Because of the unspeakable, unspeakable and unintelligible problems of collision and rotation, Song Zhixiao, who didn't know whether he was unlucky or lucky to be knocked away by his teammates, and before he could scold his indisputable teammates, he found that his bucket stopped leisurely, and a wonderful touch suddenly came from his back.

This wonderful touch made her choke on the words she was ready to speak, forgetting all her anger in an instant.

And Kim Jae-ho, who has perfectly adapted to the harsh environment of the garbage can and already wants to fall asleep, suddenly smells a refreshing fragrance.

Into the nose, into the heart.

While his mind was shaking, his back felt the same feeling as Song Zhixiao.

I saw that the leisurely rotating Song Zhixiao actually slowly hit Kim Jae-ho's barrel with a wonderful curve, because of the sitting position, at the same time that Song Zhixiao stopped, the buckets of the two people also fit, and the back-to-back touch made both people forget what they were going to do.

This seems to be the plot of a TV series, a coincidence that even nature cannot arrange, is now playing out alive in front of everyone's eyes.

Liu Zaishi, who almost thought that he was going to be scolded, suddenly discovered this scene and immediately cried out, "Ah!! Daihatsu !! "

Following Liu Zaishi's line of sight, everyone noticed it or not, but now they noticed it.

"Yay!! What are you two doing???!!! Kim Ji-guk also shouted with a smile, pointing at Song Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho, who were close together and didn't know what happened.

"Wow! Daihatsu !! Haha touched his head and looked at this scene with a shocked face, and everyone was instantly coaxing and doing their own reactions.

The scene that was quiet because of the game in an instant was also noisy, and the staff who came to get it were no exception, and it was also stunned to look at this demonic scene, and the most exciting thing about the variety show was these coincidences.

Kim Jae-ho seems to be possessed by God again, but this time the god is called Cupid.

"Oh, do you like me????" Kim Jae-ho smiled at the corner of his mouth, tilted his head back, and touched the back of Song Jihyo's head.

Song Zhixiao also immediately covered her face and smiled shyly when she heard it, she really felt like she was going to explode now, and her face was so red that she couldn't do it.

When she realized what happened, she also felt very speechless, she was an actor at the same time, she was just an ordinary woman, and now she was really embarrassed, and it seemed that the eyes of the world were focused on the two of them.

Especially when he heard Kim Jae-ho's sentence with a little ridicule and the gentle collision on the back of his head, Song Jihyo didn't know why he suddenly felt an electric shock, and his heart moved.

She is really embarrassed to explode now, and her heart beats very fast, and she subconsciously jumps by pulling her trash can like Kim Junguo, and slightly away from Kim Jae-ho, wanting to use this to escape this blushing situation that is about to explode.

But soon her illusions were shattered, and her slightly cute movements were immediately discovered by everyone, and Jin Zhiguo, who was besieged last time because of this, also rushed up immediately.

"Yay! Can't be like this!! Can't move!!! "Jin Zhiguo is now the most confident person, thinking that he was besieged like this just now.

He directly pushed Song Zhixiao's bucket back into place, not only did he let the two of them get closer.

Kim Jae-ho was also moved to cry, raised his thumb and shouted at Kim Junguo, "It's worthy of my brother!" Love you!!! "

Song Zhixiao can only smile now, she doesn't know how to react now,

Because of the problem of sitting posture, she can't even bend her waist forward, this trash can is simply a divine assist, and the nature of Jin Zhiguo.

Kim Junguo also smiled when he heard Kim Jae-ho's words, walked over and patted Kim Jae-ho's shoulder, "I can only help you get here, take advantage of it!" "

"Yay! Kim Jiuguo!!! Song Zhixiao heard that he was really angry and laughing, and even Oppa didn't shout, but directly called his real name.

"Hahaha! It's called his real name~" Liu Zaishi laughed hilariously.

"Like it?" Haha came up and asked.

"Oh, the best~ thanks RunningMan !!" Kim Jae-ho also sighed with a smile.

Everyone laughed when they heard it.

“lovelineloveline! Why don't you just form a love line!! Liu Zaishi also immediately came up.

These two people who like to make love lines for others are now together is also a big move, combined with the previous heated discussions on the Internet, the love line of these two people is what many people are looking forward to, and now they also seize the opportunity to take a look.

You must know that the love line between Kim Zhiguo and Yoon Eun-hye was also made by these two people, and it was said for several years.

"Good, good! Group group!! Kim Jae-ho smiled stupidly and nodded, these brothers are really powerful.

"Yay!!" Song Jihyo was also too shy to hear it, and directly hit back with his elbow, pounding Kim Jae-ho's back, and then a light series of elbow strikes

"Ugh!" Kim Jae-ho screamed first, and he changed his face instantly after he was still smiling.

"No group! No more grouping! Don't hit !! Kim Jae-ho hurriedly shouted.

Everyone is also happy to see it, Song Zhixiao is really cute this time, these two people are, and this is quite a bit of flirting between small couples.

"Yay! Don't lean over!! Song Zhixiao scolded with a smile again.

"You think I do?! Although I quite willing... But now I'm gone, or do you want to do it yourself? Kim Jae-ho retorted.

Song Jihyo wordlessly lowered her head and smiled, she knew that Kim Jae-ho was telling the truth, because she couldn't move unless she supported her hands, but it would be very tiring.

But everyone is an adult, and they are doing variety shows, originally this is nothing, normal contact, just back to back, but I don't know why, Song Zhixiao always has a strange feeling in his heart stirring in the blood, the whole person is very hot, very uncomfortable for a long time.

But now that everyone has refocused their attention on the game, their eyes are much less, which makes Song Zhixiao a little more relaxed, and only a little.

She can always feel the warmth coming from behind, the two of them are actually only separated by two pieces of cloth now, that is, thin T-shirts, after all, who wears thick clothes to play games on a hot day?

This damn obsessive weather...

After quieting down, Kim Jae-ho sat quietly, leaning, smiling, and this experience did not change for much money!

You know, everyone who has watched RM for several years, there is almost no one who does not like Song Zhixiao, this person, whether male or female, I said.

He remembered a lyric called back-to-back hugs...

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