This should be in response to the rescue car sent by Jin Zaihao last time, and this is called Lishang Exchange in Huaxia.

In addition to the drinks, there were also Chinese dishes made by Song Qian herself, all of which were packed in thermal boxes.

Kim Jae-ho died happily as soon as he opened it, and he was able to eat the dishes made by Song Qian.

Li Zhijin called to send his birthday wishes, Kim Jae-ho was touched by a mess, chasing stars to chase him like this, it should be two words, invincible.

When they were girls' years, they collectively sent video blessings, and there were gifts from people like Taiyan who were particularly close.

Taiyan sent a pink bear and said that he bought it when he was filming in a foreign country, and he thought it was very cute, so the others will not elaborate.

Sherry, Jessica, and Xuanya all gave gifts.

And the boys.

What gift to give Kim Jae-ho is their biggest headache, because they know that Kim Jae-ho lacks nothing, and he has already bought the things he likes.

Boys giving gifts and girls giving gifts are different, boys give gifts from practicality, so whether others need it or not is the most important.

Practicality is greater than intention, or equal to.

Especially Ji Shizhen, every time Kim Jae-ho gives himself a gift, he is more expensive than expected and has intentions, and now he is also very embarrassed and entangled for a long time.

Kim Jae-ho actually didn't know that today was his birthday, after all, it was not his birthday.

Knowing that it was difficult for others to give gifts, Kim Jae-ho directly threw a birthday party on his birthday, not in his home, of course, but in another house.

Rong He specially rushed over to accompany him on his birthday in the island country, after all, he is a relatively rare friend.

Although Kim Jae-ho said that it was not necessary, he still came, which made Kim Jae-ho very moved.

In addition to him, Zhao Quannikun also came, SJ also came, they were more fierce, yesterday in the magic capital after the concert rushed today, the intention is enough.

And I bought gifts from there and brought them over.

All RM staff arrived.

One of the birthday parties is watching RM tonight.

Made a very good Chinese food buffet, after all, there are too many people to sit and eat together.

Everyone watched RM while eating.

Almost finished eating, the light suddenly turned off, Song Zhixiao brought a cake out from the side, because the scene lineup was gorgeous, so everyone picked up a variety of musical instruments to accompany, even the birthday song was divided into voices.

Kim Jae-ho was stunned, his first birthday had such a battle.

Under everyone's attention, Kim Jae-ho made a wish, blew out the candle, and was very happy.

A few people just handed over the gifts now, and Chi Shizhen gave a shelf that could put books and scores, that is, they could read it without holding it in their hands.

I heard that it is specially customized by Chi Shizhen and is unique.

Liu Zaishi sent a full set of pink suits, which was also a courtesy exchange, and Kim Jae-ho immediately felt that Liu Zaishi was given a green suit by himself before, which was not very good...

However, this suit is the same as Kim Jae-ho's suit, which is particularly gorgeous.

Jin Zhiguo sent headphones, haha sent a barbecue package, it is particularly good meat, he brought it himself, he has eaten it just now, and now it is in everyone's stomach.

And Lee Kwang-joo gave a particularly good stool, and Kim Jae-ho suspected that he sat on his own after bringing it over.

Li Guangzhu's home is a furniture city, and the stools sent are particularly good.

Don't think that a stool can be much better, it's really scary that it can be good.

"Wait, divide the cake first, I want to taste it." Kim Jae-ho said.

Seeing that the gift link will take a long time, Kim Jae-ho said directly.

Today he is the biggest, what he says is what.

After dividing it, Kim Jae-ho took a bite.

"How?" Song Zhixiao immediately asked.

"Wait, I'll only eat cream now." Mr. Kim is still very rigorous.

A cake, the important thing is the embryo, he eats it with the embryo underneath, "Yes, it is very fragrant, and it will not choke." "

Seeing Kim Jae-ho so satisfied, Song Jihyo was relieved.

"What's wrong? Did you buy it? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"What, she did it!" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Huh?" Kim Jae-ho was dumbfounded, "I thought I bought it!" "

"How can there be such an exaggeration, I practiced it a few times." Song Zhixiao looked very satisfied.

"Hard work on you~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"It's okay, happy birthday~" Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

After she finished speaking, she quickly stood far away, afraid that Kim Jae-ho could not help it.

To be honest, if there was no one next to him, Kim Jae-ho would kiss him.

It's really this woman, it's too deadly.

I actually made myself a birthday cake, such a big one!

The volume must be proportional to the difficulty, and it must take a lot of thought to do this, and I don't know when she started to prepare, but she didn't let herself know.

The heart is really full, Kim Jae-ho is particularly moved, and he just wants to make a promise with his body.

The gift session is not over, the broker brings the best gifts in the world.

It was a blessing video from fans all over the world, and then it was given to the uncle, and everyone watched it together.

are all stars, naturally know what this means, which means that Kim Jae-ho's fans are really many, and they really have hearts.

This must have been led by the president of the fan support association, but it also has to be spontaneous.

The video was very well done, and Kim Jae-ho who watched it shed tears.

The uncle also filmed the reaction video, and will post it on the Internet to hand it over later, I believe everyone will like it very much when they see it.

However, the uncle himself did not prepare a gift, and he did not care about this, and he knew that Kim Jae-ho did not care.

Because neither of them cared, there was no gift.

But now that he sees everyone like this, he also wonders if he will prepare any gifts next time, after all, even his daughter has given gifts.

Speaking of this, he felt outrageous!

So angry!

I haven't received a gift for my birthday...

Seeing Kim Jae-ho so happy, everyone also said goodbye one by one.

Some people even have to go to another place to work when they go out, and artists are so busy.

He used to think that birthdays didn't matter, but now he knows that it turns out that it was because there was no one to celebrate his birthday with him.

He took someone else's life, got a second chance, and met a lot of friends, and these are his experiences from being born again to the present.

Suddenly, I found that I had really done a lot of things, and it didn't feel like only two years had passed, like four years had passed.

Looking at the greetings of artists or staff members on his mobile phone, Kim Jae-ho felt a strong sense of happiness, which is the warmth from society.

He has a feeling that his birthday is very important, and it seems that the whole world is celebrating his birthday.

There are close-ups of Kim Jae-ho on the music platform, announcement activities on various games, blessings from the work group one by one, and the unified typesetting and unified text of fans brushing birthday wishes under the uncle's video.

There is quite a feeling of universal celebration, which makes Kim Jae-ho very fluttering.

It turns out that I am really likable!

Hi Yikes! Burst with happiness!

He has always been a very salty fishman, living life is about playing, generally speaking, a person in a high position, will want to get a lot of things, especially when he sees others like that, he will roll up.

For example, artists are volume lists, volume fans, sales.

But Kim Jae-ho has no one to roll him, and he doesn't care about those, so it's especially salty.

And the salted fish person, has never felt that he can do anything, or that what he does is insignificant, this is his current mentality.

Now he suddenly found that he had actually done something, so he was very surprised.

In order to avoid suspicion, Song Zhixiao left with everyone.

Kim Jae-ho texted and said he liked the cake she made.

Song Zhixiao said that she had learned and could try to make something else for him to eat in the future.

After knowing that Kim Jae-ho liked to eat so much, Song Jihyo decided to learn cooking, and added Master Chen's social account, and Kim Jae-ho has been charged to death.

However, Kim Jae-ho has a very strange point, that is, he does not have a home cook, and his nanny is only responsible for cleaning the house.

If he is hungry, he will choose to find someone else to go out to eat, or cook something himself, and ask his uncle to prepare whatever ingredients he wants, and then ask others to prepare.

Now the uncle doesn't go out much, because he will be recognized, he already has fans ...

So Song Jihyo actually doesn't need to know how to cook, because Kim Jae-ho prefers to go out to eat, and home-cooked food can go to the uncle's house to rub rice, and he now mixes the crew every day, all eating with the crew.

But if she learns, it will be a killer skill, and it can be said that it will be a mastery in the future.

Kim Jae-ho likes this kind of manipulation.

Then there's the RM shooting.

Everyone set off early in the morning to Incheon's Chinatown, which opened in 1883.

This issue is a special feature of fried sauce noodles, and everyone goes to a Chinatown restaurant and asks to wear special costumes.

The weather has also become better, not so cold, so a piece of clothing can also hold up for a while.

After Kim Jae-ho changed his clothes, he saw Song Jihyo's cheongsam outfit and was immediately shocked.

My old swan!

He didn't dare to look at it anymore! Later, he thought again, it's his own woman, why don't you look at it?

Look generously!

Song Zhixiao was also a little embarrassed because of this dress, sorted out the coiled hair, and seeing Kim Jae-ho's appearance, Song Zhixiao showed an embarrassed and small smile, looking even more charming, and a strong classical flavor permeated her.

The high-rise collar shows the slender neck, which seems to be dewy, and the flower button formed by circling and kinking is two and two phases, and it is necessary to say that it is not exposed; Bright red and brilliant golden yellow patterns are embellished, graceful and luxurious; The most extreme thing is the skin revealed in the tight waist and the slightly forked gap between the two swings, looming and enchanting.

This is one of the most splendid phenomena and forms in China's long-standing clothing culture, full of oriental charm, amplifying the style of Song Zhixiao to the fullest, the dark fragrance of the years, the beauty of the years, restrained and subtle and revealing the stunning style.

This is the best costume in the world.

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