He didn't know anything when he came today, so the horror he felt was a little smaller than Liu Zaishi.

To be scared or to be scared.

Inexplicably, I ran to the second floor of the theater just now.

When one of them was not found, they ran around first.

But fortunately, the mask man I saw just now is not Brother Minxiu, and the real Brother Minxiu is just watching him in the corner, and he hasn't made a move yet...

While walking, suddenly there was a clanging sound on his feet, and Liu Zaishi was directly frightened.


He looked at the ground, and there were bells set on the ground, which he could hear whenever he passed by and touched the hunter.

Not only that, Liu Zaishi's psychological pressure is also very great in doing so, as long as he encounters this kind of noise, he has to leave quickly.

How clever this setting, if this is what Brother Min Xiu thought of alone, it is really amazing, such a small detail.

And the setting on the road, the set, it's all the atmosphere, it's all the details.

Like the movie poster on the door that Liu Zaishi just opened, it was the Mona Lisa who took her face into her hands, revealing the white bones of Sensen.

The smile on your face is still the same, and the eyes are also looking at you, no matter what angle it is.


After looking for a long time, Liu Zaishi finally heard a little movement, a very familiar voice, and he went directly.

It feels like the joy of suddenly tasting chocolate while drowning in the dumplings.

He followed the sound and saw the tied haha.

I haven't seen a living person for a long time, and finally found it, and Liu Zaishi is even happier than Haha.

"Brother! Help me! Haha cried with a sad face.

"Have you seen Brother Minxiu?" Liu Zaishi asked.


"Do you have a password? Where is it? "


In fact, only Liu Zaishi alone now has the most information, and the others don't know what happened at all.

Therefore, everything can only be faced by Liu Zaishi alone, and no one else can help.

Although it is to help the brothers escape, but this wave is actually a solo match between Liu Zaishi and Minxiu brother, heads-up, 1v1!

But haha doesn't know, even his name tag has a password, but Liu Zaishi is very smart, and he thought of it all at once.

He tore off the name tag of Haha, and the password was glued to it, but there was only one.

? 7??

The direct location is told.

"Brother, help me loosen it!" Haha hurry up to remind.

Liu Zaishi only thought of this matter, in fact, he should have done this first, after all, they have been tied for a long time, what can be thought of is that the two brothers who came at the beginning may have numb buttocks...

"Is Brother Minxiu here?" Haha means that in such a short time, the amount of information is too large.

"yes! Brother Minxiu is here! I said it all! Oh, crazy! Liu Zaishi can finally complain.

"Brother Minxiu?" Just hearing the name haha hurts pia.

"Brother Minxiu has been chasing me!" Liu Zaishi said, "Ah, come quickly." "

"Brother, I'll tie it directly here, or..."

I had been looking forward to leaving for a long time, and when I heard this, I suddenly felt that it was actually quite good here.

He would rather be tied up here than face Brother Min Xiu.

It's good to say that haha is willing to follow, but it's not far away.

As soon as the two people went out, the corridor that was fine just now suddenly filled with smoke, and the two people froze for a moment they saw it.

What's the thing?

Although I thought that it was not far away, I did not expect that it was not far away.

Haha didn't leave, just at the door, he was going to the car and waiting, this section of the road can only be Liu Zaishi walking alone.

"Brother, be careful." There were obviously two people, but the voice of Haha automatically decreased, for fear of alarming something.

"Got it."

Liu walked forward without looking back, although it was very strange, but he still had to enter.

"What?" Haha, just looking at it scared.

He was also scared when he heard those three words just now, but he didn't know that it was this level of fear.

Watching Liu Zaishi walk into the smoke haha was stunned.

It took a long time to look back.


If Liu Zaishi really didn't dare to walk into that smoke, it would be dangerous just to look at it.

Liu Zaishi walked towards the smoke in a very bad mood, there was nothing when he came, and now he suddenly appeared, saying that there was nothing in it, who believed it!

Finally walked to the front, this realistic version of the fog door really has a different feeling.

"Hey, I really don't want to go over!"

So what can be done if it doesn't go over, just such a path.

He thought about himself an hour earlier.

At that time, I was still eating my favorite fried sauce noodles, very fragrant sweet and sour meat, and degrieving pickled radish.

At that time, I was still happy because I didn't know the future development, and I was looking forward to and happy because of this sense of novelty.

Miss that self, the once ignorant but happy self.

If he could see himself at that time, he would say to him, "You are so happy." "

Then, give him a slap.


Walking hard into the smoke, there were still a lot of roads, and suddenly green light came into view, and Liu Zaishi saw that a very strong light was coming through a door.

It was his color, and of course he walked in, an eerie corridor filled with green light.

Good guys, it turns out that there are corridors that are scarier than full of smoke, it's too scary.

After walking two steps, his foot also stepped on the bell, and the jingling bell was simply crazy to engage his mentality, and at this time there was this kind of thing, really breaking the defense.

Heart defense.

"Why are you doing this?"

The pores on the top and bottom of the body told Liu Zaishi - danger!

Something is going to happen here!

"He definitely enjoyed the process."

He quickly used self-talk to ease his tension.

As soon as the voice fell, "Aaaaa "

A figure suddenly rushed out from the green and directly hugged him, and Liu Zaishi made such a sound for the first time.

This really frightened cry.

The next second he was pressed to the ground.

Fear for a long time + being raided + being controlled + weightlessness + seeing the appearance of the person coming!

The ultimate horror experience!

Blessed! Our re-stone xi~

Such extreme enjoyment can be experienced by the whole world.

But he didn't look very happy.

"Ann, yes! Ann right! Liu Zaishi could only shout, unable to even struggle.

He was directly controlled to death by the man in black on his body, and his body no longer belonged to him.

Appeared in an instant, let alone escape, and could not even react.

It's all instinct.

The most standard process for human beings to face fright is perfectly embodied in this variety show, the ultimate horror.

Attracting with misty corridors, hiding himself with light, judging the position of the other party with a bell, step by step, interlocking, Liu Zaishi walked into his trap in a daze.

This is the top RM hunter, Minxiu.

He was dressed in black at this time, with smooth long hair and a handsome horse.

"I'll be honest!"

Before the other party could speak, Liu Zaishi had already begun to beg for mercy.

"This, this is not in line with the principles!" Liu Zaishi said.

Obviously it was a duel, he didn't expect to be GG so quickly, then such a length of time can't be guaranteed!

This is his confidence in entering the green light, but he did not expect that Minxiu's appearance did not conform to the Basic Law...

Liu Zaishi closed his eyes and looked very uncomfortable.

"Brother, why are you dressed up so terrible!" Liu Zaishi was already a little confused, "Ouch, scared me to death." "

This is really afraid, not the usual degree of fear, Liu Zaishi is like this, even if he is a coward, he is very small.

"Zaishi..." Brother Minxiu's expression was grim, and the difference between him and Liu Zaishi's appearance was really too big.

Very calm, this is probably what a predator looks like.

The lions of the African savannah, after successful predation, also look like this, pressing their prey under their hands, and then looking elsewhere.

"I thought I almost died." Liu Zaishi trembled and said that this was the closest he came to death.

The last time he was caught, he was not so terrifying, although he couldn't stand it last time, this time, he once again raised the threshold of his fear.

In the future, the horror that is half lower than this horror cannot be said to be terrifying, but can only be said to be a little accident.

He only now knew that Kim Jae-ho's kind of sneak attack was a very friendly sneak attack,

He opened his eyes and saw Minxiu's eyes.

He lowered his head and looked at Liu Zaishi like this, his face expressionless.

He adjusted Liu Zaishi's crooked glasses with his hand so that he could see clearly.

Then he started telling stories.

This is a very literary hunter.

It's a story about tigers and grasshoppers.

The point is.

"I'm in this world... The guy who hates sneaking up on people's backs the most. "

Listening to Brother Minxiu's low words, Liu Zaishi felt suffocated and unable to breathe.

Because that's exactly why he's being pressed down below now.

All causes will have consequences.

All of this originated from his own impulse, and at that time, he was happy and complacent because he eliminated a strong enemy.

Similarly, if he met himself at that time, he would give him a big pocket.

Repentance is not the beginning!

Why betray!

If God gave him another chance and let him do it all over again, he would definitely be at that time... Laugh a little more...

Otherwise, I'm sorry for what he is suffering now!

Fortunately, Brother Min Xiu may also feel that he was not smiling happily enough.

"You're a little hot right now, I'll help you untie your clothes." Brother Min Xiu said and began to unzip Liu Zaishi's clothes.

Brother Min Xiu took the initiative to think about Zaishi and untie his clothes, but not for fencing.

"That, just one minute, you're going to be scratched."

"A minute is too long!" Liu Zaishi was stupid.

This man has set a record for failing a tickling task for one second, and this thing is very sensitive!

But the current situation is not his final say.

Minxiu started directly, and Liu Zaishi struggled madly on the ground, a hundred times more violent than just now.

Fortunately, this process only lasted for a while, otherwise Liu Zaishi was afraid that he would lose the remaining half of his life here.

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