The next thing has nothing to do with Kim Jae-ho, but he is not the first to go to prison, strictly speaking, Lee Kwang-joo.

But if it is miserable, it is still Kim Jae-ho.

The worst thing is that Kim Jae-ho still doesn't know that he is miserable, and he is still actively looking for a way to get out...

The RMs were sent back to prison one by one, and there was no doubt about Liu Zaishi.

The most violent thing is that after Jin Zhiguo was sent in, he actually went out again through the traces left by Liu Zaishi, which was something that the production team did not expect.

This also brought Liu Zaishi a very big trouble.

Much later, Kim Jae-ho saw Yoo Jae-seok, who had come to visit the prison, holding a water gun in his hand.

Kim Jae-ho immediately opened his eyes and breathed deeply, and his blood pressure instantly increased.

"Brother! Do you know how I spent my tonight?! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"I'm sorry, Jaehiro, do you know what day it is?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"What day?"

"One year anniversary of the water gun."

Kim Jae-ho was shocked.

Away from the big spectrum!

Seeing Kim Jae-ho's expression, Liu Zaishi patted him on the shoulder and was comfortable.

He's going to the next victim to show off.

This is probably Kim Jae-ho's worst day this year, after all, you have to count staying up late.

And everyone had to wait for Liu Zaishi to leave before leaving.

Everyone could see his immediate steps from the window, and the cellmate next door greeted him cordially.

Until the time of leaving, Kim Jae-ho didn't know what he was doing today...

He recalled as if he had done something, and as if he had done nothing.

Forget it, go back to sleep first.

I don't eat any supper and go to sleep directly.

For Kim Jae-ho, sleeping is more important than eating.

A person needs to have a good night's sleep so that he does not lose hope in life.

The next day, Kim Jae-ho asked Song Ji-hyo to go out to try the super delicious food he brought from the super country next door.

Song Zhihyo didn't know that Kim Jae-ho did this kind of thing, but he just felt that Kim Jae-ho was mysterious.

"What are we going to eat?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"You'll know when you arrive, it's absolutely delicious." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Yes?" Song Zhixiao yawned, "I'm so sleepy." "

"Did you go back last night and didn't go to bed right away?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Just looked at the phone for a while..." Song Zhixiao whispered a little because of his weakness.

"For the sake of cuteness, I won't talk about you, tell you to go to bed early, especially yesterday I stayed up late."

It's almost noon now.

Yesterday was almost three o'clock, and it would definitely take time for everyone to go home and take a shower.

And looking at the phone for a while means looking at it for a long time.

"Then you can sleep for a while, and I'll call you later." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good." Song Zhixiao said and adjusted the chair and closed his eyes.

"You're really good at this." Kim Jae-ho complained.

"Yay! You still don't let people sleep! Song Zhixiao burst into laughter, and all of a sudden his sleepiness was driven away.

The two of them were jokingly talking about love, and if it weren't for Kim Jae-ho in the middle who couldn't help but stop the car, he would have arrived faster.

"It's here~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Song Zhixiao quickly sorted out his clothes, they were all messed up just now, and his face didn't know whether it was makeup or something else, and he looked more and more charming.

Kim Jae-ho didn't continue to move his mouth, and got out of the car directly, he couldn't wait to let Song Jihyo taste the hometown food he specially prepared.

"Hey? Isn't this near your home? Song Zhixiao asked.

"Of course, this is what I will eat in the future, and I definitely won't get it so far." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Huh? This is what you drove on? Song Zhixiao heard the special meaning of the words.

Kim Jae-ho didn't answer, just smiled.

"It's not like a restaurant." Song Zhixiao looked at the building in front of him and expressed strangeness.

"This is just a test site." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Base?" Song Zhixiao felt that the term was particularly novel.

To put it bluntly, this is just a property of Kim Jae-ho, and people are temporarily experimenting here.

Kim Jae-ho wants to taste it first.

The next thing can be said to be an eye-opener for Song Ji-hyo, she knew that Kim Jae-ho liked to eat, but she didn't expect Kim Jae-ho to move them over.


Looking at the huge kitchen and various settings, Song Zhixiao was shocked.

The kitchen is in itself, various settings are needed by the chef, the characteristic of this house is empty, only necessary things, so there is a lot of space for other things.

"This is Chef Chen Hao." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Hello~" Song Jihyo immediately greeted respectfully, this was the first time Kim Jae-ho took her alone to meet someone she didn't know, and she was a little nervous.

"Hello." Chef Chen Hao looked more restrained and did not speak Korean.

Kim Jae-ho said: "Ah, forgot to say, he can't speak Korean, he is from Huaxia." "

"So how..."

"I would say." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Then next, Kim Jae-ho directly used the Chinese to talk to Chef Chen, and Song Jihyo looked stupid.

Kim Jae-ho looks completely from that place, so handsome!

"You still say Chinese?" Song Zhixiao pulled him and asked in a low voice.

"Of course."

"Is there anything else you don't know about?"

"That's too much~"

"Then I'll get to know you better."

"A lifetime is so long, take your time, get to know each other."

Although the language is not clear, the food is interchangeable.

Song Jihyo was originally a person who likes to eat, and now he has no pressure to film, and he will also follow Kim Jae-ho to the gym, so he will let go of eating now and have no burden.

Kim Jae-ho asked Song Ji-hyo to see how these foods tasted from the perspective of people in this country.

However, seeing that Song Zhixiao ate so refreshingly, there should be no problem.

Then there's the operation.

Although he doesn't care about money, Kim Jae-ho doesn't want to lose money.

Although they are all located near their homes, there are differences between expensive shops and cheap shops.

However, he did not know the situation at that time, and could only divide according to his own ideas.

It should all be about the same.

After eating and drinking, Song Jihyo followed Kim Jae-ho to the MV filming location, like a small assistant.

Kim Jae-ho's work is particularly interesting, and she can see Kim Jae-ho's handsome appearance, but what makes her a little embarrassed is that everyone will show an ambiguous smile when they see her.

So she was planning to just follow for one day and not follow.

After dinner in the evening, Kim Jae-ho took Song Ji-hyo to see his practice room.

This is where Kim Jae-ho practices dancing from time to time.

"This is Park asked Xia Nuna." Kim Jae-ho introduced.

"Hello." Song Zhixiao hurriedly said hello.

Compared to Song Zhixiao, Xia was very excited: "Hey Yigu, it's so beautiful!" It's a fan of you, this is the first time Hao brought a girl to meet me~"

Her expression was ambiguous, and Song Zhixiao also felt very embarrassed and happy.

"Your teacher is a woman?"

"Because he prefers women's group dance, don't worry, I never touch her, and the time to meet is also very short." Park asked Xia as he said and also glanced at Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho was also a little weak, "Really busy!" "

In fact, Park Wenxia is one of MMP's dance teachers, and if he is a major and can be hired, he must be full of business ability.

Originally, Kim Jae-ho was a male teacher, but later it was found that Kim Jae-ho preferred women's group dance, so that teacher also called another teacher to help, which was her.

"It doesn't matter, is it still the same today?"

"Yes." Kim Jae-ho said, "Just show her what I usually look like." "

"Oh? Do you want me to teach you couples dance? Her expression was a little narrow.

Song Zhixiao's face turned red with a brush, which is probably the feeling of being in open love.

"Nu Na, she's thin-skinned."

"Okay, okay, no kidding, then you jump first." Park asked Xia with a smile.


So the teacher went to turn on the music, let Kim Jae-ho jump, suddenly it was the gee of the girls' generation...

Song Zhixiao looked stupid, come here to practice this dance?

Park asked Xia to pull Song Jihyo to the side to watch, and smiled when he saw this.

"It's just a warm-up, and I also taught him special man's dance."

"He is very strange, he likes the dance of the girl group, and he dances very well, knowing that Xiaoxi wants to learn together, I can teach it for free."

Song Zhixiao quickly waved his hand: "No need, I can't dance." "

"If you can't do it, it's not so difficult to dance, and it's not about going on stage."

"You have such a good figure, if you can dance, you will definitely be fascinating."

Song Zhixiao was also a little moved when he listened, and suddenly thought: "Then can I ask the teacher for something?" "

"Of course!"

Park Wenxia looked very happy and chatted secretly with Song Jihyo biting his ear.

Kim Jae-ho focused on dancing and did not see either.

After Park asked Xia to listen, he immediately made an OK gesture, and Song Jihyo also seemed to let go of the big stone in his heart.

Obviously, she has her own plans.

In two days, the two of them will go to a new round of recording, and this recording will not need to be recorded for two or three weeks.

This is because there are some members who have been particularly busy in the past two or three weeks, such as Haha and Kim Junguo, and Lee Kwang-joo also has to focus on acting, which is a particularly busy period of time.

It is also for everyone to rest and recuperate.

After all, it's been almost two years since I ran, and everyone has some injuries on their bodies, which can be well nourished.

But before that, there is another particularly important matter.

April 15th is the day of broadcasting.

This day was originally unremarkable, but it was different for Kim Jae-ho's friends.

Because today is Kim Jae-ho's birthday.

What Kim Jae-ho has done in the past two years, the friends he has made and the goodwill he has sown have all paid off.

Almost half of the people in the circle sent blessings to Kim Jae-ho.

Girls' Generation, FX they are all, Song Qian sent physical things.

It was also a rescue car, directly delivered to Kim Jae-ho's set, and asked Kim Jae-ho's set address in advance, Kim Jae-ho thought she was going to come to see something, but she didn't expect to engage in this.

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