No, Aoxue Hanmei, isn't it?

But in fact, this side is arranged in order of flowering, and the latitude is higher, so plum blossoms bloom until early spring, representing spring.

However, Bamboo was originally also a cold friend, and it does not wither in winter, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Our Meilan Zhuju is winter, spring, summer and autumn, and theirs is spring, summer, autumn and winter, which is easy to remember.

Kim Jae-ho is also not entangled.

"Oh, even if you answer this question, you will be wrong." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"No way, run fast." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Just go like this? Just the three of us? Liu Zaishi asked.

"The final is round, there is one person between us who can win the grand prize, who this person is, I think it goes without saying." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Others don't know, but the three of us I think it's me." Liu Zaishi smiled very confidently.

"What's your problem?" Jin Zhiguo was also curious.

"What is the collective name of pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

"Four treasures of the literary room." Kim Jae-ho immediately replied, this can't be wrong, right?

"It's so simple." Kim Jiuguo is also certified.

"yes, it's really elementary school." Liu Zaishi said.

It is true that primary school must memorize knowledge points, but I feel that this does not need to be memorized, which belongs to common sense.

"Don't you think something is wrong?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"It's right, isn't it normal to guess our three top three?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"It's not that this hahaha~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"It's how the production team can be so easy this time." Kim said.

Jin Zhiguo guessed correctly last time, and this time he also wants to work hard.

"There must be big plans for this." Jin Zhiguo tried to think.

Kim Jae-ho scratched his head, "Don't forget that we are going to wear green clothes today." "

"Yes! This one is also strange! Liu Zaishi said.

"Yes! There must be something about this. Jin Zhiguo was also reminded.

"If it is green, it means Brother Zaishi." Kim Jae-ho analysis.

"What, what's the matter with me?" Liu Zaishi was speechless, "Ah, I blame you, now I think I like green." "

"The suit I sent you last time was not worn." Kim Jae-ho asked.


"Wouldn't that be enough, would you wear it like this?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"What, you sent me without wearing it, wouldn't it be wasted?" Liu Zaishi said.

"Oh, is this the point now?!" Jin Zhiguo obeyed.

"Where did the eliminated go, I'm most curious about this now." Liu Zaishi said.

"Is it something for the eliminated people?" Kim Junguo thought.

"And then we ambush Brother Zaishi? After all, Brother Zaishi is the most able to guess, and he will definitely live to the end. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yay! That's right! It must be so! Jin Zhiguo was awakened by Kim Jae-ho's words: "Could it be Liu Luster?!" "

"That's right! That's why we wear green! Jin Zhiguo said.

"Really?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile, already dark.

"Yes, it must be to give us something, or brother you eliminate us in order." Kim said.

"Oh, how is this possible!" Liu Zaishi said, "Now you all know it. "

Although he succeeded once, he won that time without the knowledge of others, and he sneaked up on him.

"Yes, we guessed if it would affect the production team's plan!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, maybe now they are panicking, you see, PD has the wrong expression." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"There's no way, we're too smart!" Kim Jae-ho hissed.

Liu Zaishi was actually worried, "This is all guessing, and it may not be like this in the end." "

But they guessed very reasonably, and the more they thought about it, the more they thought it was.

"Will we have restrictions, famous brands or something, the sooner the elimination of the limit, the greater the limit." Kim said, "Like last time. "

"Yes, hip hop special!" Kim Jae-ho also remembered.

"Oh, what about your second and third in that case!" Liu Zaishi is stupid, these two fiercest restrictions are the least...

"How about brother, you try to answer deliberately wrong in the end?" Kim Jae-ho said and suddenly paused, "That's not right! What if you answer incorrectly and Brother Ultimate Country is the first! What a nightmare! "

"It's terrifying!" Liu Zaishi was scared just by imagining, his back was cold, and he suddenly felt a little terrifying special.

If Jin Zhiguo knew that he was going to face everyone, he would definitely be full of firepower, and if he was serious, he would definitely not leave his hand!

A Jin Zhiguo with full firepower, he panicked when he thought about it.

"Ah, in Hao, we must answer correctly, either you or me, must not be the national bell!"

"What~ There's no need for this~" Jin Zhiguo's eyes narrowed into a line with a smile, exuding a dangerous aura.

He was already looking forward to it.

"Ah, your eyes are dangerous!" Liu Zaishi trembled a little when he saw it.

Kim Jae-ho must have opened up his firepower this time, in order to prevent Kim Junguo from being fully firepowered.

PD looked at them with a smile the whole time, at first I didn't think it, but now the more I listen to it, the more interesting it is, such a project seems to be very good!

Kim End-Kook Special!

They were already very close to the answer.

Green, and Liu Zaishi is very likely to get the first, all this, at a glance, is aimed at Liu Zaishi.

And such characters, they mentioned in the last episode.

The world, this circle, the public figure, the name alone can make people fearful, and that is the man.

However, Liu Zaishi was still laughing.

There are many things that deserve him to be happy today, and there are even more interesting things.

It was already dark while walking in the car, and I drove late today, as if I deliberately waited until it got dark.

Details, all details.

"Oh! It's here! "


Seeing that familiar flag, everyone thinks of a lot of things.

People don't say anything weird right now, because they think they've guessed the answer.

The only question is who will survive to the end.

If this is the case, in fact, the final award is what the artist wants most - the weight.

If you get this, that is the degree of the special, and if it is outstanding, it can become a classic and become the foundation of the foothold.

Most importantly, being able to pretend.

But no matter what, everyone wants to win.

It was a park, the park in front of the town hall, of course, the location was not important.

What matters is the three signs affixed to the ground, and only three people remain.

"There's no point in standing right now quickly." Liu Zaishi said.

"Which do you choose?" Kim Junguo asked.

"I want to be number one." Kim Jae-ho thought for a while, squatted down, and looked at No. 3, as if to stare at the flower.

The two difficult looked down at him like he was looking at number three.

"What are you doing?"

"I feel like it likes me."

Liu Zaishi Jin Zhiguo: "??? "

It is not possible to disturb him, not to stimulate the patient's emotions.

Liu Zaishi stood directly on No. 2, Kim Ji-guk stood on No. 1, and Kim Jae-ho No. 3.

"Number one starts." PD said.

"Yas!" Kim Jae-ho was excited, "I'll just say it likes me!" iloveyoutoo! "

This will also work?!

"What is this?!" Liu Zaishi was stupid.

"I know!" Jin Zhiguo smiled and walked to PD to answer the question directly, without procrastinating.

PD said: "Three elements necessary in order to create music. "

"Rhythm, melody, harmony." Jin Zhiguo didn't even think about it.

PD knocks out the right music.

"It's over!" Kim Jae-ho looked up at the sky.

"Ya~ The final country is not simple!" Liu Zaishi never expected him to answer correctly.

"It's common sense~"

Jin Zhiguo smiled and relaxed.

To be honest, if Kim Jae-kook's task was to answer Kim Jae-ho, he would not have it, and would only answer: "Write lyrics, compose music and sing." "

Jin Zhiguo is professional after all.

"This can't work!" Liu Zaishi was also very uncomfortable, feeling that the worst was about to happen.

Liu Zaishi shook his head and walked forward nervously.

"Oppa Huai Ting!" Kim Jae-ho clenched his fists, full of vitality.

my mentality, right?

Liu Zaishi couldn't laugh or cry.

A man called himself Oppa, disgusting.

But fortunately, I eliminated a lot of my nervousness.

This time it's all music questions.

The difficulty is not high or low, those who know know, those who do not know do not know, it just so happens that Liu Zaishi knows.

English for trios, trio.

"Well done, Brother Zaishi!" Kim Jae-ho clapped his hands and immediately walked up.

"Yay! It's an individual race! "Jin Zhiguo is sour, how does it feel that he is a team of his own, obviously it is a movie of three people.

To be honest, both of them answered correctly, and Kim Jae-ho felt that he had no problem.

"You all answered correctly, wouldn't it be very faceless if I didn't answer correctly?" Kim Jae-ho smiled.

Neither Liu Zaishi nor Jin Zhiguo knew where his confidence came from.

Kim Jae-ho confidently looked back at PD, and PD looked down and said, "Then I'll continue to sing this." "

Kim Jae-ho thought, singing is my strong point!

The song is "Pioneer"

A moment later.

"Is it over?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"It's over." PD said, "Please keep singing." "

Kim Jae-ho sucked the non-existent snot.


"Yay! You're a fool! Liu Zaishi smiled.

"Wouldn't it be so simple?!" Jin Zhiguo smiled.

PD laughed too.

Kim Jae-ho also smiled.

I can't say I won't, I can only say I haven't heard of it at all.

"Brother, I'm gone, it's up to you." Kim Jae-ho said to Yoo Jae-seok.

"Oh, you are." Liu Zaishi was speechless.

"Is it my turn again?" Jin Zhiguo only felt so fast.

PD asked: "Who is known as the father of the symphony?" "

"Haydn!" Jin Zhiguo immediately said that this is too simple.

"Name his full name."

Jin Zhiguo people are stupid.

"Yay! How do I know this! "


"Hahaha!" Kim Jae-ho and Yoo Jae-seok immediately high-fived each other and celebrated each other, a happy batch.

"Ah, you are also eliminated, what are you so happy for?" Kim Chengguo complained.

"Yes, alas." Kim Jae-ho reacted, even if Kim Junguo is not an enemy, then there is no need to celebrate with Liu Zaishi!

"Ah, you Prab!" Jin Zhiguo shouted, angry.

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