Seeing that Song Zhixiao sitting next to him moved, Kim Jae-ho also immediately moved and sat next to Song Zhixiao again, and he didn't want any face.

Seeing Kim Jae-ho's faceless behavior, Song Jihyo can't help it, except for laughter, he can only let him do this, but Kim Jae-ho is Kim Jae-ho after all, even if he comes closer, he is a little distance in the middle.

It is precisely this distance that makes Song Jihyo have no objection to Kim Jae-ho's behavior.

After all, he is in the entertainment industry, Song Zhihyo is also very defensive about men, but Kim Jae-ho's balance between advance and retreat can be said to be just right, both close and not too excessive, which makes Song Zhihyo feel very comfortable, and naturally has no objection to Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho behaves like a man who has been in love for a long time, but Tianmercy can be seen that Kim Jae-ho is still a virgin, and he has not even had a girlfriend.

On the one hand, because he actually watched Han Entertainment, he was improved by all kinds of beauties inside, and on the other hand, his life was too simple, and he was completely an authentic otaku.

All his current behavior is derived from his own character, as well as respect for girls, and there is no acting component in it at all, so it is also natural, there is no deliberate feeling, and this actor Song Zhixiao also knows.

It is Kim Jae-ho that everything is just right and natural, so he has a relationship with Song Jihyo to this extent so quickly, not to say that he likes it, at least he is not disgusted, and even to the extent of having a good feeling.

You must know that these two people have only passed a few hours since the sentence "you form CP", and the previous interaction is pitiful.

"Ah~ look at the way you guys, it's really ~"

Liu Zaishi on the side is also constantly ridiculing, but in fact, such a scene of crit on single dogs has no effect on Liu Zaishi, after all, Liu Zaishi, who has just been married for two years, has an intellectual and beautiful beautiful host wife Liu Zaishi himself is also happy to the point of not being able to.

Compared to these two scenes of secret feelings that may not even be said at the beginning, Liu Zaishi has already experienced it, and he is just reacting now.

Soon, his gaze shifted from the two people back to the car, and everyone in the car engaged in a tug-of-war.

"Brother Shi Zhen! Come out quickly!! Liu Zaishi said to Chi Shizhen, who was close at hand but couldn't help.

Poor Chi Shizhen is being held down by Jin Zhiguo, and he can't even see Chi Shizhen's face outside the car window, which can be said to be very miserable.

"I want to come out too! Get nailed!!! Chi Shizhen said pitifully.

Liu Zaishi was speechless and funny when he heard this, but he still wanted to help, so he began to scold the street mode, constantly condemning Jin Zhiguo.

"Yay! Don't you even put big brother in your eyes?! Yes?! Liu Zaishi pointed at Jin Zhiguo and roared.

But Jin Zhiguo's response was to put Chi Shizhen's kickstand on the window, and then took off his shoes and threw them in front of Liu Zaishi, who couldn't help but take a step back.

The striped socks exposed by Chi Shizhen can be said to be very young, but he can't do anything, and even everyone can only see his somewhat excessive socks.

"Stone again! What a stone! Chi Shi shouted.

"What?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Help me teach him a lesson!!" Chi Shizhen said.

When Liu Zaishi heard it, he immediately showed his sense of artistic ability, and he crossed his waist like an eventful grandmother and constantly accused Jin Zhiguo.

Everyone was about to die of laughter when they saw this scene.

Jin Zhiguo was finally annoyed by Liu Zaishi outside, so he also took off Chi Shizhen's socks and began to throw them, sure enough, in the face of this sock attack, Liu Zaishi also retreated, and the socks were still a little useful.

Chi Shizhen was also humiliated and had no way to fight back, and Li Guangzhu, who could help him, was also pulled out of the car by Haha Sheng.

Poor Lee Kwang-joo has been tortured by Kim Jae-ho miserably enough, and when he came out, his clothes were almost gone, and he was pulled out of shape like a dog brother.

Chi Shizhen couldn't resist anything, he could only wave his only naked foot that could still move in humiliation, constantly flicking and mournfully shouting Liu Zaishi's name outside the car window, Liu Zaishi was the only person who could help now.

But the truth is that Liu Zaishi can't help him.

In the end, Song Zhongji also took advantage of the chaos, and now there are only three people left in the car: Ni Kun and Jin Zhiguo Chi Shizhen.

"Brother! Come out soon!! Kim Jae-ho also immediately reminded at this critical moment.

Jin Zhiguo, who was still enjoying the pleasure of ravaging Chi Shizhen, reacted to this, and now as long as he comes out, he will win.

Just when Jin Zhiguo wanted to go out, Ni Kun also began to act, he stood in front of the car door desperately trying to stop Jin Zhiguo.

But Kim Junguo could not be stopped by him alone, and Kim Jae-ho knew that this was already stable, although he thought so at the beginning.

Sure enough, it's good to put on Jin Zhiguo's thigh~

In the end, there was no accident at all, Jin Zhiguo broke free from Ni Kun's shackles and successfully escaped from the car.

"Ah! Monsters, monsters!! Chi Shizhen sighed barefoot, he was now riddled with holes.

This time, the only ones who can keep their appearance intact are Song Zhongji and Ni Kun, who have always been gentlemen, the two of them look fine, but the others can be said to be miserable, even Jin Zhiguo was taken off a shoe by Chi Shizhen.

"Junior Team Victory !!" Liu Zaishi announced the results.

The blue team also cheered again, two wins and one draw, this record is not to say, it is indeed crushing.

The red team also has several fewer golden pigs than the blue team, but anything is possible, and they still want to turn over.

It was already past four o'clock in the morning, and the two teams separated to prepare for the next mission.

"Are you all right? You don't seem to have any spirit now~"

Sitting together, Song Zhixiao, the only girl, became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Ah~ really sleepy..." Song Zhixiao also looked tired, from the departure to now, not only time, but also a lot of things happened.

Everyone is indeed sleepy, not only Song Zhixiao.

"Zhixiao, think about this, if you lose, you will be punished." Chi Shizhen said the fact that no one wanted to face expressionlessly.

The rest of the red team also laughed when they heard these heart-piercing words.

That's when new mission information came.

On the other side, the atmosphere of the blue team is very relaxed, Kim Jae-ho is already asleep like a dead pig, and Jung so-yan sees that he is constantly shaking Kim Jae-ho.

"Oppa ~ Oppa ~ Don't sleep!!"

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