On the other side, Brother Dog and Chi Shizhen Li Guangzhu were facing each other, and when they were at a loss, they suddenly found that the golden pig on the opposite side actually came by himself.

Really didn't expect it, the three people immediately became excited, and the dog brother immediately squatted there waiting for the golden pig to come by himself, but he ignored that there were others behind him.

As soon as Li Guangzhu saw that the situation was wrong, he immediately rushed up and hugged the dog brother, and then began to pull back, how good people are, and their team still has Chi Shizhen.

If you don't say that Li Guangzhu is a person possessed by the god of variety shows, when the other members are still circling below, he took Chi Shizhen to occupy this important place first.

Yes, that's right, Jin Zhiguo was the one who closed the ceiling, and he rushed out at the first time, but he didn't find the way up, and the ghost knew that the road was in a corner on the other side, and there were no stairs, just a climbing frame.

Even if the dog brother did not snore Brother Zhiguo, Brother Zhiguo could not find the way, and in the end, he had to be in Li Guangzhu's arms and watch the golden pig fall on Chi Shizhen, who was sitting and enjoying his success.

Jin Zhiguo was remorseful below, obviously he closed the roof, but now it has fallen into the hands of others and is wronged.

It's fierce here, but it's another style of painting on the other side.

I saw Jin walking over in a tossy and tumultuous way, and then asked, "Are you looking for me?" "

The surroundings were quiet, and Song Zhixiao, who was concentrating on looking for the golden pig, was obviously startled by the words that suddenly came out from behind.

"Ah! Yikes! How come it's you again, scared me to death!! Frightened, Song Jihyo turned around and saw that it was Kim Jae-ho who was relieved and said with a smile.

"Yes, it's me again, isn't it a coincidence~" Kim Jae-ho also smiled.

Since it is Kim Jae-ho, there is nothing to fear, and now is not the time to chat, it is still important to find the golden pig, she turned her head and went to find the golden pig again.

Unfortunately, Kim Jae-ho doesn't think so.

Song Jihyo, who had just taken a few steps, found that Kim Jae-ho behind him had been following him, and he was also crying and laughing.

"Follow me for what? Find your stuff and go! Song Zhixiao scolded with a smile.

"Oh." Kim Jae-ho answered unhappily, and then went elsewhere.

Song Jihyo saw Kim Jae-ho's back and was in a good mood.

She is also very strange, she will be much more relaxed when she sees Kim Jae-ho, in fact, it is only after filming RunningMan that she discovers what a shy person she is.

After a few episodes, there was almost no variety show effect, and she didn't know how to speak, such as Chi Shi Zhen Liu Zaishi and other deliberately took care of her to find a topic for her, she didn't know how to answer, and she didn't have her own appearance at all.

Under such pressure, she can only try to do her job as well as possible, but since Kim Jae-ho interacted with her, although Kim Jae-ho looks a little hangered, but it is, every time she talks to him, it will be much easier.

Obviously she debuted earlier than him, filmed so many scenes, and was a few years older, but she felt that Kim Jae-ho was taking care of herself.

She has also taken over several MCs and variety shows before, but she feels that she is being carried by Kim Jae-ho, a newcomer who has just debuted, which is a very strange feeling, but inexplicably seeing Kim Jae-ho has a sense of security and feels very comfortable.

But this hanger langdang, who made her feel very comfortable, didn't take a few steps before she suddenly "heh".

Song Jihyo looked at Kim Jae-ho and found that he seemed to have discovered something.

Kim Jae-ho did find something, he saw something exactly the same as the switch that Kim Junguo had just made, he looked up, and there was a roof on it.

"No, ????" Kim Jae-ho himself was shocked, could it be that his luck was really so against the sky?

Surprised and delighted, he immediately pressed the button, eager to give Song Zhixiao not far away the strength of his game ghost.

Forget what danger and everything, press it directly like Kim Zhiguo, change the roof switch from red to green, and watch the roof above slowly open, Kim Jae-ho knows that he is doing the right thing.

He quickly scanned the surroundings, and unlike the roof just now, there was a place not far away where he could go up.

He immediately ran to the place, there must be a golden pig on it, just like just now.

Song Zhixiao watched Kim Jae-ho press the button, and then the roof slowly opened, and Song Zhixiao, who also witnessed the incident of the roof just now, also reacted immediately.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho who rushed to the climbing frame, she also panicked.

He must be stopped!!

Song Zhixiao only had such a thought in his mind now.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho who was about to pass by her, she actually stopped Kim Jae-ho directly in a hurry, and this way turned out to be directly standing on Kim Jae-ho's route.

Kim Jae-ho looked at Song Jihyo who suddenly appeared, and was also shocked, and immediately slowed down, but in the next second, a soft and delicate body crashed into his arms.

Fortunately, Kim Jae-ho braked, otherwise he would definitely knock Song Ji-hyo out, and Song Ji-hyo also seemed to have made up his mind that Kim Jae-ho would stop, so he was also very reckless, directly crashed into Kim Jae-ho's arms, and hugged Kim Jae-ho.

"Brother Zaishi!!! Brother Zaishi!!! Song Zhixiao immediately shouted excitedly, wanting to call his teammates not far away to get the golden pig, which can be said to be very powerful.

"Yay! Song Zhixiao!! "

Song Jihyo 168, Kim Jae-ho 178, because of Song Jihyo's shoes, Kim Jae-ho's feet are a little curved because of the sudden stop, so the height of the two people is almost not much different.

Kim Jae-ho was frightened by the woman's bold action, although he said so, but when Song Jihyo took the initiative like this, Kim Jae-ho was instigated.

No, nothing, not at all, can't write, can't hug it, anyway, probably Song Jihyo hugged Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho prodded instead.

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