In fact, Kim Jae-ho did not sleep very deeply, after all, he was in a strange place, and he would always be a little vigilant, so he quietly woke up when Jung so-yan shook it a few times.

"Is it over? Went home? The sleepy-eyed Kim squinted, his face a little red from the table.

"It's cute~" Kim Junguk looked at Kim Jae-ho and smiled.

Kim Jae-ho woke up in an instant, looked up at Kim Junguo and Jessica sitting on the table in front of him, and he realized that he was still recording.

"Ha~" He yawned with his mouth wide open, stretched his waist by the way, and the members smiled when they looked at him like this.

"Hold on a little longer, and you'll be able to get out soon." Haha comforted.

Because of this short break, everyone's faces are now deeply tired, of course, the broadcast cannot be seen.

Kim Jae-ho looked around, many cameras were filming, and then in front of him, Jung so-yan was wearing shorts, and his two slender legs were dangling in the air, which was very girly.

After all, it's girlhood, at least for the past few years.

"It's coming!" Jin Zhiguo suddenly picked up his mobile phone and said.

"What an endless game~" Haha complained.

It was the first time he was on such a tired show, game after game, all with a lot of exercise, and it was more than ten hours in a row.

Even variety show veterans can't help but complain, but complaining is complaining, the game still has to do their best, which is the professionalism of variety artists.

"Two pigs penetrating the roof, does this instruction mean to hurry up and go to the roof?" Haha asked.

"What do you think of Jae-ho?" Kim Junguo first looked at Kim Jae-ho, although this guy was silent, but he most likely knew the answer.

Kim Jae-ho is still confused, and he was suddenly called and also drunk, how could he ask himself? He has always disliked to use his brain, after all, with Song Zhongji, he can do this kind of thing without doing it, and he can steal a little if he is lazy.

And most importantly, Jin Zhiguo's question has a feeling of "Yuanfang, what do you think", which is very contradictory.

But when Kim Junguo asked, everyone looked at themselves, and Kim Jae-ho had to think about it.

"If you penetrate the roof... This is the Science Museum, the production team issued this task should also ask us to go to a special place, think about what other special places we haven't went, but it's big, and it's related to the roof, well... Penetrating the roof... Roof... Hmm..." Kim Jae-ho pondered, and the members also thought along the lines of Kim Jae-ho's words.

PD was a little panicked, Kim Jae-ho actually figured out the idea of the production team's question, and the subtitle group at this time posted a few big words here in the later stage, "Lazy genius!" "

As the name suggests, although he is lazy, he is indeed a very intelligent person, and can even be said to be a genius.

But what kind of genius, casually according to the task issued before to make a reasoning, he knows, he has experienced the "May Three Tragedy" these are simple.

That is, the legendary five-year college entrance examination three-year simulation, which generally refers to all the questions brushed before the college entrance examination.

"Ah! Pregnant!!! Song Zhongji suddenly realized, and everyone looked at him.

"This is the Science Museum, there should be a place to watch the ladder, if you want to watch, the roof must be opened, look at the stars and so on..." Song Zhongji's eyes flashed with wisdom.

"Ah~ you're really, really smart, smart!!" Jin Zhiguo sighed on Song Zhongji's shoulder, and Haha and Brother Dog sighed the same.

"Let's go, I have already seen the celestial telescope just now, I saw it outside just now, didn't you ask me Zaihao? Come, follow me. Jin Zhiguo said immediately.

He meant that he had already seen the Celestial Gymnasium when he was playing on the bus just now, and Kim Jae-ho even asked him curiously what kind of pavilion it was, and Kim Junguo also had an impression.

"Yes, yes! I asked just now! Kim Jae-ho also nodded excitedly.

Wow, this time their blue team is simple, it is simply a god-like cooperation, Kim Jae-ho throws bricks to attract jade, Song Zhongji flashes of light, and then Kim Jianguo even thinks of Kim Jae-ho's question.

This wonderful combination has also boosted the confidence of the blue team.

"Wow, really, our team is simply ~" Haha sighed, he now has a creepy feeling that his team is so strong~

How to lose you tell me! How to lose!!

"Daihatsu !!" Zheng Xiuyan also sighed, are the variety shows so difficult now? Are variety artists so strong? She really felt that she couldn't keep up with this rhythm, and instantly admired these people even more.

Just by penetrating the roof, the four words associated with the celestial pavilion also opened her eyes.

But the slap in the face is that Chi Shizhen of the red team next door guessed it alone, and even the discussion process was pitiful, almost a second answer...

The red team also moved outside a long time ago, after all, it saved time for discussion.

The blue team is already lagging behind, even if there are three demons in their team, they are no match for a senior Chi Shizhen, and the team has an old treasure~

In the early stage, Chi Shizhen still regarded himself as a strong person, but soon, when the tearing of the name tag began, his personality slowly changed, and all the performance of the personality changed was also inclined to the personality, so it was not so strong at the beginning.

Almost at the same time as walking out of the science museum, the red team saw the celestial hall in the distance and began to run.

The men of the blue team, who were also jogging, focused on Jessica's running position.

"Jessica runs very well~"

"Jessica ran like this~"

While sighing and imitating Jessica, who was running briskly in front of her, she smiled like a bunch of fools, completely missing the appearance when she was thinking just now.

Even Kim Jae-ho was imitating Jessica with interest, and after following this group of brothers, he also began to assimilate.

The blue team ran a distance and also saw the Celestial Gymnasium, and Jin Zhiguo and Song Zhongji also ran quickly and rushed to their destination, but the red team was already in front.

There are those who run fast, naturally there are those who run slowly, and Kim Jae-ho is already out of breath, but Jessica is still pulling his clothes and running behind him.

"Oppa, wait for me~"

"Sika, Oppa is tired too..." said Kim Jae-ho uncomfortably, it was the first time he had met someone with worse physical strength than himself.

After continuing to run for a distance, because Jessica kept pulling him, he was also tired and began to walk, he still had the urge to shake off the hand of the female star for the first time, and that person was still a girl...

"Your physical strength is actually worse than mine," Kim Jae-ho complained breathlessly.

"I can't do it related to physical strength~" Zheng Xiuyan said with an embarrassed smile.

Looking at Jung so-yan's smile and white teeth, Kim Jae-ho can't be angry, beauty is really invincible, especially the recognized kind.

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