on it ...

Jin Zhiguo carried him on his back for so long, and he didn't breathe.

Really many people think that Jin Zhiguo is just a stronger person, it's not a big deal, and he can also deal with Jin Zhiguo by himself, but it takes a little skill.

This idea is naïve.

After all, so far, the number of people who eliminated Jin Zhiguo head-on with the same conditions was zero, and he had tried countless times, and he would continue to try.

As long as he can tear the gold end country head-on, then he can blow the cowhide for a lifetime.

Patting Kim Junguo's strong arm, Kim Jae-ho looked at PD.

This time it was Song Zhixiao's choice, she chose the nearest side one, and when she opened it, it was a complete pair of rings.

"Oh?!" Three surprises.

"It's worthy of being a golden hand~" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Be quiet, don't let them hear." Kim is very cautious.

In fact, I see that in the end, this choice does not seem to be useful, and whichever one to choose is the same.

Of course, happy is really happy.

They also got their next mission, again on Mai Yi Island, a beach.

The three of them hurried to set off, very happy.

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