So today all the staff is green, Kim Jae-ho wore a green outfit, and the color is very positive.

"Why are you all wearing green today?" Kim Junguo asked.

"Brother Zaishi is ecstatic." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"It's not." Liu Zaishi explained: "It is because of you that I misunderstood, although grass green is not a color I hate, it is not my favorite color. "

Jin Zhiguo immediately questioned: "Don't lie, your mouth is happily grinning like this today!" "

Haha also said: "Grass green, your color is authentic grass green, grass!" Green! "


The two men immediately fought.

"You give me honesty!"

But the masters are all point-to-point, so in three seconds they separated.

Liu Zaishi diverted hatred: "Ah, you see that this is the authentic grass green in Hao." "

"Yes." Kim Jae-ho actually nodded directly and admitted very calmly, and then said: "I couldn't find clothes today, and then I went to the wardrobe of Brother Zaishi's house and touched two pieces casually, and that's it." "

"Stop lying!" Liu Zaishi shouted.


Kim Jae-ho continued to mend the knife: "After putting it on, I looked at the shoe cabinet, and I thought that when I got to the grassland, all of it was grass green. "

Liu Zaishi immediately pulled Kim Jae-ho to single out.

"But why did you suddenly say you should wear grass green clothes?" Liu Zaishi repeated this question again, there must be a reason.

But the production team wanted to sell it.

"The first mission is to survive the quiz match, reach the final arena money, and detour the quiz match around Incheon."

Those who can't answer correctly are eliminated in that place, and the last person who survives to the last gets a very, very good special reward in the final mission. "

After saying this, Song Zhixiao and Li Guangzhu fought because of some things, this seems to be the first time they have fought, it is not very clear, it should be the first time.

This fight is a lifetime, and I feel that the two of them will fight first when they are old.

Seeing that the two people stopped slightly, Kim Jae-ho didn't understand and asked:

"So what's that special reward I can get?"

"Don't be kidding, did you actually acquiesce that you got it?" Liu Zaishi complained.

"How else?" Kim Jae-ho smiled confidently.

"Here it comes, you are Li Yingjun!" Haha said.

"I'm Kim Young Joon." Kim Jae-ho makes classic gestures about the light emanating from his body.

"That's right." Liu Zaishi also remembered, "Congratulations to our Kim Jae-ho drama hit." "

"Ouch, there is no big heat, ordinary heat ordinary heat~" Kim Jae-ho seems modest, but in fact he is stunned.

"The first rating~" Chi Shizhen said, "It's really very good-looking, I am guarding the premiere." "

He thought it was very interesting on the set at that time, and he already had a premonition that it would catch fire, and now he sees it.

Compared to the feeling of the scene at that time, the finished film was much better because there was very good editing and voice acting.

Each song is matched by Kim Jae-ho according to the plot and the feeling at that time, it can be said that there are new songs in each episode, of course, it may be too focused on the plot to notice, and it is too well integrated with the plot.

"It's all the credit of Zhixiao." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"No, no~" Song Zhixiao ruffled his hair reservedly.

"I'm also in the play." Li Guangzhu said happily.

"Whatever, don't lie!" Haha said, "Why didn't I see it. "

"I just came out later." Lee Kwang-joo explained.

"Then what does the high rating have to do with you now." Chi Shizhen asked.


Li Guangzhu: "Brother..."

Well said and reasonable, I was speechless.

Today's light beads are still group fraud.

"Now start moving to the place of problem solving." PD said, "The car is ready, and there will be two people in each venue to be eliminated. "

"Then it's the light bead, Brother Shi Zhen." Haha said.

"You're really not good at it." The easy brothers immediately retorted.

"I'm the third guesser here." Haha said.

Kim Jae-ho, who thinks he is ranked second, smiled and did not speak, the first was of course Liu Zaishi, he was not too much in second place, although he has not read much recently.

"Is it hard to guess?" Chitaka asked.

"The difficulty of the questions is the level of middle school students." PD replied.

There was concern about that.

"Get in the car."

Get on the bus directly.

"Isn't it just a guess, what's there, nothing remarkable." Kim said.

"That's it~"

I don't know, I thought they really weren't worried.

Everyone discussed in the car for a while, and they all felt that guessing was not the point, there was something else.

Kim Jae-ho sat at the back and did not participate in the discussion.

He had a bit of a foreboding today.

I don't know why.

But I didn't think about it for long, and it arrived soon.

"Okay, let's go quickly." As soon as PD finished speaking, Kim Jae-ho moved.

Since he said fast, it must be good to arrive first.

Then as soon as he got up, he was pressed ...

Kim Jae-ho: ???

In an instant, Kim Jae-ho only felt that there were three more people on him.

Of course, this is an exaggerated writing technique, because there are only two, one left and one right is Jin Zhiguo and Liu Zaishi, and then two mountains are pressed on him.

Kim Jae-ho never expected that all this stemmed from his reaction being a little faster than others.

Yoo Jae-seok and Kim Ji-guk saw Kim Jae-ho get up and immediately reacted and pressed him down, but the problem is that the aisle is just in front of Kim Jae-ho, and it is very narrow, so to go out, it can only be through Kim Jae-ho.

Then they thought together, so Jin Zhiguo and Liu Zaishi were directly stuck in the middle.

"Ouch! Jin Zhier! "

Kim Junguk also struggled to squeeze into the aisle, which is equivalent to two people sandwiching in the middle, and unfortunately, Kim Jae-ho is in the middle.

Everyone is not a fool, what he can think of can be thought of by others.

The problem is that the three of them are also in front of the Asura field, and Li Guangzhu took care of them at the beginning, he was the first to get out of the car, and came back to adjust the seat forward to facilitate everyone to go out.

Jin Zhiguo gave in and wanted Liu Zaishi to go first.

Want to go?!

Kim Jae-ho directly pulled Liu Zaishi's pants, I can't go down, no one wants to go down.

"Ouch! Yikes! Kim Jae-ho! "Liu Zaishi was angry, and his pants were still pulled.

"Yay! Hurry up and go down! "Jin Zhiguo is dying in a hurry, and he doesn't care about three seven twenty-eight directly squeezed out.

Liu Zaishi panicked and sat down directly, Kim Jae-ho almost died on the spot, was sat to death by a butt, and had no way to let go.

When everyone went out, Kim Jae-ho was still in the car, looking heavy.

"What is this?!"

PD is dying of laughter and making your hands cheap.

Harm others and eventually harm themselves, all at this time, still thinking about not letting others have a good time, too dirty, others are getting off the car, you are still pulling.

Struggling to climb out of the car, the figure was gone.

"Where are you going?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

No one answered him, because they were all gone.

There was only one alley next to the flag, and Kim Jae-ho immediately rushed in.

When he arrived, of course, everyone else had already arrived, all in a row.

"It's over!"

It turned out to be the last place.

It was obviously he who started first, and it turned out to be the last.

Forget it, Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen are still the first and second place, which is outrageous!

"Ah, our time~" Chi Shizhen said happily to Li Guangzhu.

"Who was the first?" PD asked.

"Me!" Li Guangzhu raised her hand happily.

"It's a pearl of light!" Chi Shizhen also said that this is the glory of the brothers, and they are going to stand up.

"Come to the front."

Li Guangzhu happily went to the front, and Chi Shizhen was still behind to cheer him on.

"Guangzhu, Huai Ting!"

Li Guangzhu turned back in response.

For a while, it was also brotherhood.

"How to do this, only those who answer incorrectly are eliminated, right?" Kim is still a curious baby.

PD said: "If you are wrong, you have to be eliminated." "

"In this case, the first place is not the best." Liu Zaishi reacted.

Lee Kwang-joo: ?!

"Then if the first place is eliminated, the rest can survive." Chi Shizhen said.

"Yes." PD said.


"It's not." Kim Jae-ho said, "At the beginning, it was said that two people were eliminated in each place, so we survived after Brother You and Guangzhu were eliminated. "

Chi Shizhen: "What? "

PD also reacted: "Yes, I just said wrong, two will be eliminated here." "


Chi Shizhen was also dumbfounded.

"It's the same as throwing dice~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile, he reacted, this is the same as throwing dice before, but he forgot something.

Chi Shi was flustered.

"After the two eliminators are determined, the remaining ones return the same way." PD said.

"Got it~"

"We're actually ready to go." Liu Zaishi said.

"It's okay brother." Kim Jae-ho said, "It's just a junior high school student anyway. "

"Yes, that's right." Although Chi Shizhen said so, everyone could hear the weakness in his tone.

Li Guangzhu glanced back and was very speechless.

It's uncomfortable, but I still have to answer.

"Novel, who is the author of Demian?" PD asked.

Li Guangzhu: "I know who it is. "

This touches on my knowledge blind spot.

To be honest, I don't know who it is, but I know he certainly doesn't know who it is.

"Hans Christian Andersen." Li Guangzhu said.


"Sherlock Holmes."


"Come back."



Li Guangzhu was still working hard and told everyone he could think of.

"Come back, if you don't come back, you're going to break it." Kim Jae-ho is a lot of damage.

Li Guangzhu was speechless, did not look back, and directly grabbed PD's hand: "Brother, why are you doing this to me?" "

Blackening has already begun.

"Yay! Come back soon! Jin Zhiguo said.

"Hurry, we're going to get in the car." Kim Jae-ho pointed to the watch that did not exist on his hand.

Chi Shizhen had no choice but to go up.

Liu Zaishi explained: "Generally, there will be difficult problems in doing programs. "

"That's nature." Kim Jae-ho said, "Otherwise, wouldn't Lee Kwang-joo be as good as a middle school student?" "

Although he seems to be helping himself speak, why does Li Guangzhu have a feeling of not being very happy.

Yin and yang are weird.

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