"Well, the person left for the last in this case is Liu Zaishi." PD said.

"What, then what do I do?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Send the eliminators away first."

"Don't we even have the qualifications to listen?" Kim Jae-ho questioned.

The truth is that he didn't even have the qualifications to listen to this answer, and left directly with Jin Zhiguo.

"But fortunately, brother, you are with me." Kim Jae-ho said.

"We don't have to be a team." Kim Chengguo is very sane.

"It's okay, we're harder if you're the first." Kim Jae-ho said.

It is necessary to limit the final kingdom of Jin.

The other side.

"Am I alone?" Liu Zaishi was a little lucky, "Fortunately, I am in the middle, I only need to answer one question, and I don't know Haydn's full name." "

However, the production team did not immediately tell him what to do next, and directly got into the car first.

"So what do we do now?"

What he didn't expect was that PD's answer was inexplicable.

"Just now you said you wanted to eat fried sauce noodles."


"Going for fried sauce noodles?"

"Now me? Just me? "Yoo Jae-seok is ready to eat with Kim Jae-ho, it will be more fragrant.


"No, why so suddenly?"

"I also follow orders."

Shouldn't it be time to go to the final place immediately and fight with everyone, and it's too outrageous to go to eat fried sauce noodles now?


Then he went to eat fried sauce noodles...

Sweet and sour meat was also added ...

Although it is inexplicable, it is still necessary to eat.

He was now curious about what the others were doing, it had been a few hours, had everyone gone to eat what they wanted?

This dinner, needless to say, is really hearty.

After eating and drinking, resting for a while and continuing on the road, this time it was really time to go to the final place.

There is a sense of unease.

"Are you coming to get me?" Liu Zaishi asked when he got out of the car.

"You'll know if you go in."

PD also sells off.

This time I went to a theater, and when I opened the door, there was smoke.

"Is there anything, is there something hidden?" Liu Zaishi's steps slowed down.

It's gloomy, and it doesn't look like a good place.

There is a concept to describe such a place, Huangquan Road.

Come and open the door, large theater.

Super big.

But there was nothing, empty.

"What, it's really scary!" Liu Zaishi was very uneasy, but he still had to move forward.

To be honest, now suddenly everything pops up in a very suitable atmosphere.

The back of a person in front, Liu Zaishi thought it was a guest, wanted to go over and see, at this time, a very loud person's voice came from behind, which directly startled our brother Liu.

Don't talk about Brother Liu, the audience is shocked here.

After seeing that there was no movement, Liu Zaishi stabilized his mood and glanced forward that it was a dummy.

This is outrageous!

Because this means that something has begun to go wrong, and the latter must be more terrifying, which is called an omen!

It certainly makes sense that the production team doesn't do boring things with money.

"Why do you make people so nervous?" Liu Zaishi talked to himself, trying to reduce the tension in his heart.

There was something in the center of the stage, and he went over to look at it, and there were strange noises in the back.

When he saw it, there was a knife in the middle, and an answering machine at the base of the knife.

Anyway, there was nothing to do, so he picked it up and listened.

Although he can't use a mobile phone, he is still very good at answering machines, and he makes a sound all of a sudden.

"Oh... Hmm..."

The man's voice, deep voice.

"Hello, grasshopper."

This voice feels no less than "I want to play a game with you." "

"How long will you use the name Liu Zaishi in the world?"

Liu Zaishi smiled, he already knew who this person was, the fear engraved in his DNA.

"It's not Brother Minxiu!" Liu Zaishi said.

This man who everyone has in their hearts, this man who he once allied with and immediately betrayed, the man who said that he would take revenge within two months, and now three months, he is finally here.

The answering machine is still ringing.

"The two months you expected have passed, and the third month, just passed, when you are most careless, I will quietly appear in your shadow."

"Ah, this is going crazy, this one!"

This is like a movie-like line, which makes Liu Zaishi full of pressure.

This is not an ordinary fear, a thick malice strikes, or against themselves.

"I'm Minxiu hahaha~"

The wanton laughter echoed in the theater, and the aura was directly crushed.

"Today whether it is the show or RM, it has nothing to do with me, I don't know where I will go, where I will run, now your brothers, the other members of RM, are being held in their respective rooms, you have to find these rooms one by one, return them to freedom, and then use the prepared car, but the steering wheel of the car and the warehouse door have a lock, the code is four digits, this password is in four of your six brothers, but if you release two people without the password, it will cause a very unfavorable situation for you, The remaining two chose two who are very suspicious today. "

"Grasshopper hunting, begins!"

This is a huge amount of information.

Liu Zaishi can be regarded as knowing where the brothers have gone, he only knows that they are safe now, and he also knows that only he is not safe now...

What is he doing, is it necessary to fight such a big battle?

Didn't he just unconsciously, gently, touch the back of this big brother with a name tag?

The dummy in front of him is panicked, only himself is guilty, standing alone in this dark theater, and facing a powerful boss full of malice, fighting alone and terrifying!

He missed his brothers, and he was not so afraid to have someone with him.

He thought that this issue might be his own special, but he didn't expect it to be such a special feature!

However, this is not strictly his special, this is someone's revenge special.

Unbeknownst to him, Kim Jae-ho is in the basement.

At this time, he was tied to a chair, and the vicinity looked like a basement.

When he got out of the car, he was immediately tied up here and had nothing to eat.

He is an impatient person, so he is very annoyed, so he is limited and uncomfortable doing nothing, and he has to rely on luck to sleep.

The production team gave him a mobile phone, just a little electricity, he did not dare to use it.


Boring hell!

But now, Liu Zaishi is the real hell, the horror theme.

The phone rang.

It was Jin Zhiguo who called.

"Zaihao, how did you do it, where are you?" Kim Junguo asked.

"I don't build it, it seems to be the underground control room here, it is tied, brother, come and save me."

"No, I'm tied up too."

"Then why did you call? Bored? "

"Oh, do you want to die?"

"Then how can you drop, you have the ability to call me through the telephone signal~"

Listening to the other party's voice, Jin Chenguo was angry, so he shouldn't make this call to block himself.

Kim Jae-ho is not afraid at all, and the safe distance makes him uncomparable.

"Brother who is joking, I miss you brother, brother, your mobile phone has a lot of electricity, I don't seem to have much electricity."

"Oh? Is it? Oh, something happened, and I was dying of power. "

"Brother, you quickly blinked your eyes and recharged it."

"Hahaha, how is this possible, you try it is useless."

"No, it seems that this charging method is not supported."

"Ah, you're still kidding when the battery is gone, think of something to do!"

"I don't know, it may be Brother Zaishi coming to save us."

"It seems like that, so are we tied up like this?"

"It may be that Brother Zaishi is coming to save us, and then every person saved will have a new level, so that every time you pass it, save one like this."

"Oh, it seems to be!"

"That's over, if we rely on Brother Zaishi alone, we don't seem to be able to get out."

"Hahaha~ It seems to be even~"

"Brother, you use your muscles to break the rope, and then come to save me."

"PD said no."

"Wouldn't you just knock him unconscious? Just his bamboo pole, one ass sat to death. "


Of course, the main PD is not with them.

However, Liu Zaishi wants to break through to save people, and this situation should be saved one by one in different places, which is also quite interesting.

"Then will our elimination order be the order that saves us?" Jin Zhiguo suddenly thought.

"It should be, ah, brother, you are very smart."

"No, it's all you thought of."

"Anyway, if you come to rescue me first, I'll go find you later." Jin Zhiguo said that after all, he was second, and if in order, it should be him first.

"Okay brother, wait for you."

Because there was no electricity, the two people said to each other and stopped talking after the meeting.

In any case, after passing the words, Jin Zhiguo felt much better, and the waiting did not seem so torturous, full of expectations.

They are comfortable, but they have no idea how tormented the protagonist in their mouth is now.

In order to rescue the members and save himself, Liu Zaishi began to struggle.

But this theater is not small at all, so it takes a while.

And it's very terrifying, I don't know when Brother Minxiu will come out.

He wasn't happy to meet him now.

The surroundings were quiet, and they didn't hear the members shouting, so they searched hard.

"Oh, how do you find such a big place? It's just me. "

Suddenly he heard a little sound, and Liu Zaishi immediately ran away.

It's quite sensitive, like a grasshopper.

Just to scare himself, he looked to the left, where a man in a ghost mask was standing.


Liu Zaishi immediately jumped forward a few meters, "Ah! It scares me to death! "

This ghost place is more terrifying than Nima's haunted house, if this thing is seen in the haunted house, he will definitely not be afraid at all, but seeing it here, he directly lost half his life.

Looking back, no one chased, he himself ran, and Quan Lie hurried to keep up, although he is VJ, but VJ is also a person!

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