When the blue team was at a loss, Kim Jae-ho, who had been scattering, stood up.

The current RMs are all new to tearing up famous brands, but Kim Jae-ho has seen many issues.

In the future, Jin Zhiguo may know the operation of sticking to the wall, but this is the first time, he only knows to protect his name card, except to run and catch, he can't think of any other way, or he doesn't have time to think about it, this is a matter of experience.

And Kim Jae-ho is almost in the state of video clearance, although he has not experienced it on the ground, but he has watched a lot, as for why he stood up this time, he also reacted subconsciously.

People are rushing in front of them, don't you block and wait for death?

Although it can't be stopped...

I saw that the blue team had been quickly divided, and Kim Jae-ho was also pulled by Ji Seok-jin, and Kim Junguo can only rely on himself now.

The swift Ni Kun had already broken free from the heavy protection in front of Kim Junguo, and in the face of these battles for the first time, the blue team's defense was like paper paste, and even Lee Kwang-joo seized the opportunity to rush over.

Quickly Jin Zhiguo is facing a one-on-two state, and he can't fight back yet!

Soon he confronted Ni Kun, and Jin Zhiguo saw that the situation was not good, and directly began to flee, but the four people of the red team immediately surrounded him like hyenas.

Kim Jae-ho did not have the restriction of Ji Seok-jin, and seeing that Kim Ji-guo was in a critical situation, he immediately rushed to help Kim Ji-guk grab the name tag while leaving other people's hands.

With Kim Jae-ho's help, Kim Junguo quickly broke free from the encirclement of the hyena herd and rushed out, and the others immediately followed.

Jin Zhiguo panicked and rushed up the stairs, but Ni Kun ran faster, and Jin Zhiguo only had time to rush to the general, and was grabbed by Ni Kun's name note, Li Guangzhu and Song Zhixiao also immediately came up to help, and the three people pulled Kim Zhiguo's name bar at the same time.

But Jin Zhiguo is also a powerful man, and he used his own strength to desperately grab the name bar behind him, and it turned out to be the same as the strength of the three people!!

Kim Jae-ho, who arrived late, and Song Zhongji, who was very fast, also chased after him, helping to grab Kim Junguo's name note in the back.

At this moment, ordinary people may have given up, but Jin Zhiguo is not an ordinary person, I saw that he actually gritted his teeth, and with five people behind him, he was still walking slowly.

He dragged five people with the power of one person!!!

No, it's six now, and Chi Shizhen has also joined in, and Jin Zhiguo's back has been grabbed by many hands.

On this day, the RunningMen felt for the first time the fear of being dominated by the able...

The name of Sparta also began to spread throughout the entertainment industry on this day, spreading all over the world, and RunningMan's strongest man, Jin Zhiguo!!

Kim Jae-ho's whole person trembled with excitement, he recalled this scene, this is the famous scene of the able, how excited he was when he first watched it, and then, now he is involved, he, witnesses history!!

I saw that Jin Zhiguo was still slowly moving forward, dragging six people, with a back injury and injury, gritting his teeth and walking to the second floor alive!!!

But on the second floor, Li Guangzhu, who had been in a stalemate for a long time, pulled off Jin Zhiguo's name tag, but Jin Zhiguo still dragged the name tag in his hand.

Kim saw that the scene was irretrievable, and immediately shouted, "Quick!!" Go find Liu Zaishi!!! "

When the members of the blue team heard Kim Jae-ho's words, they remembered that the key now is not to protect Kim Jiuguo, this kind of thing can come by himself, he can defend himself, and their more important thing now is to find Liu Zaishi.

Haha and Zhongji immediately handed over the backpack on their bodies to Zheng Xiuyan, and then quickly rushed out with the dog brother to find Liu Zaishi Jin Zaihao blocked the red team, seeing that he could not help much, he also left the backpack to find Liu Zaishi.

Everything now depends on how long Jin Zhiguo can hold out, and now here, it is his battle alone!

However, it is obvious that the red team can't take him in a short time, as long as he still holds the name note in his hand, the red team will never see the contents inside.

And if they want to get the name note, the first thing is to break his big hand like a rock, even Ni Kun can't do it, but as time goes by, Jin Zhiguo always has a moment when he can't hold on.

On the other hand, because the red team came down from the second floor at first, the blue team searched the second floor.

Kim Jae-ho was still very motivated at the beginning, after all, Kim Junguo is also in danger now, but after running a lap, and then under the limitation of physical strength, his patience gradually faded.

Slowly, his focus changed from finding Liu Zaishi to rest and sightseeing, mainly because he felt that he had done enough, and the blue team did not play without him in the original show?

So with the support of the idea that he was superfluous, he began to swim, mainly swimming and resting, and after running on the second floor for a few minutes, he said by radio.

"Brother, the second floor is handed over to you, I'll go to the first floor to take a look."

Everyone also had no doubt about him, so they let him go directly, and when they went to the first floor, they passed by Jin Zhiguo, who was still struggling, and originally wanted to help, but seeing that the four members of the red team were looking at him, he was also a little vain.

"You guys continue ha, I'm passing by~passing by~" Kim Jae-ho actually said that he was really just passing by.

The red team also laughed until they had no strength when they saw it, and it can be regarded as a curve to save the "country", so that Jin Zhiguo broadcast for a few seconds.

Compared to the second floor, Jin Zaihao still has many places that he has not visited on the first floor, but what he didn't expect was that Liu Zaishi was really hiding on the first floor, not the second floor of the red team at the beginning!

And Liu Zaishi now has a very painful stomach, and he is also forcibly enduring, and he heard the radio "Kim Jae-ho is coming!!" Kim Jae-ho is coming!! After such an instruction, it became even more nervous.

This is actually why the red team looked at Kim Jae-ho just now, because they all knew that Liu Zaishi was on the first floor, but they couldn't expose this fact, so they didn't do anything, let Kim Jae-ho go, anyway, compared to physical strength, Liu Zaishi should still be able to run.

Liu Zaishi heard the radio and moved out in a panic, and then was startled by the dummy on the MRI machine, and after moving in a panic, he hid again, and the subtitle was also complaining about why he didn't simply stay where he hid at the beginning.

This may be the reason why Liu Zaishi was too nervous to run around.

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho, who was advancing while watching the exhibits, also slowly approached Liu Zaishi...

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