The black hair caressed his cheeks, and a faint fragrance came to his nose, Kim Jae-ho now smelled like this in the whole world, mainly because almost half of his face was resisted by Song Jihyo's hair.

Song Jihyo not only hugged tightly, but even clamped Kim Jae-ho with one foot, and then put his head against half of Kim Jae-ho's face, constantly calling the names of his team members to the entrance of this room.

"Again Stone Oppa!! Oppa!! Hurry up!! "

Kim Jae-ho is also drunk, Song Jihyo is really too serious, he doesn't care about his image at all, but there is a camera next to him.

But after watching so many RMs, to be honest, in addition to beauty, what attracts everyone is also Song Zhixiao's seriousness, and he really doesn't look at himself as a woman at all.

But she doesn't see herself as a woman, others will, especially Kim Jae-ho.

Before this, he had never had such intimate contact with a girl, which was really exciting.

"Sister, don't be like this, I'm not leaving..." said Kim Jae-ho helplessly, and even the title "sister" was shouted.

Kim Jae-ho's heart is beating fast now, like a grass mud horse bumping in his heart, and he jumped by the way.

But saying so, Song Jihyo obviously didn't believe what Kim Jae-ho said, but hugged tighter and shouted harder.

Kim Jae-ho felt more pressure coming from his upper body and was also drunk.

"Oh, hugging so tightly, do you like me?" Kim Jae-ho deliberately teased, but even Song Ji-hyo next to him laughed when he heard it.

She could hear that Kim Jae-ho was talking a little weakly now, and knew that Kim Jae-ho was deliberately and wanted her to let go, although she also smiled, but still hugged tightly and did not let go.

Kim Jae-ho smiled bitterly, it was useless to say anything, since he couldn't resist, it was better to seize this opportunity to say something to Song Jihyo.

He hooks a weird evil smile, which should be described in some novels, the evil smile, in fact, is just a bit of a mean smile.

Then Kim Jae-ho lowered his head, rested his head on Song Ji-hyo's shoulder, buried his nose under Song Ji-hyo's hair, and whispered into Song Ji-hyo's ear.

"Like it?"

Song Zhixiao suddenly felt this snort from his ears, and the whole person was also hot, and a strange feeling surged from his heart, like no one under the red sunset, the pink sea fluttered against the golden coast, and colorful flowers appeared on the beach.

This is an indescribable feeling, if described by taste, it should be sweet, Song Zhixiao was still shouting and was obviously stunned for a moment and then smiled shyly.

"Yay!" Song Jihyo patted Kim Jae-ho's back, venting the strange feeling in his heart, even when he was filming emotional scenes with handsome male stars before, he didn't have this feeling.

Kim Jae-ho was patted on the back, feeling that the whole person was crispy, his body was numb, and he didn't feel pain, after all, Song Zhixiao didn't know why he didn't use as much strength as before, but more like coquetry.

"Love you~" Kim Jae-ho whispered again, as if the devil's whisper.

After Kim Jae-ho said this, both of them smiled, next to each other's shoulders, and a feeling of wandering lingered under the focus.

Cupid seemed to have a double kill at this moment.

But before the two could feel this sweetness, a nasty voice appeared.

"Yay! What are you doing?!!! Liu Zaishi asked unreasonably while laughing.

Song Jihyo was like a primary school student who was discovered by his parents, and he was so frightened that he immediately let go of Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho was just giggling and didn't move.

Jin Zhiguo also came, and he also knew what happened after opening the roof, and immediately jumped up, but found nothing, he came down and began to interrogate these two people with a smile like Liu Zaishi, especially Jin Zhiguo, just now that moment was simply a crit on a single dog.

"What were you doing!!?" Kim Junguo asked.

"Yes! What are you doing? How hugged together, this is RunningMan, not me knot! Liu Zaishi accused loudly, but the smile also betrayed him.

Unexpectedly, Kim Jae-ho's first words were not explanations, but complaints.

"Oh, can't you come later?" Kim Jae-ho said unpleasantly.

"What did you say?!" The two eldest brothers also laughed angrily.

"Ah, let's go, let them continue." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"I feel it too." Jin Zhiguo also smiled and nodded.

"Yay! Brother Zaishi!! Song Zhixiao scolded with a smile, a little overwhelmed.

"I'm very happy~" Seeing Kim Jae-ho, who had been looking at Song Zhixiao and smirking, Kim Ji-guo also ridiculed.

"No way, love came too suddenly~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Ah, don't talk nonsense, I'm just stopping him, no matter how Shi Brother, you're too slow?!!! Song Zhixiao immediately began to change the topic.

Liu Zaishi also realized when he heard it, some things should be stopped in moderation, too late.

"What's the matter with me again?!" He followed Song Zhixiao's words and pretended to be unreasonable.

"Of course it has something to do with you!!"

Then Song Zhixiao began to scold Liu Zaishi, who also crossed his waist, like an aunt.

"Is this how you treat your elders????" Something like that.

But discerning people can see that they are just doing the effect, and they are very happy.

Song Zhixiao is also not vain and has been responding.

"I kind of see Song Zhixiao's character." Jin Zhiguo looked at the fierce Song Zhixiao and said with fear on his face.

"anniyo~It's not~" Song Zhixiao also instantly converged when she heard it, and she waved her hand awkwardly and kept waving her hand awkwardly when she turned back into a lady, indicating that she was not violent.

"That's it, brother, you don't know that I rushed out just now and she actually hugged me directly, I almost thought I was caught by a sumo master." Kim Jae-ho said with a worried look.

"Yay! Kim Jae-ho!! Song Zhixiao directly shouted his real name, and Kim Jae-ho also hid behind Kim Ji-guo in fear.

Liu Zaishi also pulled Song Zhixiao with insight, and Jin Zhiguo smiled and said, "Ah! I'm scared too...", and pretended to shrink back.

At this time, it can also be seen that everyone's artistic ability is seamless.

However, Song Zhixiao's violent character may be set, and when the avatar of Song Zhixiao's student period comes out in the future, the violent Zhixiao will become a bad filial piety.

Everyone is actually doing their best to add shots and topics to Song Zhixiao, and Song Zhixiao can be said to be the favor of the group.

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