He immediately found a bathroom and began to replenish his weapons with ammunition - water.

The water was filled with paint, and he chose his favorite green.

The hand trembled a little, and the expression changed to a heart void mode.

"It's going crazy!" Liu Zaishi looked at Quan Lie, "You have to be careful. "

Kwon Yeol is also an important partner of Lewis Bond, and when it matters, he can be used as a special combat force to keep him alive.

Liu Zaishi has not yet been amnestied, so the security guards will still arrest him, and he still has to hide from them.

His first target is Kim Jae-ho, after all, it is a picture to find something, and Kim Jae-ho is very critical.

He never imagined that Kim Jae-ho was already lying flat in prison.

Now he had no other thoughts than one more cellmate to accompany him.

"It's better here than there just now, at least it won't be tied up there, there are beds, and books." The more Kim Jae-ho said, the more wrong it became.

"How do I feel like I might as well not come out?"

His words and ignorant expression made the nearby staff laugh again.

The huge prison, so many stools, Kim Jae-ho was tied alone, and there were many people standing on their side watching him being tied, and when they looked outside, their eyes showed a longing light from time to time.

Really the more you look at it, the more pitiful it gets.

Now after saying this sentence, everyone can't hold back, they are called out at night, sentenced without saying a word, trumped-up charges, and then go to prison, the mystery is targeted, and they are ridiculed.

I finally came out, and before I took a step out of prison, I was caught here, and then I finally untied the rope, and I was caught again before I could see the outside world.

Suddenly, he heard the broadcast, "Li Guangzhu is imprisoned again!" "

His eyes lit up: "It's coming!" Finally someone is here! Make you laugh at me hahaha~"

Kim Jae-hole is broken and finally comes to the cellmate.

But he didn't wait for Li Guangzhu to wait, and it was Chi Shizhen who came.

"Brother, why are you? Isn't it a bead of light? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I don't know, maybe not here yet."

"Then why didn't you get a hint that you were imprisoned?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I don't know." Chi Shizhen also didn't know anything.

"That brother, how did you get eliminated."

"They caught you, what about you?"

"As soon as I opened the door, they arrested me."

"Which door?"

"The door of the prison..."

"Huh?" Chi Shizhen was surprised, and then laughed maniacally.

This is not laughing at the death of the individual!

"Then you haven't been looking for it? Drawing? Chi Shizhen asked.

"No, I went straight here."

"Oh, are you like this tonight?" Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

"Brother, they are gone, you turn around and I'll see if I can help you untie it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Huh?" Chi Shizhen immediately turned around.

"I untied myself just now, but I was caught." Kim Jae-ho said.


"So be careful, brother, it's okay!"

“OK!" Chi Shizhen said while looking out and untying the rope on his body.

"Brother." Kim Jae-ho turned around.

Chi Shizhen stood up and looked at him, and time was silent for a few seconds.

Kim Jae-ho: "Oh..."

Chi Shizhen smiled.

"Brother, I've been tied up here for a long time, I'm going crazy! I really want to go out and see the outside world. "

Chi Shizhen continued to smile, "This seems to be a personal battle. "

"Brother, if you don't help me loosen the tie now, I'll call." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Don't, your voice is so big, you will attract them." Chi Shizhen said.


Ji Seok-jin had to help Kim Jae-ho untie him.

"Brother, I took the initiative to help you untie it, so you treat me like this?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"No, I wanted to loosen your ties in the first place."

"I only saw your eyes very shaken."

"No, my eyes have always been like that."

"I don't believe this sentence."

"yes, why hasn't he come yet."

"Maybe there's something else." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, yes, why is your knot so difficult to solve?"

"I just ran it again, so they tied it very tightly."

"Really, I don't understand!"

"Oh brother!"

"Just kidding~"

"Anyway, I was still very happy when I saw you just now." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Let's go."

The rope that Kim had been tying to Ho for a long time was untied, and he stretched out very happily and moved a little.

"Finally escaped! I will definitely not come back here! "

Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin ran out sneakily, especially cautiously.

Kim Jae-ho planted it once, although he also planted it a second time, but he will definitely not plant it a third time.

It's past midnight now, but he's in good spirits now.

"I really feel like I'm out of prison now, and that's what freedom smells like." Kim Jae-ho said.

He only now realized that it was such an uncomfortable thing to be tied up.

On the other side, Liu Zaishi found an opportunity to attack Jin Zhiguo, he also struggled for a long time before making a move, if it were not for Jin Zhiguo's complete trust in him, his back kept showing him, he would not have done it.

Everyone heard the news that Jin Zhiguo was reimprisoned.

Kim Jae-ho also saw Liu Jae-seok, who looked very tired.

"Brother!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Shhh!" Liu Zaishi said quickly.

Kim Jae-ho also reacted, yes, it would not be good if it attracted security guards.

Kim Jae-ho didn't want to attract security.

"Brother, what's going on now?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I don't know, I've been on the run." Liu Zaishi said, "Did you find anything? "

The sweat on Liu Zaishi's body can be seen with the naked eye, and he is panting when he speaks, Kim Jae-ho is very surprised, is the security guard tonight so fierce?

Also, if it wasn't so fierce, he couldn't have been caught so simply.

"I didn't find it." Kim Jae-ho was embarrassed to say that he had just been released from prison.

"Don't be here, find a hidden place first." Liu Zaishi said.

Liu Zaishi did not finish speaking, a security guard came from afar, Kim Jae-ho was bitten by a snake and immediately ran, Liu Zaishi also quickly started, Kim Jae-ho could even hear his panting.

Running and running, Liu Zaishi said: "Run separately!" "

Kim Jae-ho said, "Good. "

Although separated, he found that the security guards were only chasing him.

What the hell is this?

And no matter how he runs, they chase after themselves.

No wonder Liu Zaishi was also chased so tired!

But because the prison is so terrifying, he has been gritting his teeth and insisting on running.

"Stop chasing, please!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

But the security guards did not listen and chased after them.

Just when he was about to be caught up, he leaned down and stuck to the ground at the same time, turned around, wiped directly from the security guard's hand in the most extreme posture, and then got up and fled.

The security guards were shocked, how could it be like this!

This is not the first time Kim Jae-ho has used this trick, he has used it before, this trick can only be used on relatively smooth ground, that is, with extreme posture and sudden so that the pursuer cannot brake the car and cannot react and cannot catch him.

Kim Jae-ho is equivalent to suddenly changing direction and running away one hundred and eighty degrees in place, which he will do when he was a child.

This is also what he suddenly thought of when he was playing games between classes at that time.

Kim Jae-ho seized the opportunity to run downstairs to the survival passage on the side, and just when he thought he could escape, two security guards suddenly blocked his way.

Kim Jae-ho will never give up!

He immediately ran back, and the two security guards just now were actually behind him!

Outrageous! Four people! Pinching back and forth!

As for?!

No matter what the effect of the show, they don't stop and rush up directly.

Kim Jae-ho saw that there was no chance to chat, pretended to give up and suddenly broke through, but was immediately caught.

"I don't want it! I don't want to go to jail! Kim Jae-ho struggled violently, and soon the four people directly divided his limbs and carried him up.

"I was wrong! Put me down! I'll go by myself! "

That's a shame!

Perhaps the person who carried it also felt tired, so he also agreed to him.

As soon as he put it down, he ran, but before he broke free, two security guards held him firmly in hand.

Because of his resistance, the two security guards were more cautious, and Kim Jae-ho had absolutely no chance to escape.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't understand, is it necessary?

This is a complete lack of opportunity!

How did you get real tonight? Everyone can run away like this, how fierce!

He felt that after being caught, he should be like Chi Shizhen, staying in prison, and then getting together two people to escape and continue to search.

Because it was delaying time, the production team asked the security guards to do it in real terms.

However, he suddenly found that the security guards did not take him to the same prison last time, but to another prison, the kind of prison at the beginning!

And not his original prison!

"What? Why bring me here? "Kim Jae-ho was completely stunned, and he couldn't guess the routine of the production team this time!

He immediately realized, "So Li Guangzhu was also brought to this place?" "

The security guards ignored him and walked away.

"But it's better here than there~" Kim Jae-ho suddenly let go.

"Hey~ the conditions here should be different from there, and here should be to solve the puzzle again." Kim Jae-ho said.

"I'm good at this!"

Sangyoon: Are you sure?

But Kim Jae-ho still doesn't know the difference between this prison and that prison.

On the other side, after running separately from Kim Jae-ho, Liu Zaishi found a place to rest, and then said to the camera: "I'm sorry Jae-ho, I don't want to." "

That's right, when the two ran together just now, Liu Zaishi decisively took out a water gun and shot it at Kim Jae-ho's back.

That's why the security guard chased him because he was the target.

Being eliminated by Liu Zaishi and being eliminated by security guards are of course two concepts, and Kim Jae-ho's prison this time cannot be escaped.

He was assigned to the prison of Song Zhixiao before, and the puzzle solving method has been taken away by the production team, so this is the real cell.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't know that tonight, he spent completely in prison, this is the Lewis collection, and it is also Kim Jae-ho's prison special...

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