"Absolutely!" Kim Jae-ho was so amazed that he shook his head and clapped his hands, the corners of his mouth hooked, he was the happiest person.

This woman is absolutely amazing!

Not only is she beautiful, her body is also full, and she is also my girlfriend!

I don't dare to dream of doing this, it's too exaggerated.

Looking at the undisguised appreciation and fiery heat in Kim Jae-ho's eyes, Song Jihyo also felt happy and proud.

She herself liked it very much.

"Does it look good?" Song Zhixiao's hands tightened his clothes a little nervously.

"Of course! Whoever says that you are not good-looking in the future, I am not convinced, it is too suitable for you. Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

The RMs on the other side also walked over, and when they saw Song Zhixiao, they shouted: "Dafa! "

"Pretty and beautiful!"

In the face of everyone's praise, Song Zhixiao is much calmer, after all, he is the hottest star now.

Don't watch her play with Kim Jae-ho all day, but as long as she wants, work can not stop.

She deliberately wants to take a break, do something, and spend time with her family.

It has always been a particularly cold day before, so everyone has not seen such a Song Zhixiao for a long time.

Now that I see it, I realize that she is also an actress.

Everyone moved to the table, because it was Kim Jae-ho who was particularly excited about the table.

"Yes, this is the opening of the Yang world, what kind of netherworld was the one last time." Kim Jae-ho complained.

"I like it very much~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Of course you like Lewis." Haha spit.

As soon as PD said the opening, everyone clapped their hands, and the light beads were very excited and shouted.

"If you don't come today, you don't plan to clap your hands." Liu Zaishi said.

"Let's create some atmosphere, it's been two years." Haha very calm.

"It sounds like you're saying to me~ it's suddenly quite harsh." Chi Shizhen took his seat.

The waiter handed over the water and everyone said thank you with Chinese, in fact, working here is generally not Chinese.

So the waiter looked a little flustered.

Kim Jae-ho was particularly curious about what to eat here, Ji Seok-jin poured himself water, and then drank it himself, and Yoo Jae-seok immediately said to him.

"What for? Can't drink tea anymore?! "

As soon as this hat was buttoned, Liu Zaishi panicked, but Jin Zhiguo found that Chi Shizhen's eloquence was particularly good.

"Not only today, but in the future, let's shoot where there is a roof." Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

This made everyone laugh, especially Kim Jae-ho, after all, he is the king of the room.

As long as it is indoor without exercise, Chi Shizhen's eloquence is king-level, outdoor words, well...

But this is just a joke, Chi Shizhen's eloquence has always been very good.

There are no mediocre people in RM.

Then everyone talked about Kim Jae-ho's birthday yesterday, and the production team was very devilish here to insert the picture of Kim Jae-ho watching the fan video and crying, which was originally a very warm thing, so that a clip was inserted, it made people laugh.

Song Zhixiao was accidentally blocked by Chi Shizhen when he drank water, and the water spilled on his body, and Li Guangzhu subconsciously picked up a tissue and wanted to wipe it but was stopped by drinking.

Lee Kwang-joo was also panicked, and the next second Kim Jae-ho rushed over and directly locked him to the ground.

Death to the grandfather!

Li Guangzhu slapped the ground hard and shouted sorry, looking very painful.

Everyone is dying of laughter, these two living treasures.

Soon the riots subsided, and everyone returned to their positions.

Song Zhihyo still felt a little handsome when he looked at Kim Jae-ho's actions just now, and when Kim Jae-ho learned this kind of action, he was just to play handsome, so handsome was engraved in his bones.

That is, for short, flower rack.

"Then why are we dressed like this today?" Kim Junguo asked.

"Today should be a special guest related to Huaxia." Liu Zaishi said.

"Song Qian, Song Qian!" Kim Jae-ho immediately shouted.

"Oh?!" The boys' eyes lit up.

Song Qian's performance in "We Are Married" is so good, almost the type that everyone wants to get married, and she has been here before.

Everyone loves hard-working and good-looking girls, and Song Qian broke her chopsticks with her fingers at that time, and her eyes did not blink, even if the eye circles were red.

Everyone admired her very much.

Not only that, she originally danced Chinese dance, she had to practice modern dance after she went to the silly hat, and the first year she could go to the first year was the first place in the comprehensive assessment of female trainees all year round, and she was really ruthless to herself.

And there are no scandals until now, especially powerful, even the problem of acting skills that everyone says, I feel that it is more a problem of the script.

The first few dramas were so embarrassing that people wondered if they wrote them with their feet, and it was better for Song Qian to write them herself.

Of course, her acting skills do have room to rise, after all, she didn't grow up learning acting.

From her work, it seems that there has always been progress, and that's enough.

The profession of an artist is still biased towards the cultivation department, like Kim Jae-ho, who ascends to the sky in one step and does every line is the ceiling, which is open and hanging, and cannot be referenced.

"The special guest is already here, waiting."

"If you look at the right, there are three, each of them chooses one, just stand at the door." PD said.

"Oh? Another choice of three? "Kim Jae-ho is particularly good at this.

"That's it!" Haha suddenly happy, "Last time it was Brother Dehua, last time it was us, this time it was idol." "

Li Guangzhu clapped his hands, and the expression on his face was already a victorious expression.

"What are you so happy for? You can't choose. Kim Jae-ho said.

"What?!" Li Guangzhu and Haha immediately laughed.

How many do you mean?

But to be honest, it is indeed chosen by Kim Jae-ho every time.

"This time I will stand with you in everything I say." Chi Shizhen said.

"Brother, don't, if you and me and the female guest, we will be finished!" Kim Jae-ho said.

Everyone is happy when they think about it, of course, the female guest is definitely not happy.

The two weakest teams with themselves, you don't have to think about winning, today is a happy day.

"Yay! I'm awesome! Did you forget that episode when I won alone? Chi Shizhen said.

"That time, you were on the same team as Brother Jiuguo, okay..."

"That's the last I lived."

"How do you remember so clearly?" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"I've seen it many times."


"Next time you come to my house, let's take another look~"

"Brother, you really have a big hair today~" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

Jin Zhiguo himself has no memory, after all, he often wins, and if he has to watch it several times every time, he doesn't have to work.

"Okay." PD said, "Wait until I say go, everyone just go to the door of the room they want to go to." "

Everyone said as they walked about the guests they wanted.

Kim Jae-ho originally had no choice, and as soon as he saw that Kim Ji-guk and Song Ji-hyo were together, he hurried over.

"Yay!" Kim Ji-guk and Song Ji-hyo high-fived Kim Jae-ho, respectively.

"Yay! How do you play that combination? "Haha complained.

"Then you come too." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Forget it, Brother Ultimate Guo generally can't choose a female guest." Haha spit.

"What are you talking about?" Jin Zhiguo was speechless, he was very lucky!

In fact, Haha felt that the three of them had gone too far, so they chose to go with Haha.

Two people can be said to look at each other unfavorably and dislike each other.

It was funny to look at both of them.

Regardless of the quarrel between Haha and Liu Zaishi, Kim Jae-ho stood obediently next to Song Jihyo and waited for the female guest to come out.

"Come out~" Jin Zhiguo stood obediently, his appearance was full of respect and expectation.

Unfortunately, as soon as the door opened, it was Dongwan.

"I knew so!" Song Zhixiao complained, she didn't choose it!

Kim Chengguo too.

Looking at their disappointed expressions, Kim Jae-ho wondered if they had received some order to stand in front of this, otherwise why did they happen to be three people?

However, Kim Jae-ho is already very satisfied with their configuration here, there are players with full strength, there is Song Jihyo who is a heavyweight even as a guest, and himself, two words, male god, in addition to handsome is talent.

Their misfortune is the greatest luck of the other teams.

Haha and Liu Zaishi a few meters away from the whole life, the two of them stand together as if talking crosstalk, you say a word to me, cooperate with tacit understanding, without stopping.

After all, the two of them have participated in two very popular variety shows at once, so there is no problem at all to say that a golden partner is.

Kim Jae-ho and the three of them looked at the two of them as if they were watching TV, and as the door opened, their expressions were even more wonderful than watching TV.

The person who came was Masaaki of Senka, who was born in his eighties, and this name made Kim Jae-ho think of the bad existence in "The Great Escape".

Haha and Liu Zaishi saw that it was him, their expressions were very subtle, and they felt very sorry when they saw that it was a man, and they wanted to scold the street, but after all, the guests had to take care of their feelings, so they could only hold it.

Kim Jae-ho laughed directly, and Liu Zaishi and Haha both hurriedly thought of lines to resolve this embarrassment.

After all, it is very rude to be stunned.

Two contestants who had just spoken out suddenly became squibs, which looked very funny.

The last guest is JYP, unlike Xiuman Uncle Yang, he is very active.

This is his English name and company name, as for what kind of company, it is probably one of the three giants of entertainment.

Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen directly turned into ice cubes, and immediately Li Guangzhu held it in his small hand and did not put it down.

"Sei? Who is it? Kim Jae-ho craned his neck to look, but the guests had not yet come out inside.

Until he stood up on his own.

"Boom! Gorilla! Kim Jae-ho blurted out.

"Yay! I'm your senior! Park Jin-young immediately shouted.


Everyone was stunned when they saw him, and they all forgot about the absence of female guests.

However, it is not surprising that he starred, he is very active in variety shows.

As soon as he opened the door, he said sorry, and he looked very sorry, because he knew that everyone had been expecting female artists.

This is probably the first person who feels sorry because she is not a female artist, obviously the president.

It's like the big brothers in the last issue were directly scolded.

People are like this, the higher the social status, the more humble.

After all, if you are crotch-pulling, it is not called modesty, but normal performance.

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