"It's a coincidence, I can't either... Whew...," Kim Jae-ho squeezed a smile reluctantly.

"Hahaha~I saw it~" Zheng Xiuyan said with a smile.

"I think your physical strength is not as good as hers." Sangyoon VJ said as he walked.

To be honest, even the VJ next to him felt it, and the physical strength of these two people seemed to be better for Zheng Xiuyan.

"Yay! Elder brother! Believe it or not, I've been running to death of you?! No matter how bad I am, I'm also a little better than girls, right? Kim Jae-ho was very upset when he heard this sentence, and he had a heart-piercing feeling, after all, he was compared with girls.

"Hahahaha~" Zheng Xiuyan leaned forward and back with a smile as he walked when he heard this.

Sangyo VJ just smiled and didn't speak, still concentrating on shooting.

To be honest, with so many VJs, the most relaxed is to be Kim Jae-ho's VJ, which is simply a benefit, and other VJs are so envious that they often ask him to invite him to dinner.

After all, when Kim Jae-ho's VJ, it is really easy, mainly because Kim Jae-ho runs less, even Ji Seok-jin runs more than Kim Jae-ho.

But if you shoot Chi Shi Zhen, it must not be as interesting as shooting Kim Jae-ho.

On the other side, the other men who were running fast had already entered the celestial hall, which had a large celestial telescope, but the members had no intention of watching now, after all, it was not this time.

Unlike Kim Jae-ho's panting, these men who went to exercise specifically for the show still have the strength to look for something, but after going around in a circle, Liu Zaishi and Ni Kun, who arrived first, did not find it.

Liu Zaishi, who was holding a towel to wipe his sweat, suddenly looked up and saw that something shimmering with golden light formed a powerful contrast with the black sky, standing on the high ceiling.

Just as Liu Zaishi looked up, Jin Zhiguo, who had just come in, also followed Liu Zaishi's line of sight and saw the lonely golden pig above the ceiling, precariously about to fall.

In an instant, the game changed from looking for the golden pig to how to get the golden pig on it, which is probably the easiest golden pig to find, and it is also the first golden pig to see but don't know how to get it.

At this time, the other members of the red team who received the order found the record from another direction, it was Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen, and the dog brother of the blue team also followed.

But even when they went up, they found that the golden pig was still at a long distance, and they didn't know how to get it.

Just when everyone hesitated, Jin Zhiguo began to use his brain.

Suddenly, Jin Zhiguo found a big controller next to him, and suddenly he thought that since the place where the golden pig was located was a roof, it must be controllable.

This man, who graduated from two schools and has two bachelor's and master's degrees, also proves that he is not just a muscle, no one thought of him.

Just as Kim Junguo was walking over there, Kim Jae-ho Jung so-yan was also late, and he was a little afraid when he saw that Kim Junguo wanted to touch those things.

"Brother, be careful!" Kim Jae-ho reminded, because in his mind, it is better not to touch these things that he does not understand, after all, high-tech, it is easy to get into trouble.

But as a capable, he also has a big heart when he is cautious, knowing that Kim Jae-ho is just worried about him.

"It's okay, there is a ceiling switch written here~" Jin Zhiguo said.

Sure enough, after Jin Zhiguo pressed that button, the button turned green, and the roof moved slowly, and Jin Zhiguo immediately began to gallop in the direction of the roof.

Zheng Xiuyan saw that he also subconsciously followed Jin Zhiguo to run Jin Zaihao, just ran here and didn't want to continue running, anyway, it's just a golden pig, so many people chasing, it doesn't matter if he doesn't go.

"Aren't you chasing?" Yoon VJ asked.

"Alas~ isn't it just a golden pig, let them go and grab it, I'm not rare~" Kim Jae-ho shook his hand, as if he was very disdainful.

"So what are you going to do now?" Doubtful.

"Go find another golden pig." Kim Jae-ho said as he walked.

Xiang Yun was speechless, he really didn't blush when he said this, who said it just now that it was not rare? It was as if there were auditory hallucinations.

After walking around, he touched the high-tech telescope from ten years ago, and if it weren't for the urgency of the mission, he really wanted to take a look.

In fact, he walked around and touched it like that just now, which seemed to be a waste of time in Sangyoon's opinion, but he didn't say anything, after all, he was used to it.

In fact, he already felt very strange that Kim Jae-ho did not stop to take a look at this behavior, after all, the last time he saw novel high-tech in the science and technology museum, he played for a while, although it was not very fun.

"It looks like there's no more." Kim Jae-ho said to himself, in fact, he was talking to the audience.

The first thing newcomers to learn is to talk to themselves and explain what they want to do, which belongs to the self-cultivation of variety artists.

Kim Jae-ho is also adapting now, and I remember that once, Yoo Jae-seok called to ask Kim Jae-ho to go to his house to chat, and this time it was directly an afternoon, and he told Kim Jae-ho a lot about this circle.

Kim Jae-ho also obeyed, and at first he was very grateful, but when this time turned into an afternoon, a few hours, he felt that Liu Zaishi was very verbose, so verbose that he even took out his previous "glorious deeds" to tell.

Kim Jae-ho has always listened carefully, and nodded from time to time to indicate that he was still listening, and kept sighing in his heart, worthy of being a famous mouth, this ability to speak is not worth it compared to any aunt, there has always been a topic to talk about, talk for hours.

If it weren't for the fact that Sister-in-law Luo came to help solve the siege in the end, Kim Jae-ho would have really been difficult to get out with the excuse of their two-month-old son.

Kim Jae-ho is too, even two-month-old children use it, although the effect is good.

The topic seems to be far.

After Kim Jae-ho walked around, he walked to a place where there were few people.

After taking a few steps, I saw the figure of Song Zhixiao in the distance, this person who was very serious about the task was looking for the golden pig.

Kim Jae-ho was happy as soon as he saw Song Zhihyo, and from a distance, Song Zhihyo had a very cute, confused feeling, and the title of "Ignorant Wisdom" in the future was really not wrong, very suitable.

But who would have thought that this girl who looked confused would become the ACE in RunningMan in the near future, and it is no exaggeration to say that one ignorant top three men.

Kim Jae-ho wiped his sweat to make himself look as dry as possible before walking up quickly.

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