"Don't enter the picture of people~" Kim Jae-ho explained.

Song Zhixiao smiled and patted him, obviously just looking for a reason to lean over.

"I'm your fan~" Haha said with a smile after shooting, it can be said that it is very contrived, this is to make Xuan'er relieve his anger and deliberately do this.

"Then I..." Liu Zaishi also came over with his mobile phone, his behavior was immediately condemned by everyone, Liu Zaishi quickly crossed his waist and said: "This is not to let Xuan'er dissipate!" "

Everyone also hurriedly took the mobile phone and came up, the scene was extremely chaotic for a while, Xuan'er immediately felt the treatment of the star, and finally there was no way, directly upgraded to a group photo link.

With a click, the final photo that came out was Liu Zaishi being blocked by Kim Jae-ho's face, and directly filmed the crime process.

"Yay!" Liu Zaishi was about to die of anger, Kim Jae-ho's hand covered like this, he struggled, and the final effect was ugly to death.

But Xuan'er felt very good and liked this moment very much, it was so special that it was interesting.

Everyone finally quieted down, and Liu Zaishi was going to live again.

"Don't know where you're going, do you?" Liu Zaishi suddenly asked Xuan'er, in fact, until getting off the car is free play time, in addition to the game to be done for a while, this period is the time to work hard, when there is Liu Zaishi, I call it Liu Zaishi time.

"This is..." Xuan'er seemed to be about to say something, and immediately turned back to Zhu He: "Where did you say you were going just now?" "

"If you hear anything, please tell me." Chi Shizhen immediately set up an ambush.

Xuan'er glanced at him, ignored him, and continued to chat with Zhuhe.

Kim Jae-ho also saw Song Ji-hyo's half-yin and half-yang face and asked, "Is it very sunny, do you want to change positions?" "

"No, this kind of sunshine is just right, very comfortable." Song Zhixiao said.

"Oh? Is it? How comfortable is it? Kim Jae-ho immediately leaned over again, and said that he wanted to feel the sun, Song Jihyo pushed him away with a smile, really, he came up at every opportunity, and someone was patting it.

Unlike before the confession, Kim Jae-ho is now a lot bolder, and in terms of skinship, although he used to lean over but actually kept his distance, now it is different.

Of course, it will also be exciting.

Haha is very happy to watch in the back, as if watching my knot, although I can't hear what the two people say, but just look at the expression and action can appreciate most of it, only love is the most beautiful.

Ah, that's nice~

Every time I see them, I want to fall in love, well, I have to work hard too!

Haha secretly cheered himself up, Xuan'er is now in the acting storm, and as a result, there are actually three people who pay attention to her, Zhu He is still the passive kind, he can't choose.

I even felt that Xuan'er was a little silly, and the rules were not understood.

In fact, he was stupid, Xuan'er was taking him to divert attention, in fact, she now has a secret mission, she alone has it, and Zhu He, who is also a guest, does not have it.

She was already here an hour before the opening, PD gave her a secret mission, she had to choose two people on the same team as her, and Juhyuk was the first to be ruled out, because she didn't want to face it after three months of filming.

By the way, our good-looking old man Zhu Hyuk, who looks elegant and easygoing, plays a role in the movie that is full of dirty words and arrogant, who does not care about the feelings of others and does bad personality cheating and is caught in the current kind of role, and then Xuan'er plays his wife.

Although she said that she was annoyed for three months, she must have a very good relationship with him, so she said so.

The first choice is of course Liu Zaishi, the second choice is haha, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo didn't look at it, entangled between Kim Zhiguo and Haha, and chose Haha by providence.

The people she chose were not the best, but they were the most experienced, and they all had very rich experience in secret missions.

Her task is to let Liu Zaishi and Haha stay until the end, and then the kind they don't know yet, it can be said that it is very difficult, because Liu Zaishi is also very smelly.

This time each station will eliminate two people, so the order of the dice is important.

In fact, it is not important at all, everyone's probability is the same, but some people's probability is naturally greater than others, we call it science.

In this team with bad hands per capita, it is very likely that the first vote will be the first out, which is called RM's law, and there will be Li Guangzhu's law in the future, which actually exists now, but the number of experiments is not much, and everyone can not get results.

The important thing this time is that the first place can decide the order in which the dice are thrown, which is simply holding everyone's fate in their hands.

Everyone's pressure instantly increased, the first link is to send mobile phone text messages, the first success is the first, this Xuan'er because it is a secret mission, so you can contact in advance, but Rao is so, she is still the second place, the first place is haha.

Kim Jae-ho is third, he is mainly that the last symbol has not been used, so it is a little slow.

He usually rarely uses mobile phones, all use computers, even if he uses mobile phones to type slowly, after all, it is another language, if it is a Chinese, he is confident that he can cut the time in half.

Rao is so, he is only a second slower than Xuan'er, which is a pity.

But in fact, the second and third are the same, this game only looks at the first place.

And Liu Zaishi is even worse, he doesn't know how to hit the last symbol, or everyone can't watch it to teach him to play, he uses a button mobile phone, so it will be more difficult.

Originally, Li Guangzhu was the first place, but I heard that his text message was not received, so he was probably stupid.

Haha is the right answer, worthy of the name No. 1.

While announcing the results, Li Guangzhu immediately adjusted her mentality and shouted: "Haha! Ha ha! "

Liu Zaishi directly stood up and hugged him, haha directly reached the peak of life, because he could decide the order of everyone.

"In that case, everyone will talk about my charm one by one." Haha has already started to show, finally seized the opportunity, now you have to enjoy it.

As soon as he parted his hat and leaned on his elbow, the posture of the scream was already put out, very dashing.

Chi Shizhen took the lead, and immediately seized the opportunity, "Haha has always had good skin. "

If nothing else, the skin is really excessive.

"Pass!" Haha is very satisfied with this, it is simply unique.

"It's a little strange to see Haha brother..." Before Li Guangzhu finished speaking, Liu Zaishi immediately said: "Say you're strange!" “

Everyone quickly seized the opportunity to coax, and Li Guangzhu was immediately sentenced to death, and Haha directly said: "Guangzhu reserved!" "

"Wait a minute, it's a misunderstanding..." Li Guangzhu didn't have a chance to explain, and haha interrupted directly: "Okay, reserve, brother." "

Jin Zhiguo smiled and opened his arms: "My good brother!" "

Haha immediately threw herself into his arms: "My good brother." "

This picture of brothers and friends really made people cry for a while.


Haha very simply let Kim Chengguo pass, and Lee Kwang-joo is simply two treatments.

As soon as he turned around, he looked at Kim Jae-ho, "Cut!" Kim Jae-ho sneered directly, looking very disdainful.

"You first!" Haha said immediately.

"Wait, brother! I was wrong! Impulse! Kim Jae-ho wanted to kneel down on the spot.



"Next!" Haha is merciless, and it is not given a chance at all.

Love impulsivity?



"Brother Zhuhe!"

"Yes, I've seen it..."

Haha immediately interrupted: "Keep the reservation!" "

"Cut!" He immediately showed exactly the same disdain as Kim Jae-ho just now, and the god made everyone laugh, this reaction was too fast, and the sense of humor was too strong.

Haha also wanted to get him, but he was counterattacked, which can be said to be the fastest in history.

"That's it!"

Kim Jae-ho died of laughter, this brother was too funny, he immediately stretched out his fist and touched his fist with Joo Hyuk.

"Yay! You can't do this! I have the power, have you forgotten?! "Haha shouted, I can finally pretend to force you to do this.

"Nu Na." Haha looked at the other guest, Xuan'er immediately stood up, to take pictures with Haha, this is the trick they used to please her just now, and it was initiated by Haha, this detail she thought of is too powerful.

Haha readily agreed to take a photo with her, and when she was about to take a photo, Xuan'er also said: "Haha era~"

"That's right! Yikes! Take a good look at people! Haha said that this was the right way to open it, he was very satisfied, it was too comfortable.

Finally, when it comes to Yoo Jae-seok, he is not a fool like Kim Jae-ho, if he is the first one, something will definitely go wrong, so he immediately said: "You are sexy!" "

This angle is even more tricky than Chi Shizhen, and Liu Zaishi's voice just fell haha and pinched over, "Lie essence!" "

He didn't believe this at all, it was completely made up.

Pressed down his excitement, haha said: "I don't know why the mood is not bad at all." "

Obviously, this should have been an extremely happy part for him, but after the end, he felt very strange.

"That's it." Haha looked around, and then pointed to Kim Jae-ho: "1"

"Don't be brother, I was wrong!" Kim Jae-ho immediately begged for mercy.

"It's too late now!" Haha laughed.

"Two." Refers to Lee Kwang-joo.

"Three." He touched Song Zhixiao, and Song Zhixiao immediately looked at Haha with pitiful eyes, and Haha looked a little weak, and explained: "You are very lucky." "

It means that even Song Zhixiao can spend it safely.

But Song Zhixiao didn't listen to such nonsense, continued to look at Haha with pitiful eyes, and then coquettishly pointed to Chi Shizhen: "There." "

Chi Shi Zhenren are stupid, what the hell is this?!

Are you human?

It was the deadliest coquettish he had ever seen.

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