The capable Kim Junguo is not a complete dictator, as long as it is for victory, he is willing to accept the opinions of others.

When Haha and Kim Jae-ho said this, Kim Ji-guk also decided to let everyone divert to the outer courtyard.

At this time, Zheng Xiuyan's voice suddenly came out of the walkie-talkie.

"Ran outside~"

I saw Zheng Xiuyan sitting bored on the ground, and she couldn't run with three bags hanging on her body for a long time, and she was sitting on the ground all the time.

But it was also because of this that she saw the red team running outside.

When the team members heard it, they immediately ran when they decided to go outside, and Kim Jae-ho was also speechless, just ran from the first floor to the second floor, and now he wants to run back to the first floor from the second floor.

But what can you do, even if you go, you have to follow ah...

Halfway through, Kim Jae-ho was already behind, and he saw Jung so-yan sitting on the ground when his physical strength was exhausted.

"Sika, go quickly, I'll just look at the backpack." Kim Jae-ho said pretending to be kind.

"Sit down when you're tired~" Jung so-yan smiled and groaned, and saw through Kim Jae-ho's routine at a glance.

Kim Jae-ho touched his nose embarrassedly, feeling that the current young man is really getting smarter, since he has been said through, then he doesn't want to pretend, even if he talks he feels tired now.

Jung so-yan patted the floor next to him, and Kim Jae-ho also sat down unceremoniously.

"Tired Oppa?" Zheng Xiuyan asked.

"I'm tired, I've been running since the beginning to now, I've been running for dozens of minutes, I'm really going to die." Kim Jae-ho said with a dejected look.

In fact, he spends most of his time walking or jogging, but it is true that this time he is more active and hard than in the previous episodes.

It is said that he is lazy, but he has done everything he has to do excellently, and this laziness is really the first time he has seen it.

"Then rest, trust them." Jung so-yeon smiled and said what Kim Jae-ho had said to her several times.

"Well, trust them." Kim Jae-ho nodded, and rested on a few golden pigs, if it weren't for the beautiful woman watching, he would really have closed his eyes with his backpack.

Although he is an idol, because it is not the formal debut process, he has never had any real feelings, even if he sees his fans, and no idol baggage is his biggest problem now.

Although the two people were close together, they were silent, because they were tired, and because there were so many cameras next to them, and the eyes of those writers who looked at them were eager for something to happen.

But if there is no one, maybe the two will chat a little, but now there are long guns and short cannons, and there are even people who are lighting off the camera in order to make Zheng Xiuyan look better, and the two people are very beautiful.

The life of this lazy duo soon came to an end, because the red team had already found all the golden pigs, and the blue team was still one step late.

Kim Jae-ho yawned, not caring about this result, because he had done everything he could, and most importantly, didn't he see that Jessica still had three golden pigs on him? If these two golden pigs were still from the blue team, the red team really had nothing to play.

Coincidentally, Kim Jae-ho yawned, Jung so-yan also yawned, and the two yawning people lazily looked at each other and both laughed.

This wonderful coincidence made the atmosphere of the scene a lot pink and warmer.

"I have to say, even if you are so tired, you look good, how to put on this makeup, it's really amazing~" Kim Jae-ho looked at Jung so-yan's face that was almost the same as at the beginning, and sighed at the magic of makeup.

Even if he is so tired, Zheng Xiuyan looks very good, he doesn't know if he is like this, but he really doesn't wear makeup, because he has been sweating, makeup will be spent.

Moreover, he felt that it was a little strange for men to wear makeup, and he who had never put on makeup and cruelly refused her when he saw the makeup artist come over.

So Kim Jae-ho has always appeared without makeup, but it may be because of talent problems, his skin still looks very good, anyway, handsome is a word, which is one of the reasons why he is confident and does not wear makeup.

"What~ Oppa, people are already good-looking, right?!" Jung so-yan couldn't help but turn into a violent Sika and beat Kim Jae-ho.

At first, she heard Kim Jae-ho say that she was beautiful, she was still very happy, but the latter sentence of makeup, it was directly cloudy, does this guy know how to make girls happy?

Kim Jae-ho touched the place where he was beaten, and felt that why was every female guest so violent?

He is beaten almost every issue, first Li Xiaoli, then Song Zhixiao, and now Zheng Xiuyan, do female stars have some strange attributes???

But before they could talk for long, they were going to the next place for the next game.

Next is the trash can curling game, which is also a gentler game, and can be regarded as giving members a break.

Jin Zhiguo has been holding his breath, because he was ravaged just now and didn't catch a golden pig, and now he is also a little angry, "Let's play some games that can be close to each other." "

Jin Zhiguo said indignantly.

All the members laughed, and Liu Zaishi also said with a little panic, "What's going on with you?!" You seem to be younger than me, only you go to the gym yourself? "

He is also chattering and provocative, and he also looks very powerful, but I believe Liu Zaishi, if he really arranges a confrontation game now, he will definitely provoke.

Soon, everyone was ready to start, Jessica also tried this trash can, but as soon as she went in, she really went in, and the whole person was almost in the bucket, because of her petite figure, the whole person was about to fold in the trash can.

Everyone sees it is also very funny, this can be regarded as Zheng Xiuyan's body is funny.

Jung so-yan herself also felt funny, she can't come out at all on her own strength now, Kim Jae-ho also laughed while helping to flatten her bucket, and Jung so-yan came out smoothly.

Then Kim Jae-ho himself also tried it, unlike Jung so-yan, he felt quite comfortable, just right, and he could feel a little paralyzed.

As if tailor-made, as soon as I entered, I was so comfortable that I wanted to sleep.

The game officially began, and the funny thing is that Chi Shizhen, who is a first baseman, went out of the center at the beginning, turned his back to the camera in a corner on the edge, and was alone, and then Nikun couldn't stand it, and helped him take a camera to let him shoot himself and take a selfie.

The blue team is also about to start, and the first one they sent was Kim Junguo, they originally planned to let the powerful Kim Junguo go first, and then they could kick the others away, but Kim Jae-ho, there are opinions again.

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