"Brother, I don't think this is right, you went out first, who will push it?" Kim Jae-ho got to the point at once.

Although Jin Zhiguo is indeed a good fighter, he may also have a very strong performance when he is the first to go out, not to mention that he is now holding a fire.

But he went out, and the rest of them were... To be honest, Kim Jae-ho feels that the only reliable person left of these people is Song Zhongji.

That is a game after all, and being happy is also one of the more important factors to consider.

Kim Junguo is very upset now and wants to explode, so even if he understands what Kim Jae-ho said, he is determined to be the first to go out, Kim Jae-ho doesn't care, he just makes a suggestion, and people have their own ideas.

Anyway, the person who cares the most is Kim Zhiguo, people themselves say so, Kim Jae-ho will follow him.

But like Kim Jae-ho, Kim Junguo also feels that Song Zhongji is more reliable, so he also let Song Zhongji come.

Very smoothly, Jin Zhiguo stopped firmly in the middle position, but there were two wheels slightly out of bounds, and Jin Zhiguo also wittily used his strong strength to jump with the trash can and jump back into the circle.

"How can there be such a thing as you?!!!?"

But the red team is not a fool, this kind of obvious cheating behavior directly made the people of the red team explode, all rushed over and began to accuse, and even four people directly went to push him to the original position outside.

Jessica also quickly ran up when she saw this.

"No, no, I really saw it, not to this extent."

She felt that the red team had pushed too far.

"Three or four of us saw it..." the red team member immediately retorted.

Jin Zhiguo, who was trapped in the barrel, could not do anything, and under the words of the red team, only Jessica was helping Jin Zhiguo speak.

Then the other red team members led by Haha were dumbfounded and stunned, and had no idea of coming up to help at all.

Jin Zhiguo, who discovered this situation, was also furious, "No, what are you doing?!!! Yikes!! Hurry up and help!!! "

Jin Zhiguo pointed to the big curse that stood there and watched happily, such a teammate who had no sense of teamwork, he was also drunk.

After the foursomes, who originally felt funny like watching a TV series, were suddenly scolded, they also reacted that now is not the time for onlookers~

They also came over immediately and said a few words symbolically.

"It's not right for you guys to do this, it's not right like this~" Song Zhongji said while laughing, and then Nikun also stopped him with a smile and didn't let him come over to help.

Kim Jae-ho also came over, but was stopped by Lee Kwang-joo, also pretended to be stopped, symbolically said a few words, it seemed perfunctory, the four of them did not really want to help, just afraid of being scolded.

In an instant, the scene rose to the intensity of the quarrel of all the staff, except for Chi Shizhen, who was sitting on the side, who wanted to know what was happening behind, but he couldn't see it because of the barrel and the location of the bucket and his back to everyone.

A person there alone becomes the background, "so what... Is there anything funny about the back? Chi Shizhen asked lonely.

Everyone saw it and laughed, this brother was too funny, but soon everyone ignored him and continued to argue.

Jin Zhiguo has always said and refuted, and Song Zhixiao, who is standing on the side, is very unhappy when he looks at him.

"Can't move anymore!!" Song Zhixiao directly squatted down and pulled Jin Zhiguo's barrel back a little, looking angry.

Jin Zhiguo was also a little afraid when he saw such an angry Song Zhixiao, and smiled embarrassedly, "No, does Zhixiao have to be like this?" "

Because Song Zhixiao looks really angry, but in fact, this is a trivial matter, everyone is just doing art, so Song Zhixiao is really angry and Jin Zhiguo is a little panicked when he sees it.

"Brother, forget it, so be it, otherwise she will come to beat you later." Kim Jae-ho said faintly on the side, looking scared.

Everyone also smiled when they saw Kim Jae-ho's appearance.

"I kind of understand." Kim Junguo also agreed with Kim Jae-ho, at first he thought that Kim Jae-ho was just acting, but now he is also a little panicked in the face of the angry Zhihyo.

"Yay! You shut up!!! "

After Song Jihyo raised his fist, he also looked down and smiled embarrassedly, Kim Jae-ho was instantly frightened and took a step back, Lee Kwang-joo, the worst person who was bullied in the original work, is now a little scared when he looks at Song Jihyo, thinking that he is lucky to be a team.

Because of Kim Jae-ho's relationship, Song Jihyo, an attribute that did not awaken so quickly, is now also stimulated in advance.

Soon, the riots on the scene stopped, and everyone dispersed, after all, the game had to continue, but Ni Kun who came out next on the red team also instantly made the previous dispute of Jin Zhiguo useless.

Because he came straight to Jin Zhiguo, and directly kicked Jin Zhiguo out of the circle, and entered the circle himself.

Now Kim Junguo also regrets not listening to Kim Jae-ho, because he can really only sit here and can't move, let alone fight back, it's better to push the person who pushes.

Then when he arrived at the blue team, Liu Zaishi suddenly found that the person pushing was Brother Dog, and he immediately went around a big circle to scare Brother Dog, and Brother Dog was also recruited without accident

"Why do you want this?! Yes! Really, I feel weakened!! Brother Dog was also frightened and complained.

But luckily, this time the blue team won.

And the whole process, Chi Shizhen can only be used as a background board, staging me living alone, I don't know what happened behind, I can only talk to myself in front of the camera, and others have no time to pay attention to him, he is like a lonely old man forgotten in the corner.

On time now well, he is finally liberated because the game is over.

In the second round, the blue team came first, and the blue team learned its lesson and knew that the one at the beginning was just cannon fodder, so he beat Kim Jae-ho and also stopped firmly in the center.

The red team sent Song Zhixiao, everyone is the one who has not been on the field, Song Zhixiao also kicked Kim Jae-ho's barrel very accurately, Kim Jae-ho was kicked directly to the periphery of the circle, that is, the upper right corner.

Song Jihyo saw that he kicked Kim Jae-ho and smiled very happily.

The blue team also came, this time there was a mistake, did not stop in the center, did not kick Song Zhixiao, but the red team is the same, they are even more excessive, actually kicked their own team's Song Zhixiao out of the field not only stop, Li Guangzhu has not stopped in the circle, it is simply a loss.

However, what everyone did not find was that Song Zhixiao was going to a delicate place.

PS: Ask a question, if Kim Jae-ho replaces Brother Dog, will you still watch it?

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