"Quick! Come on! Kim Junguk called Kim Jae-ho, "Don't let him run!" Right behind! "

Kim Jae-ho arrived a step late, and after hearing the words, he picked up the loudspeaker used by the store on one side and debugged it: "The people inside listen!" You have been surrounded, the result of stubborn resistance can only be self-destruction, I count three times, if you still do not give up resistance, we will resort to violent means! "

Looking at Kim Jae-ho's appearance of crossing his waist like this, Kim Junguo also smiled, this guy really knows how to live.

“1! 2! 3! Elder brother! Bang the door! "

As soon as Kim Jae-ho's words fell, Kim Ji-guk pushed the door hard, as a man who pushes iron every day, pushing a wooden door is simply insulting him.

The door was pushed open at once, as easily as if he had broken a layer of paper, and Jin Junguo entered with force, controlled the masked man, and pressed his hands against the wall.

The man didn't say a word, but even if he couldn't see his face, he knew that he was frightened.

The door that he was desperately blocking was pushed open all of a sudden, he was directly pushed to the wall, and before he could react, a strong man rushed in, holding his hand down, and the world was suddenly dark, all of this man's figure.

"Hahaha~ Jaehiro! Fast! Look! Kim smiled wickedly and motioned for Kim Jae-ho to remove his mask and sunglasses.

At this time, suddenly heard a tearing sound, Kim Junguo looked back in amazement, it was Kim Jae-ho, he finally started!

"Yay! I did it! Kim Jae-ho looked up to the sky and roared, "Run!" Yes! Come on! Brother Lin! Fast! "

Kim Jae-ho shouted Sang-yoon to run, while calling the staff to help control Kim Junguo, Sang-yoon also stopped being excited, quickly broke free from the confused Kim Junguo, and fled.

How arrogant the two people were at the moment before, how embarrassed they are now.

After the two people ran for a while and found that Kim Junguo did not catch up, Kim Jae-ho immediately stopped, pointed the name tag at the camera and shouted: "Yay! Thank you so much! Yes! We're finally handsome! Hahaha! "

He hugged Sang-yoon excitedly, and Sang-yoon hugged him excitedly, celebrating the moment with him.

"Woooo Finally! It's not easy! "

Sang Yun also teared his eyes and nodded his head excitedly, all the words at this moment were too pale.

For a year, countless times in a year, Kim Jae-ho faced the camera of Kim Junguo, he filmed it all, it can be said that he experienced it together.

Just now he thought he was going to die, it turned out that facing Jin Zhiguo was this feeling, he originally thought he knew, but he only now knows, he doesn't know enough!

How much humiliation, how much expectation, almost from the beginning, Kim Jae-ho wanted to be handsome, but he never had a chance, although he said that Kim Jae-ho could not do it, but in fact, he also wanted him to win.

Now, they did!

This time, the two people used their full strength, took advantage of the characteristics of Sangyoon being a staff member, pretended to be a guest to attract the attention of Jin Zhiguo, and as long as one of them was wrong and was caught by Jin Zhiguo in advance or seen to be flawed, they failed!

It can be said that the operation has reached the limit!

The sense of accomplishment at the moment, that is incomparable!

Watching the two people excitedly sharing the joy of the moment, the camera next to them was not idle, and they also used their limits to record this moment and save it for them to reminisce seven days later.

Presumably, they will be as happy as they are now~

It's so good~

The joy of the victory of the two people diluted the feeling of the desertion of the entire mall, and there was an atmosphere of joy that lasted until he saw everyone in RM again.

All of a sudden, more happy~

"Yay! You kid really is! "

As soon as everyone saw each other, they spit out the fragrance, and the fragrance was overflowing, as if they were really deceived, and the response was very enthusiastic.

Kim Jae-ho was directly sorry when he met, and then began to scream.

This night is for this moment~

Looking at Jin Zaihao proudly saying how awesome he was tonight, Liu Zaishi and they did not let their guard down, after all, the mission was not successful until Kim Jae-ho did not find out after the end.

Li Guangzhu didn't speak on the side, just laughed, for fear that he would show his stuffing as soon as he spoke.

The more serious Kim Jae-ho is, the more pitiful and screaming, the more silly he looks, tiger tiger.

When he saw that his society was almost dead, PD handed over the prepared prize with satisfaction, a box wrapped in gold silk, and he knew that it was very expensive.

"Ah~ for me? How embarrassing is this to go~So many people watch~" Kim Jae-ho said so, and the body still took it very honestly.

As soon as I opened it, it was a generous Han Niu beef bone gift box, and I felt delicious just by looking at Kim Jae-ho.

The production team can be regarded as pinching what Kim Jae-ho likes, meat, delicious people.

"This prize is not mine, there is another person who also has a share, please Mr. Sangyoon!"

Sang-yoon put down the camera in the corner and was coyly invited out, not very embarrassed.

"Yay! Are you a guest?! Song Zhixiao said in surprise.

"It's too much, even VJ takes advantage of it." Haha complained.

"Hehe~" Kim Jae-ho and Sang Yoon-yo were proud, the more they hate, the happier they were.

"Come, come to my house tomorrow to eat! Sorry, I don't have your share. Kim Jae-ho happily made an appointment for dinner to share the fruits of this victory together.

Where Kim Jae-ho couldn't see, Lee Kwang-joo covered his mouth tightly with his hand to prevent himself from laughing, and Kim Junguo stared at him dead on the side, "If you laugh, you will die!" "

Li Guangzhu: I'm so difficult!

"That's it, that's it!" Kim Jae-ho said excitedly: "It's been a year, I've been waiting for a whole year!" "

"Yes, in fact, he is not easy either." Liu Zaishi sighed: "Then this year's RM Mid-Autumn Festival Special, the winner is, the first time as a spy to win-Kim Jae-ho!" "

Amid cheers and clapping, Kim Jae-ho-ju opened his hands, raised his proud head, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the moment of the crowning of the king, at least in his own opinion.

The applause soon ended, and in just a few seconds, Kim Jae-ho was speechless, "Go on!" Be strong! Didn't eat? "

Everyone took a deep breath and exhaled again, endure, must endure!

After Kim Jae-ho earned back the applause of the year, PD said that after the filming was over, everyone began to review their death video again, which made Kim Jae-ho very proud.

Some people are really scared, some people pretend to be scared, but there is not much difference.

"Dinner? I went back first without dinner, today I am too tired, and I have to use my brain and physical strength, it is too difficult. Kim Jae-ho sighed, his little expression making people want to move.

Listening to everyone's complaining voices and gritting teeth, Kim Jae-ho is comfortable, and he can get a good night's sleep when he goes back tonight.

"Then I'll go first~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"There's one final closing interview." PD said.

"Sorry, I don't accept interviews, if you really want to interview me, please contact my agent first." Kim Jae-ho solemnly refused.

"If you interview, you can make your camera connection better." PD said.

"Let's go then, where?"


In fact, the interview is a post-subtitling psychological activity, some mental journey and the like.

In fact, where is needed what interview, Kim Jae-ho can know what he thinks with his ass, and the superficial interview actually leads him away.

Everyone is only quietly celebrating now, for fear that Kim Jae-ho will look back.

It's finally over, and at this point, it's been a night of acting, tired and happy.

PD said very bluntly: "Everyone has won, and I said that I will give everyone a big gift." "

PD This is rewarding the heroes.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the prize, the same appearance as Kim Jae-ho's box, but it was much larger, one for each person, and when everyone opened it, they were even more stunned, it turned out to be a very large Han Niu suit!

Han Niu is expensive!

There are also people who are the same cow bones as Kim Jae-ho, but they are also much more than Kim Jae-ho's, and Kim Jae-ho's prize is suddenly not fragrant.

Everyone left one by one and thanked the heroes tonight to the camera, compared to Kim Jae-ho at that time.

"Thank you, Jae-ho~ You are the best."

"Your acting skills are really good~" Jin Zhiguo said with a touch of conscience.

"I'm sorry, I'll eat it well~" Song Zhixiao said in a small milk voice, the suit was a little too heavy, and it was difficult to hold, it was really a happy trouble.

Li Guangzhu said with a smile: "The next time you come to my house to eat, please don't ask why the meat is so delicious~"


Everyone is dying of laughter, do you still have to blame for murder?

Use the meat earned from Kim Jae-ho to invite Kim Jae-ho to dinner,

If Kim Jae-ho saw this scene, he was afraid that he would be angry to death, everyone had finished the year's anger, and he was in a very comfortable mood when he left, and the last member to leave was Kim Jae-ho.

Tonight can be said to be ups and downs, and Kim Jae-ho did not find any clues, after the interview, he returned home satisfied, washed and slept, not only that, but also bragged for a few days, the main objects are the crew and uncles, master brothers, basically people he can contact.

Lee Kwang-joo and Song Ji-hyo are the worst, they have to contact Kim Jae-ho every day, and they have to continue to hide, there are dramas in and out of the play, and they can't relax for a moment, but it's too difficult.

Their drama will be finished in another month, so it can be released in October, which is already very fast.

The general crew is filming and broadcasting, so if they encounter something they want to change, it is difficult, but Kim Jae-ho is very confident.

In terms of the script, he can be said to have changed it once, anyway, this script is a transition of hands-on experience, he originally planned to change it a little, but he found that it was not right when he changed it, he changed it like this, deleted the original plot not to mention, and the amount of work is getting bigger and bigger!

When this was discovered, it was already overwhelmed.

When Kim Jae-ho came back to his senses, everyone was stupid, what did he do?!

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