Liu Zaishi hid behind the display table, sitting there leaning, his mouth kept saying that his stomach hurt.

But suddenly I only heard VJ say, "I'm hiding in the same room now~"

Liu Zaishi was instantly stunned, "Don't tell others!! "

Because this is likely to be heard by the VJ on the opposite side, he will expose his position, but there is no way, PD does not know where Liu Zaishi is, and he can't grasp the situation, mainly because Liu Zaishi hasn't appeared for a long time.

He was speechless to his VJ again, but there was no way, VJ had to listen to his superiors, his direct boss was not Liu Zaishi but PD.

Although VJ has been drunk, the radio has been rustling.

"Stone again... "PD is still trying to get in touch with Liu Zaishi.

Just when Liu Zaishi grabbed VJ's walkie-talkie and wanted to accuse PD, his ears suddenly heard a trace of movement!

"Sh!!h Liu Zaishi quickly squatted up and made a silencing motion with his index finger, vigilantly listening to the movements around him.

But at such an urgent time, the radio in Liu Zaishi's hand still rings from time to time, and the rustling sound makes Liu Zaishi feel the urge to smash it.

But Liu Zaishi listened for a while and still did not move, which made him a little doubt whether he had heard wrong, after all, the situation was a little chaotic just now, and PD was blamed!

He carefully lay down and crawled slowly on the ground, nervously and fearfully creeping out to see what was going on.

But just as he stretched his head out, a face suddenly appeared a few centimeters in front of him.


For this face that appeared in front of him without warning, Liu Zaishi's breathing was almost frightened, and he called out instantly, but the opposite face also called out at the same time, as if he was also startled.


Let's turn back the clock a bit.

Kim, whose mission content has changed to sightseeing, walks around the venue boredly.

To be honest, in fact, there is nothing to see, soon, Kim Jae-ho got tired of watching, just when he kept walking and walked very inside, he suddenly heard a little sound, and the rustling sound was obviously the sound of the radio.

He immediately understood that he might have picked up the treasure again!!

He immediately lowered his body, slowly sneaked, walked silently like a cat, and walked to a display board, he is now only a wall away from Liu Zaishi.

He took the same plan as Liu Zaishi, the people inside were afraid of alarming the people outside, and the people outside were afraid of alarming the people inside, but they didn't know that they had been discovered by the other side.

Kim Jae-ho crawled, this is the least vocal way, and he is also a little counted to fight him head-on, with his inferior physique, it is likely that he will not be able to fight, and in the absence of support, he intends to sneak attack.

When he climbed around the corner, he did not quietly probe like Liu Zaishi, but sharply probed, and then, Liu Zaishi's face that looked a little powerful up close suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and he almost touched his nose.

In an instant, Kim Jae-ho was also taken aback.

"Ahhhh!!!hh Both of them screamed and fell to the ground, but Liu Zaishi quickly reacted and immediately got up and was about to run.

Kim Jae-ho also got up and immediately chased.

"Brother Zaishi~~~~~!!!!!!!" Kim Jae-ho shouted playfully.

Liu Zaishi was also running desperately.

Two people who had not seen the seven souls in the last second instantly found their position, one ran and one chased, tension is something everyone has, but the mentality is completely different.

Liu Zaishi quickly jumped out from behind, Kim Jae-ho went around from the outside, it was a short cut, and in an instant at the other exit of this exhibition board, the two people met.

On the one hand, Jin Zhiguo is suffering, and on the other hand, he shoulders the hope of the whole team.

Kim Jae-ho grabbed the clothes of Yoo Jae-seok who appeared in front of him, but Yoo Jae-seok turned around gorgeously, threw away Kim Jae-ho's hand very noisily, and then quickly lowered his body to avoid Kim Jae-ho's second attempt.

While dodging Kim Jae-ho's attack, he lowered his body, supported his hands on the ground, and immediately stood up and ran.

This snakeskin-like position perfectly shows Liu Zaishi's talent in escape, dodging Kim Jae-ho's hand at the extreme distance, after all, quickly opening the distance.

Kim Jae-ho, who failed the attack, was not discouraged, shouting into the walkie-talkie while running, "First floor, first floor!! Ran out!!! Fast!!!! "

The members of the blue team heard the clear sound suddenly coming out of the radio, and immediately ran towards the first floor like a shark that smelled fishy, and when they passed by Jin Zhiguo, Jin Zhiguo had been torn off, and Zheng Xiuyan looked at Jin Zhiguo with distress next to him.

Jin Zhiguo also shouted when he saw his own team members running.

"Catch him!!!"

The members heard it and ran faster, and they wanted revenge!!

In the past few tens of minutes, they have been holding back, they can only watch Jin Zhiguo being besieged and ravaged, but they can't do anything, and now, the opportunity for revenge has finally come!!!

Kim Jae-ho shouted as he ran, "Brother Zaishi!! "

He made the wisest decision, which was to call his teammates, and now all he had to do was not let Liu Zaishi disappear from his sight and hide again.

Although he ran slowly, he could still do it, and he hung far behind Liu Zaishi, panting but still running.

At this last moment, he didn't want to drop the chain.

Finally, just when Kim Jae-ho couldn't hold on, a blue figure appeared in front of his eyes.

Friendly forces have finally arrived!!!

Liu Zaishi, who was about to run out of breath, saw the enemy coming from all directions, and he was also drunk, and soon he was arrested.

In the original work, Liu Zaishi was going to run into the bathroom to hide and delay time, but because of Kim Jae-ho's credit this time, the members blocked in front of Liu Zaishi early, and running to the bathroom was of course a luxury.

Looking at the number on Liu Zaishi's name plate, the team members also immediately thought of the locker.

When they all got there, they found that the red team had just left, and when they saw the blue team, the red team also ran.

The blue team saw that the prompt was a rocket, and Jin Zhiguo immediately said, "Two layers and two layers!" "

Kim Jae-ho, who ran to the second floor with him, suddenly thought of something, "Wait a minute!! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

The members also looked at him strangely.

"Not the second floor, rocket words, I look at the wind... When I was doing a mission, I saw a big rocket outside! Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes! I saw it too! It should be outside! Haha also said that he actually saw it, but because Jin Zhiguo was sure that it was the second layer, he also followed it.

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