So he used more, the guzheng has been lying down, covered with cloth, that is, he played twice when he bought it.

The opening time was a little longer than the production team expected, but it didn't matter, it was very good material.

"Is it time to go together or what?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Today's task is a fried sauce noodle competition!"

"Oh? Is it a race to eat fried sauce noodles like crazy to see who eats more? Kim Jae-ho asked?

"Well, in that case we won." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Yes, there is Jaehiro." Song Zhixiao also agreed.

"How can there be such a boring game!" Haha spit.

PD: "No, today's game is the team that answers the phone order from the RM hotel and delivers the most quickly and correctly to the team. "

"Oh! It turned out to be a courier. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Golden chopsticks for the victorious team."


Chopsticks are not important, what matters is gold.

"Before starting the mission, eat first." PD said.

As for the meal, it must be fried sauce noodles.

Kim Jae-ho felt very special, so many people ate fried sauce noodles in a Chinese restaurant.

Let's just say that before he was reborn, he had never eaten fried sauce noodles.

He knew there were a lot of fried noodles elsewhere, but he was sure it wasn't.

So many people go to Chinese restaurants to eat fried sauce noodles that can be delivered with a takeaway, and there is no one.

Soon the fried sauce noodles were served, and there was really a bowl of noodles per person.

Kim Jae-ho got it first, stirred it quickly with a very splendid technique, and handed it to Song Zhixiao, who had just started stirring, and then took Song Zhihyo's to eat himself.

He eats faster, so let others eat first.

Because of curiosity, he ate fried sauce noodles many times after coming here, and at first he felt average, and then he often ate them.

In fact, it is noodles, and the fried sauce is the dish, and the pork onion black bean sauce is used.

However, the same dishes are made by different chefs, and the finished products are different, some delicious and some untasty.

So much meat boiled into sauce, must be delicious, after all, everyone likes to eat meat.

If this can be made badly, the chef carries the cauldron.

Of course, there will be many people who find it not delicious, after all, there are too many delicious things, different geographical locations, different environments, and different tastes they like.

Watching Kim Jae-ho stir the noodles and hand them to himself, Song Jihyo did not feel soulless, but very moved.

It was probably such a detail that strengthened her idea and brought the two of them together.

Kim Jae-ho glanced at Song Zhixiao, and only felt that his eyebrows were picturesque, Gu Panshenghui, and a pair of smart big eyes were indescribably cute.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then ate.

At this time, they have already changed their clothes, and Song Zhixiao has less of a feminine feeling, and a lot more cute, and will not be as embarrassed to look at it as before.

They are part of a team, so sitting together, Song Jihyo is protected in the middle by Kim Ji-guk and Kim Jae-ho.

Everyone focused on their faces, only Li Guangzhu saw this scene and showed a loving smile.

This is probably the first time he has been so fascinated by a pair of CP powder.

Liu Zaishi picked up a chopstick: "This is with the dish, take a look at this fried sauce noodles." "

"Brother Zaishi really likes noodles." Song Zhixiao said.

Li Guangzhu also said: "Brother Zaishi is really ugly when he eats noodles. "

Liu Zaishi almost choked, "Oh, I know I'm ugly." "

"Eat, don't talk about this, it affects your appetite." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Oh, I really can't eat it." Liu Zaishi was bored.

"Then give me food, I can eat."

"It's really..."

When Liu Zaishi heard Kim Jae-ho's words, he continued to suck noodles without saying a word.

Everyone was almost eating soon, and suddenly there was a voice: "Children, the front desk of the kitchen on the 1st floor has come to order food!" Come and answer the phone! "

Song Jihyo immediately stood up, Kim Ji-guk followed closely behind, and Kim Jae-ho quickly kicked the chair forward, making way for them.

Just eaten, should not exercise vigorously.

He slowly followed behind, and everyone ran to the first floor.

The first to get it was JYP, which started slowly but was closest to the exit.

Song Jihyo and Kim Ji-guk started quickly, but in the innermost part, they had to wait for Ji Shizhen and them to leave.

Because the attention is on the front, everyone does not care that there is a bastard behind.

However, it seems that the person on the other side of the phone is a little inarticulate, and the gorilla did not understand his language, and it took Chi Shi Zhenlai to ask twice to understand.

It was a location, and Chi Shizhen immediately arrived on the side to choose fried sauce noodles to take away.

Kim Jae-ho they have no chance to choose, return to the same place.

"I kept saying I was slow, and they started first." Liu Zaishi complained that the gorilla pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger.

"As soon as I heard that voice, I got up immediately." Kim said.

"No way, we're in the innermost." Kim Jae-ho said.

He and Song Zhixiao have not finished eating, they are still eating.

Kim Jae-ho is already digesting and has been preparing.

"Children, the front desk on the 2nd floor is calling~"

Kim Jae-ho, who had been preparing, immediately rushed out and took the lead in the charge, because it was the second floor, so he didn't know which way to run, but his ears heard the sound of bells.

"Stop them!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

He immediately rushed over and got the phone.

Those who follow behind certainly have no chance.

"Hello." A male voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Hello, this is RM Restaurant, do you need an order service?" Kim Jae-ho behaves like someone who has a script or works here.

"This is Little Dancing Island, please send a bowl of fried sauce noodles."

"Okay, please wait a moment, I'll send it to you right away, what is the portion?"

There was a sound of hanging up from the other side.

Seeing that Liu Zaishi had already left, Kim Jae-ho said: "Send a bowl of fried sauce noodles to Xiaowuyi Island, but I didn't say how big a bowl to send." "

"Little Mai Island? Are you sure? Jin Zhiguo asked.

"That's how he pronounced it." Kim Jae-ho said.

The three of them went to choose fried sauce noodles.

Before the three of them could discuss, Song Zhixiao directly opened a lid, and there were only noodles inside.

"Is this good or bad?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I don't know, let's go first." Kim said.

The three of them hurried to set off because they had to catch up with the first team.

Song Jihyo sits in the co-pilot, and Kim Jae-ho drives.

"You have to win today, there are no guests, only victory." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, but our team seems to be very strong." Song Zhixiao said.

"It's the most comfortable team for me." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Indeed, the people who pose the biggest threat to you are in our team." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"One likes to unite with others to deal with me, and the other I can't deal with." Jin Zhiguo also smiled, and suddenly felt very comfortable.

The brand-name session should be very comfortable.

"Shall we think of a team name?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

There is no way, the other two people who do not actively talk in the car, so he needs to liven up the atmosphere.

This is the first time he has done this, and his teammates have Liu Zaishi before, so there is no need to think about it, just follow and talk.

But here he suddenly found that if he didn't speak, no one would speak, and Song Zhixiao and Kim Ji-guo were both inclined to rest, and their weight was not here.

Generally, those who can talk especially in the car will be particularly crotch-pulling in the later links.

For example, easy has already chatted over there, which is more lively than the party.

Jin Zhiguo prefers to chat passively, or only talk about things related to victory and defeat.

After they talked about whether the fried sauce noodles they chose were real, there was nothing to do.

"What team name?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"Golden Three Musketeers, because both of us have the surname Jin, and you are the most Golden Hand and Gold." Kim Jae-ho said.

"It seems to be very good." Jin Zhiguo is quite satisfied.

"Is that a slogan?" Song Zhixiao is also energetic.

The three people thought for a while, and Kim Jae-ho thought: "In this way, brother, you first say Jin and then stretch out your hand, to me, to ignorance, then shout Kim together, and finally shout the strongest Kim." "

The whole process is "gold, gold, gold, the strongest gold!" "

"Try it?" After Jin Zhiguo finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and shouted Jin.

Kim Jae-ho didn't stretch out his hand and just shouted because of driving, but he was also very imposing.

Everyone was very satisfied with this slogan and had a sense of ambition.

In fact, slogans are such a thing, just shout out the momentum, what content is shouted others will not care.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the sub-team is different, and it begins to feel like a team.

This combination is still the first time, generally speaking, the three of them can't get together, not the three of them, but Kim Jae-ho and Kim Ji-guk generally can't get together.

So this is a long-lost brother combination.

The capable ace plus a dog-headed army division, and the hexagon is full.

Only the combination of Jin Zhiguo, Liu Zaishi, and Song Zhixiao can be stronger than the current one, and there is none.

Kim Zhiguo and Song Jihyo really feel like family to Kim Jae-ho, after all, Kim Zhiguo sees each other at least twice a week, and Song Zhihyo is more.

They are a gym, a company, so the most familiar people.

With Kim Jae-ho there, the atmosphere of the three people was also relatively warm, and suddenly Kim Junguo received a call, which was brought out of the store just now.

"Brother, turn on hands-free." Kim Jae-ho said.

"The owner called." Jin Zhiguo said and connected, "Hello." "

"I'm the store manager, and the customer who ordered fried sauce noodles on Xiaomaijima called and said that he must take wooden chopsticks."

"I didn't take the wooden chopsticks." Song Zhixiao said.

"It's very simple, I'll stop the car and ask the nearby store to get a pair."

The phone came from the other side: "No, we must have our wooden chopsticks." "

"Hey, where do you get so many requirements for ordering a fried sauce noodles."

Phone: "They paid with gold chopsticks. "

"Then there can still be a little request..." Kim Jae-ho immediately changed.

"Indeed." Jin Zhiguo Song Zhixiao nodded.

"So what now? Do you want to go back and get it? Kim Jae-ho asked.

Phone: "No, don't reach your destination yet, go to the Sencac field on Zamjin Island first to find the RM flag." "

"Okay." Jin Zhiguo hung up the phone and immediately wrote down the location.

Kim Jae-ho also changed destinations.

Because it is an island, everyone can see the sea when they arrive at their destination.

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