But fortunately, there are still quite a lot of idle people, not just the two of them, everyone goes, after all, they haven't eaten breakfast yet.

Because a week has passed, on the game side, because many people have formed, the popularity has not decreased but increased, the situation is very good, even Kim Jae-ho himself did not expect it, and even the industry with live broadcast single-player games has also developed rapidly, and a number of anchors have emerged.

Kim Jae-ho was originally ready to do a loss-making business at the beginning, using incentives to let the anchors live, but he didn't expect that now he was making money, and the more he earned, and because of the existence of incentives, the environment of small anchors can also be guaranteed, in general, thriving.

Most people, as long as they find the right way, can make themselves shine, the network just gives them a platform, they themselves seize the opportunity, even if there is no this platform, there will be other opportunities.

Kim Jae-ho didn't care about this, he just gave ideas and formulated some things that he couldn't do, and then there was nothing for him, all he could do was equal money.


Two people in the house, the TV radiates the light of the times, if an ancient person comes to see it, he will shout "witchcraft" and smash the talking box.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo were watching the edited content, originally only Kim Jae-ho watched it alone, but Song Ji-hyo also wanted to see it, so they watched it together.

There was no one around.

"Was I that handsome?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I don't know, I don't seem to be there at that time." Song Zhixiao said.

"A lot of people say I'm more handsome than photogenic." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Well, when not talking."

"What about when you speak?"

"Like now?"

"Got it."


"It's almost finished."

"I know, the day after tomorrow." Song Zhixiao looked at the TV screen.

"You won't act in the next play, will you?"

"It doesn't seem to fit very well."

"Then these are the last two days."


On TV was a clip of Kim Jae-ho playing Po, which was originally funny, but no one laughed.

Song Zhixiao looked at the TV and suddenly said, "I like you." "

Kim Jae-ho was stunned for a while: "I like you first." "

"Not necessarily."

"Wow~Audiences all over the world know~"


The two looked at each other and smiled, then smiled and looked at the TV, which was not funny content, but they were also laughing.

"But, I'm seven years older than you..."

"Seven years old, he should be in elementary school, right?"

"Huh? Who? "

"Child, ours~"

Song Zhixiao smiled and glanced at Kim Jae-ho, which was incomparably beautiful.

"I didn't know before, but these days I think about one thing." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What's going on?"

"It has to be you, you can't change anyone." Kim Jae-ho said.

Song Jihyo looked at Kim Jae-ho's eyes, Kim Jae-ho was very serious when he said this, Song Ji-hyo felt something, and suddenly she was relieved.

The person he loves loves himself very much, so why do he care about other people's opinions and hurt the person he loves, he loves himself more than himself.

The TV continued to play, hands together, lips too.


Everything happened so naturally, like Yoona called and said that the company agreed to Kim Jae-ho's invitation to her, and the tone was impatient, and there was a feeling of rushing to send it.

Yoona asked Kim Jae-ho when he was free, Kim Jae-ho died of laughter, the first time someone asked such a question, after all, almost everyone around knew that Kim Jae-ho was the most idle.

But he really didn't have time in the past two days, his free time was busy with someone, Kim Jae-ho could only say that after these two days, let her see when she was free, he came to cooperate with her time, after all, red, have to hurry up to become redder, originally very tired, if you still rush to come to him then it's really unnecessary.


A place where a very large number of people are watching two people.

“cut! Okay guys, it's over! It's done! It's been a hard time! Kim Jae-ho shouted.


Everyone clapped their hands excitedly, and months of filming were finally over.

Everyone hugs each other, after all, after the end of today, you may not see each other for a long time, and those with low tears will really shed tears.

The uncle recorded this moment with a video camera, and then interviewed some people, and after that, all the people in the crew who could come today took a group photo together as a souvenir, using the best camera.

Although it is not the first time, but Kim Jae-ho still has mixed feelings, before filming this drama, Kim Jae-ho just wanted to practice his hands, did not expect that the final effect was so good, much better than expected, after all, he changed a lot and there were many improvisational operations.

But it feels like he has passed his own level, as for whether the audience likes it or not, he is not worried at all, what he likes himself, generally many people like it, this confidence he still has.

"You guys have worked hard, the finishing banquet is going!"

"Oh! Banzai! "

Kim Jae-ho gave himself another reason to eat a big meal, this meal is expected to be delicious, after all, eating is this period of hard work, this period of effort, this period of feelings.

But in fact, finishing does not mean that there is no work, they still have to do post-work, if they find that there is a little missing when editing, they will find someone to come back to make up for it, of course, it is unlikely, after all, it has been cut once, Kim Jae-ho is probably already arranged.

Originally, it was shot according to the lens of the script, and it has even been cut in his heart, after all, he has seen it all again, although it is not this version, but Kim Jae-ho can also achieve maximum efficiency.

Therefore, Kim Jae-ho's filming time and post-production time are very short, if Kim Jae-ho worked as hard as a normal person, this drama would have been filmed long ago.

This is the horror that has already been seen once, you can take a lot less detours, and you won't say that some shots are shot and don't know if they will be used.

The first few episodes have been prepared, the rest are almost the same, it should be ready next week, and then he has to start preparing for the filming of the new show, but he will have to find the actors in two days.

The approximate actor has been found, and now the most important thing is the heroine, since Song Zhixiao is a little resistant, then he does not force it, so in two days he will go to find Qian Songyi, I don't know if people want it or not, after all, people are now filming the League of Thieves.

However, the director of this film is also similar to Kim Jae-ho, only shooting twelve hours a day, 8 in the morning and 7 pm, paying great attention to the rest of the staff, it should be okay.

If it doesn't work, he can only bite the bullet and go to Song Zhixiao, he still thinks that Song Zhixiao can challenge this role, to be sexy and sexy, to be spicy and spicy, and sometimes the feeling of not being smart in the brain is also very in line with the character.

Of course, if people don't want him to try to avoid this situation, or go to Qian Songyi first, if not, then go to find someone to direct, just one play a year, allocate time to squeeze out time to make a drama.

He is not the kind of person who broadcasts while shooting, so there will be a lot of time, and he will streamline a lot, the old rules, will make certain modifications, and will not waste every second of the audience during the broadcast.

He probably already knows which still shots and how to shoot, that is, the method of time slicing is shot with dozens of cameras at the same time, and then by eliminating the characters, reconstructing the background in panoramic mode, etc., the picture captured from multiple angles is divided into multiple pieces and then combined with the background.

There is also the use of matrix cameras to surround the scene.

Of course, knowing is one thing, doing it is another, and if you do it well this time, Kim Jae-ho will have the confidence to challenge the movie.

Of course, he knows a lot of small-cost drama movies, and he also knows a lot of movies that don't use special effects, and there are too many movie choices compared to TV series.

It may be because it is something he likes to do, so Kim Jae-ho is very positive about this, and it will be very interesting to watch when it is broadcast, and it feels different when shooting.

It's like that play, it's almost the difference between soft persimmons and hard persimmons, no, it should be the difference between unripe and ripe, one astringent and one sweet.

Although it was finished, Song Zhixiao did not say that it was easy immediately, but just put the extra time on another drama, she really fights.

Good-looking people still work so hard, what can you do if you don't look good.

Kim Jae-ho really doesn't know, after all, he also belongs to the hang who looks good and works hard, and he doesn't know very well how people who don't look good live.

Of course, he was not so handsome in his previous life, but he also belonged to the self-confidence and sullenness, that is, when he saw the girl, he felt that people already liked him, but he was very reserved, so he never took the initiative.

So he was single until he was born again, probably for this reason.

Well, let's not talk nonsense, his hottest thing in the past two weeks is probably rubbing the two waves of popularity of Girls' Generation.

Because the song of the same name from the album of Girls' Generation, "Theboys", was originally made up by Changmin after Myheart, and now it has become Kim Jae-ho, and when his high notes come out, he also appears in the MV.

In that short two-second as if flashing, after Tae-yan's high note, Kim Jae-ho suddenly sat on the throne in a black and red coat and enchanting makeup on a snow-white background, looking at the camera with evil energy.

When I was just handsome by Girls' Generation for four minutes, I saw this scene and was handsome by Kim Jae-ho, I was really shocked, domineering and full of evil energy, and I was really a very dangerous man.

Many Kim Jae-ho fans jumped up excitedly when they saw this scene, and then quickly picked up their mobile phones and computers and typed on the keyboard - and began to scold Kim Jae-ho.

I didn't shoot so many songs MV, run to help others shoot MV, you have the ability to help others shoot MV and have the ability to make songs!

Really except for Kim Jae-ho's own MV, you can see Kim Jae-ho anywhere.

Of course, the workload of making a cameo for two seconds and shooting an MV by yourself is not the same, Kim Jae-ho is impossible to shoot an MV in the short term, and now he doesn't even have time to prepare for the concert, after all, he still has to deal with a lot of TV series.

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