"Is it difficult?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"I know, but..."

Seeing that it was a difficult brother and a difficult brother, Li Guangzhu said.

Of course, Chi Shizhen soon felt the difficulty, and the same question, he answered: "Tolstoy." "

Their era ended a little quickly.

Everyone laughed and returned the same way.

It was exactly as expected.

They themselves did not think of it, and thought it was the first and second, it turned out to be the first and second from the bottom.

Their era ended too quickly.

Kim Jae-ho basically got out of the car, ran down an alley, rested and said two words and got into the car.

End the battle in three minutes.

When everyone went back, they felt very funny, it was really easy brother, old unlucky bastard.

What Bai gave was really fast.

Kim Jae-ho: "I feel that if you run faster and start as soon as you arrive, I actually don't have time to get off the car." "


The little Kim Jae-ho took all the panda's food.

At this time, the Easy brothers, who had just been ambitious and thought that their time had come, were also in the car, but they were in the car of the eliminators and went to unknown places.

"It's a shame to be with you." Chi Shizhen said, "I'm just like a fool. "

Li Guangzhu also thought this in his heart.

Everyone is each other.

"They certainly don't know the answer to that question." Chi Shizhen said, "One hundred percent. "

"Brother Shi may not know." Lee agreed.

So, they are just pure bad luck.

Since everyone doesn't know, and the two of them are not the fastest moving, then why are the two of them the first and second place?

Kim Jae-ho got into the car last, and he deliberately sat by the door.

"Hmph, this time will definitely be the first advantage." Kim Jae-ho was very confident, "I'll be the first to get off when the time comes." "

Of course, such words will definitely not be spoken, and it is useless to say them.

But the first door he arrived at let others get in the car first, a detail that some people noticed.

"When you come back, you should eat a bowl of fried sauce noodles." Liu Zaishi said.

"That's it." Kim said.

"Are fried noodles delicious here?" As soon as he talked about eating, Kim Jae-ho came energetic.

"Very tasty, I came here last time." Liu Zaishi said.

"Oh, call me then." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What do you say they're going to do?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"It's really disturbing." Song Zhixiao said.

"In fact, there are quite a few things that can be done, and it should be impossible to guess." Kim Jae-ho said.

"How fun it is to become like this today~ I really like to become like this, and I don't know what it will look like after that." Liu Zaishi thought that today should be very interesting.

You see how happy he laughs.

"I don't know where I'm going now." Liu Zaishi asked.

"There's an art gallery nearby." Song Zhixiao knew instead.

"Ah! Would that ask art questions? Monk? Who painted Munch? Haha asked.

"That..." Liu Zaishi reminded, "Munch is the one who paints." "

Song Zhixiao laughed and patted his thigh.

After living for a long time, you can really meet anyone, and you can also know how stupid the people around you are.


"Just now, it seems that there is no need to go soon." Liu Zaishi looked unhurried.

"That's it~" Kim Jae-ho said as he opened the door, his head looking at them and his hands behind his back.

As soon as he pulled the car door open, he immediately ran, and Haha, who had been staring, tried to catch him but did not catch him.

Song Zhixiao on the other side also hurriedly got off the car, and a few people who were still very leisurely saw this situation and were also anxious, and immediately accelerated their speed.

If you see what Kim Jae-ho is doing, just don't let him do anything.

Kim Jae-ho ran first, his conspiracy succeeded, so smooth that he didn't expect it himself, after all, as long as he wanted to use any crooked brains before, he would be punished immediately.

Kim Jae-ho ran to the "Liu Zaishi" holding the banner and saw five numbers on the ground, which should correspond to the five of them, and he stood on the number one without thinking.

"Ah, you don't have to run, you may not know what time it is." Liu Zaishi and Jin Zhiguo did not run after all, and they walked up as soon as they got out of the car, and haha saw this and followed.

Song Zhixiao was not, she immediately followed, but when she saw that there was number five, she immediately stood in the middle of the three, so that she didn't have to answer questions from that side.

"Oh, what if someone answers correctly?" Kim Jae-ho was worried.

"Yes, but I chose everything." Song Zhixiao said.

But she felt that it was a little difficult to answer correctly, and her position was relatively safe.

"Okay." Kim Jae-ho said he was grateful that Song Ji-hyo could run with him.

Soon the large army arrived, haha quickly stood on the fourth, and Kim Junguo also walked a few steps faster to stand beside Kim Jae-ho.

"Jies, Mybro!" Kim Jae-ho happily collided with Kim Junguo.

"Hey one~" Liu Zaishi had no choice, he walked a step slower and could only stand on the remaining number five.

"It's all chosen, right?" PD said.


"No. 5 Liu Zaishi xi."

Liu Zaishi didn't shout yet, and No. 4 haha called out first: "Ah Xi!" "

"Oh hey hey ~" Kim Jae-ho and Kim Junguk celebrated happily and danced.

Liu Zaishi touched his forehead, and only felt that his head was big.

To be honest, he had a foreboding when he saw Kim Jae-ho standing in the number one position just now.

"Oh, can I get it right?" Liu Zaishi stepped forward.

"Brother Shi Zhen also said so just now." Kim Jae-ho directly broke his defense.

However, everyone also understands that Liu Zaishi is indeed the most likely person among them to answer the question correctly.

Just this back looks different from Li Guangzhu's.

Soon PD came up with the question, "What is the collective name of the pen, ink, paper and inkstone used in the literati's book?" "

Liu Zaishi thought for a while and said, "Four treasures of the literary room." "

To be honest, this problem, anyone who has read a little should know that it is too pediatric for Liu Zaishi.

Hearing the passing bell, everyone was frightened and really answered correctly.

"Ah~ it's worthy of you." Jin Zhiguo said, then again, it is worthy of your words using their pronunciation, which is very similar to the pronunciation of "Yo Xi".

Liu Zaishi walked back without sadness or unhappiness, very calm, "Ah, the question is very simple, you should be able to answer correctly to this level, it is the level of elementary school students~"

This is probably the spoiling of cultural people.

"Brother, if you say this, haha didn't answer right, what should I do?" Kim Jae-ho complained.

Everyone doesn't believe it, it's just like this for Liu Zaishi, not necessarily for haha.

"Haha, you can too." Liu Zaishi is still stable to others, and he is very rich.

"Yes, it's not over yet, Huai Ting!" Haha clenched his fists.

But no one paid attention to him, after all, a personal battle, if he passed the people behind it is dangerous.

That's right, this is such a world.

"Brother, if he passes, I'll roll in place." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Then I'll walk on my back." Jin Zhiguo hated it even more.

"What!" Haha just want to say, who do you look down on?

"Hahaha~" Song Zhixiao was originally very nervous, and he also laughed when he heard this, which damaged these two people too much.

It's actually because they are very confident in Haha.

"Ah, I don't know anything, is this an art question?" Haha is actually worried, and his steps are full of hesitation.

He listened carefully with his ear close to PD's mouth, like a classmate who actively sat in the first row in class.

Don't care if you listen or not, the posture should be put away.

"Of the four gentlemen who use plants to represent the four seasons, what is the plant that represents winter?" PD asked.

If this question was answered by Kim Jae-ho, he would think of Mei Lanzhuju for the first time.

But the first thing that came to mind was: "Pine." "


Although Matsuki is a friend of the three friends, he answered incorrectly.

"Hahaha, it's worthy of you."

This is worthy of you, not what Liu Zaishi meant just now.

"It's Zhixiao's turn."

"Zhixiao, it's you and me." Haha saw the reality clearly.


"Ah, I already knew that I listened to Hao." Song Zhixiao regrets it now, very much.

"Ignorant and Beautiful!" Kim Jae-ho raised his fist.

Song Zhixiao also turned around and smiled a little worriedly when he heard it, and shook his small fist.

It's beautiful, this is probably looking back and smiling.

Kim Jae-ho didn't know why Song Ji-hyo looked very cute when he made such a small action.

I don't know if he is a lover's eyes, but he feels that the LSPs in the world should have the same thoughts as himself.

Zhixiao leaned in front of PD to listen, which is also the same problem as just now haha.

The face is directly in front of the camera, and the beauty crit is completely different from the effect of haha just now.

"Wait a minute, can you give another five seconds?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"You can only stand there for five more seconds." Haha fact crit.

Song Zhixiao was originally upset when he couldn't think of a problem, and when he turned around, he chased Haha with a flying kick, and Haha jumped back to dodge, which is a familiar bad filial piety.

But after the coolness, you still have to return to reality, because you really can't think of an answer, you can only knock it out.

"Let's go!" Jin Chengguo said happily.

"Goodbye~Wait for the meeting~" Kim Jae-ho said with a wave of his hand and a smile.

"Nirvana~" Chitaka waved his hand.

"Don't you say goodbye to me?" Haha asked.

"Okay, let's go!" Kim Jae-ho put his hands in his pockets and did not turn his head.

Liu Zaishi asked as he walked, "What is their problem?" "

Because his own questions were simple, Liu Zaishi was curious about their problems.

"What are the plants that represent winter among the four gentlemen."

"It's hard, oh! Mei Lan Zhu Ju! Liu Zaishi also thought of it immediately.

"Mei! I will! Kim Jae-ho replied.

"It's bamboo." PD said.

"Ah, you said Mei Lan Zhuju, you also said Mei." Liu Zaishi was about to die of laughter, and so was Jin Zhiguo.

"Huh? Isn't it Mei? Kim Jae-ho immediately doubted his knowledge, did he remember it wrong?

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