Of course, this time he also learned the trick of stopping in this MV, and it is the same that many cameras surround the shooting and then process it.

People go to the scene to chat with the girls, he is very strange, like to stick to the equipment group director team, but he is not the kind of person who points fingers, just simply learns there, integrates without a sense of violation, and I don't know that I thought he was here for an internship.

Of course, none of this matters, what matters is RM.

This one is powerful, it is a plate that Song Zhixiao returned from rest, and there is a feeling of fit.

"The place where we are today is Yongshan." Liu Zaishi opened as usual, everyone gathered on the top of a building, the stairs were really very good, the blue sky was company, and it looked very comfortable.

Of course, the most well-known in this vicinity is Yongsan Station, so Haha immediately shouted out.

After Longshan Station, of course, it is Song Zhixiao.

"I miss you so much~" Li Guangzhu said.

"Zhixiao, have you recovered?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Yes, recovered." Song Zhixiao looks very healthy.

Haha immediately said: "You are still very hard, you have to rest for a while." "

Song Zhixiao also broke the news, haha sent her a condolence text message saying that her vacancy was filled by Girls' Generation, you said how detrimental.

"Really happy." Li Guangzhu was happy when he thought of last week, it was like a dream, and he still misses that feeling.

"Have you read the Girls' Generation chapter?" Haha asked.

"I didn't see it." Song Zhixiao said.

"I definitely didn't see it, can people who have seen it still dress like that today?" Jin Zhiguo immediately educated haha.

Song Zhixiao immediately countered: "Ah, you still care about yourself, what kind of look." "

Back, all back.

Everyone clapped their hands, sure enough, only Song Zhixiao could cure the final kingdom of Jin, and he did not do it directly, and the men immediately felt like they had found the backbone of the main heart, and they felt very secure.

"Oh, that, recently Jaehiro's drama has also been completed." Liu Zaishi brought it up.

"Yes." Lee Kwang-joo and Song Ji-hyo nodded, and Kim Jae-ho said: "The first episode, Mizuki file, will be released next Wednesday." "

"Oh, really? That is, the week after the broadcast. Liu Zaishi said.

"I'm looking forward to it." Ikeishi Zhendao.

As usual, the official broadcast time is still announced in RM first, and then announced elsewhere.

Japan, South Korea, and the Korean Dynasty are all used in our ancient name, Sunday starts with the sun, moon, fire, water, wood, gold, earth, the so-called water wood stall is Wednesday and Thursday, the last time I listened to you was also Mizuki, this time it is still the same.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho can release it all at once, he doesn't care, but everyone is unwilling, after all, this can maximize resources.

Anime such as this will also come out once a week, two episodes a week for sixty minutes each, which is already very fierce, and Kim Jae-ho has no water on this content, which can guarantee no urine spots.

In order to make up for the content that was originally removed, Kim Jae-ho added a lot of content into it, and the highlight is a sweet, not bloody like other dramas, there is no violation, and it does not conform to common sense.

For Kim Jae-ho, everyone is very relieved, as long as there is time, they will watch the premiere and add ratings.

Of course, this is not important now.

"Where are you going today?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"There are guests who are shooting together today." PD said.


Because of the girlhood, now as soon as the guests are mentioned, everyone begins to look forward to it, after all, they can achieve that level, and the recent production team is getting more and more coming, so everyone is looking forward to it.

As soon as everyone turned around, a new guest appeared, it turned out to be Brother Zhu He, really an old face with a new impression, wearing a black chao on his face, armed with handsome and cute.

The eternal god in the Huaxia special has left everyone with a very interesting impression of him in just a simple episode, which is difficult in the guests, not by appearance but by its own unique sense of humor.

There are even fixed rumors, which are certainly not true.

Everyone greeted this old acquaintance happily, of course, happiness was only superficially happy, and that disappointment could not even be concealed by a smile.

"Wow~" Kim Jae-ho raised his hand, he didn't even act directly, like a soulless welcome home in the back, just go through the process.

Don't blame him, to be honest, even if the GD comes now, it's useless, everyone thinks about girls, and everyone who runs out of a man is a little unacceptable!

This already shows that it is not a special for girls.

"Yay! Why are you so disappointed! And Zaihao, you're too much, at least act! Liu Zaishi pointed his finger, just like he was very happy just now.

"No, no~" Kim Jae-ho quickly smiled and waved his hand, showing a hundred times more enthusiasm than just now, and raised his hands together with haha to welcome.

"The atmosphere is reluctant now..." said Juhyuk with a smile.

"No, Zhuhe, it's not that you are not welcome..." Liu Zaishi wanted to explain, but for a while he couldn't think of any good reason to quibble.

Song Zhixiao didn't even give him a chance to quibble, and said directly: "You are not very welcome, I think it is a girl's generation, so you are not welcome." "

Liu Zaishi hurriedly politely: "Ah, know filial piety, can't be like this." "

"It's the kind of atmosphere you feel, Oppa!" Song Zhixiao continued to combo.

There is no doubt that there is nothing wrong with the atmosphere of disappointment that you are feeling right now.

"Yay!" Liu Zaishi hurriedly stopped her, and Kim Jae-ho died happily: "Net tell the truth~"

"Did you come alone?" As soon as Jin Zhiguo's words fell, the new guest came out, that is, Xuan'er with his surname, of course, many people may not know this, but there is a name that everyone knows as soon as they say it, Sanshun.

My name is Kim Sam-soon, Kim Jae-ho has an impression now, although he doesn't remember the plot, but he remembers that he watched it.

He had no impression of this guest, and today was another carefree day.

She came over like this, everyone was very happy, a sister who looks very good-looking, mainly because the hairstyle has the impression of a sister, just looking at the face is very reasonable to say that the sister is very reasonable.

But in fact, she is three years younger than Liu Zaishi, but Liu Zaishi will not give people the feeling of a younger brother.

Haha shouted: "Lady era! "

Sanshun turned around and wanted to give him a look, are you so welcoming?

"Hey, I'll go get a change." She turned her head and wanted to leave, and everyone quickly stopped her, after all, it is not a matter of changing clothes, and the hairstyle can actually be changed by the way.

"No, I didn't mean that..." Liu Zaishi explained.

"It's the kind of atmosphere that seniors feel!" Song Zhixiao added fuel to the fire, and the arsonist let everyone directly break the defense.

The guests will also do the effect, and they will leave directly, and Zhu Hyuk really seized every funny opportunity, which is very interesting.

"The first task of the day is the dice race, in the process of moving to the destination, get off at the designated station, throw the dice after getting off, go to the ride and continue the ride, turn to the elimination and get off."

This game is too familiar to everyone.

"Ah, it was Brother Min Xiu from last time to the end, won't it be the same this time?" Kim Jae-ho already has Min so PSTD, and anyone who has experienced that horror will physically remember that feeling.

"Oh, wouldn't it?!" Liu Zaishi immediately panicked, after all, there were already two very important guests this time, and another one should be redundant.

Knowing that it was unlikely, but hearing that name was still a little palpitating.

Everyone is ready to go.

Liu Zaishi said as he walked:

"The order of the dice is very important, and there is a high chance of elimination."

Kim Jae-ho: "Is it?" I don't know very well, I got off the bus last time with Zhixiao, and I don't understand you very well. "

You say how angry it is!

Liu Zaishi couldn't laugh or cry: "Ah! You can say this again when you get in the car. "

Angry, he has to let the whole show effect is the worst.

Song Zhixiao looked at Liu Zaishi like that and was about to die of laughter, how bad it was Kim Jae-ho, but that day felt really good, if there were no things behind.

There is one more problem, though.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no recording of the movement, Song Jihyo quietly asked Kim Jae-ho: "Is that our first amusement park date?" "

Kim Jae-ho immediately said: "It definitely doesn't count, how can it be counted, next time it's only the two of us." "

Song Zhixiao snorted softly.

Kim Jae-ho said: "But you may have to go to an amusement park in another country, after all, even if you wear a mask, you may be recognized at once, and you won't be able to walk at that time." "

"How can it be so exaggerated~" Song Zhixiao smiled and patted Kim Jae-ho.

The station also arrived, and the equipment had to be put on.

They are not public, they want to see when others can find out that they are already together, not the previous ambiguous state, anyway, the whole world wants them together, it doesn't matter if they are discovered.

Kim Jae-ho actually doesn't like this kind of place at the station, but he can't say that he hates it, depending on who he is coming, in addition to the RM team, there are two big stars following, everyone got on the train, but Liu Zaishi stopped the two people to teach a lesson.

"Yay! Now because of you, Xuan'er is very angry! Liu Zaishi caught Haha and Li Guangzhu, who were not good at stubble and immediately began to fight back, so the three people shirked their responsibilities to each other and hugged the group at the door.

"Fight! Fight up! Kim Jae-ho clapped his hands with interest next to him.

"Yay! And you! The three people immediately wanted to grab Kim Jae-ho who was watching the excitement on the side.

Kim Jae-ho saw that the situation was wrong and quickly ran inside, and several people finally entered the train in a row.

"Xuan'er xi~" Liu Zaishi politely asked Xuan'er to go inside first, which can be said to be very intentional.

Xuan'er smiled and walked inside, Zhuhe on the side looked at him and looked at him quietly, Liu Zaishi saw that his eyes were also a little weak, and quickly invited him in.

From Yongsan to Gwangju, because it is a station, there are three languages, Korean and English, Chinese, everyone can understand.

The train departed slowly, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo sat in the back together, he liked the window position, so let Song Ji-hyo sit by the window.

At the beginning, Haha immediately took out his mobile phone to take a picture with Xuan'er, Xuan'er sat in front of Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho immediately shrunk to Song Zhixiao.

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