Kim Jae-ho looked back at the place again, it was foggy in the distance, and the sea water was very gentle and very good-looking.

"Look at what?" Song Zhixiao asked gently.

"Look at the last look, it should be the last time we come, if not shooting." Kim Jae-ho said.

"yes." When Jin Zhiguo heard this, he also took a deep look here.

Actually, there is nothing special, but because I have been here, it is special.

"Let's go."

Kim Jae-ho said and got into the car with the two of them and set off for the next place.

"Or else." Kim Jae-ho suggested, "When we are all old and can't run, we will organize a group to travel together." "


"Yes, with Brother Zaishi, go to the place where we used to shoot RM, and then watch the show and talk about our memories of being here."

"Okay! That should be nice. Song Zhixiao readily agreed.

"Yes." Kim Junguo agreed, because it sounded very good.

"I don't know if we can finish tearing the name tag once by then, hahaha, we should all be old, I don't know if I remember these things."

"Don't say it, I'm going to cry when I hear it."

Jin Zhiguo is also a bit of a literary person, and he is a little sad when he hears it.

A group of old men were talking about the picture back then was already in his mind, how not to be moved.

"By then, I should be able to tear off brother you alone, hum!" Kim Jae-ho felt happy when he thought about it.

"You can try it then~"

"Brother, don't you say it so terrifying, okay?" Kim Jae-ho was afraid.

Song Zhixiao said: "I feel that even if I am eighty years old, Ouba will be a muscle. "

"I must live well, and when the time comes, I will become the best in physical condition, higher than the light pearl, and stronger than the final brother." Kim Jae-ho said, "Whoever is with my team will feel like they have hugged their thighs." "

"Of course, you're the youngest." Jin Zhiguo said, "You should have been the healthiest, so exercise well now." "

Kim Jae-ho felt mad when he heard this.

"I've worked out well, and I'm going to waste it if it's good."

"Where is this!" Kim said.

For Kim Junguo, Kim Jae-ho's exercise still has a lot of room for improvement.

Of course, Kim Jae-ho doesn't have the idea of cultivating a body like Kim Junguo, but it's not necessary.

"It's calling!"


"Did you get the chopsticks?"

"Got it!"

"The guest who ordered the fried sauce noodles called again and said to get more pickled radish."

This time, everyone will not complain, and directly ask him where he is going.

This time it was different, this time by boat.

"This is so powerful, even if you send a fried sauce noodles to drive, you have to take a boat." Kim Jae-ho said.

"That's why you have to pay with gold chopsticks~" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.


Everyone did not expect that they would just look next to the beach, and now they will go directly to the sea.

When they arrived next to the boat, the production team actually signaled them to drive directly up.

"Boom!" Kim Jae-ho is an eye-opener, and he can still be like this!

Drive the car to the boat and let the boat carry the people with you.

"Good guy, if you get dizzy on this, is it motion sickness or seasickness?"

Kim Jae-ho's question Kim Junguo couldn't answer.

"Strictly speaking, it should be seasickness." Song Zhixiao said, "After all, the car is not moving, only the boat is moving." "

"So what if it's a plane carrying a boat carrying a car?" Kim Junguo asked.

"No matryoshka dolls!"


"Matryoshka doll do you know, one set at a time." Kim Jae-ho said.


Hiss~ Oops...

Kim Jae-ho felt the generation gap at once, as if he was ten years older than them.

So Song Jihyo has always felt that it doesn't matter if he is old, because Kim Jae-ho is a reborn person, and his psychological age is very complicated.

More like a superposition than a continuation form, that is, the previous term and his past superimposed.

It is directly that he is in his forties and almost fifty, because he is coming from the future, so he is a person more than ten years older than everyone.

On the other side, Chi Shizhen also set off, and JYP made up a few "easy songs" for them on the spot, which was very powerful.

This Kim is familiar with it, sometimes casually talking about improvisation is better to arrange, but in a special place it is very difficult to hold back.

Just like when he held a song with his dog brother before, it was simply, torture.

If he asked him to do it again, he would definitely not be willing to do it, and the stamina was too great.

He even showed them the works they had made in their previous lives, and they were not satisfied, and they had to change them until they were satisfied.

Kim Jae-ho and they arrived first, here is even more outrageous than just now, the fog is thick as if the glasses are dyed with steam.

"What kind of wonderland is this?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"No, it's just foggy." Kim said.

"Oppa, can you not spoil the atmosphere?" Song Zhixiao glared at Jin Zhiguo angrily, Jin Zhiguo was sneering, and Kim Jae-ho snickered.

I saw a sink in front of PD.

"What is this for? Is it to wash your hands and eat? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Oh, why do you want to eat every day!" Song Jihyo knocked on Kim Jae-ho's braincase, of course, he didn't touch it.

PD handed over the mission letter: "Fried sauce noodle competition, in order to get pickled radish, memory game, find the same item." "

"The camping house in the back saw no, there were a total of fifty camping houses, each hiding one thing, one person holding his breath in the sink, two people with bracelets to talk together, and then found two specified things according to the regulations."

Jin Jae-ho's eyes lit up: "Brother! than physical! Your strengths! "

"Good." Jin Zhiguo understood, which meant to let him hold his breath, and he agreed.

Preparations were about to begin, Song Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho took the bracelet, Kim Junguo stood in front of the sink, and behind them, there were fifty camping houses.

Fifty doesn't sound like much, but it still looks very spectacular.

Although I don't know why there are so many camping houses here, is everyone camping here?

Jin Zhiguo looked back at them: "Can I trust you?" "

"Of course!" Kim Jae-ho said, "We are a Monday couple! How can Monday not believe Monday couples. "

"That's okay, if it doesn't work, I'll press you here." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Brother, I said don't laugh and say such a terrifying thing, it's scary! The first time must be to write down a few ah, so you don't have to spell it like this. "

"No, run me to death." Jin Zhiguo didn't want to stay in the water for so long.

"It's terrifying!" Song Zhixiao said.

PD just in time to shout start.

"Run! Will die! "

Kim Jae-ho shouted and pulled Song Ji-hyo and ran out screaming, and Song Ji-hyo also ran while shouting, very happy.

Hearing their screams, Jin Zhiguo was also amused, and laughed for a while before entering the water.

Filming and shooting three people, it feels really beautiful, so young, so lively, so like.

Kim Jae-ho went directly to the farthest place to start, intending to see what was inside one by one.

I want a bamboo basket and sunglasses.

Kim Jae-ho ran to the front of the camping house and it was already a little difficult to top, mainly sand, which was already more difficult and laborious.

"That's too far, isn't it?" Kim Jae-ho complained.

"That's it!" Song Zhixiao also felt the same way, this section of the road is longer than expected.

Kim Jae-ho opened one room after another, no matter what was inside, just remember first and open as many doors as possible until Kim Junguo couldn't stand it.

"It's too hard, isn't it?" Song Zhixiao people are stupid,

When they finish a run.

"Yo, why is the road so slow?" Kim Jae-ho greeted by singing RAP.

"Because, the scenery is very good~" JYP immediately sang in the same form.

"Wow!" Song Zhixiao felt that these two sentences were particularly feeling.

The small collision between the two creative contestants did not affect Chi Shizhen and them to show off.

"He wrote songs for our easybrothers just now!"

"Really?" Kim Junguo asked.

They immediately started singing.

"We are easy~but not easy at all~" The three sang, and Chi Shizhen said, "The album is about to be released." "


They were talking, and Li Guangzhu was still singing by himself, and then the three of them continued to sing the same lyrics.

"Brother, don't sing first, the two of you will sing and watch alone." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

The two of them sang together, and without the harmony of JYP, they could not sing it after only one sentence.

"Collapse! The whole section collapsed! Kim Jae-hobi crossed.


Soon, Liu Zaishi also came.

Chi Shi persevered and sang them to Liu Zaishi again.

Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu also listened to the rules again.

"No, this is also too good for the end country and JYP, right?" Liu Zaishi said.

"Both of them are geniuses." Chi Shizhen said.

"No, Brother Ultimate Kingdom is a hard work type." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, after all, he was not born like that.

Soon everyone started and JYP was really sincere about his games.

However, unlike Kim Jae-ho and them just now, this time there were others, and everyone had nothing to do, and they began to affect the performance of the players.


"Pink skin~"

Zhengming's words made everyone laugh.

Everyone also began to give JYP homophonic nicknames sentence by sentence.

Kim Jae-ho did not say, he felt that it was not very good, after all, he was not very familiar.

However, JYP was really able to endure, not affected by them at all, standing still for more than one minute and fifty seconds.

I casually tried to hold it for one minute and thirty-four seconds, and the latter three eight is also very important.

As soon as JYP came out, he said: "It's really hard to hold back the foreign powder skin. "

"No, it's less time than you think." Li Guangzhu complained.

"Yay!" JYP said, "You try! "

"It's all air." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.


Li Guangzhu they ran for so long and came back, only to find one, the old unlucky bastard, I mean JYP, too unlucky to spread them.

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