Wasn't it a script that was borrowed from to save trouble in the first place? Now that I have changed the script for my own selfish desires (I want to be interesting), I can even say that I have re-created, what am I thinking?

There is no way, you can only bite the bullet, otherwise you can't live up to the previous efforts, that is, the workload is suddenly several times larger, after all, plagiarism and creation are not the same, for this he also stayed up for a few days of nights, because the later he inspired, the better.

In fact, it is not, but at night, everything to do is done, and what is to be played is also finished, thinking about writing this and going to sleep, the result is that the more you write, the smoother, you can't stop at all, the later the brain, the better, the higher the work efficiency.

But he quickly adjusted back, after all, he was not born again to do this kind of thing, although it is cool to write a script, but it can't be like this.

Writing a script is really cool, he thinks of it, some plots may suddenly get stuck, he just let go, do other things, have inspiration to start, and then every time he writes, he laughs there, like a neurosis, when he feels that the plot is very perfect, he will jump up and think excitedly.

However, the master brother and uncle are used to his appearance, after all, it is not much quiet without writing a script.

"Uncle, do you have the phone number of Brother Prodigy?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes, what's wrong?" The uncle began to operate on the mobile phone, and his efficiency was so high.

"Didn't you contact last time, I want to take advantage of this time to invite him over for dinner, hehe~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"You just want one more person to listen to your bragging..." The uncle gave him a blank look.

"Yes or no, it's rare to cook next time, don't invite a restaurant to taste it, I have a feeling that he will be very researched about eating." Kim Jae-ho said.

The uncle was speechless: "Nonsense, do you still use feelings?" You can see it. "

That body type, said he will not eat, who believes.

"The number was sent to you, you have a little respect for people, that's a big senior, don't always be called rude."

"Hey ~ good ~ by the way, get ready, go to the group, pick up your sister-in-law, there is her role today." Kim Jae-ho tidied up the things on the table and said.

"I already knew that she slept late last night, let her sleep more." The uncle said.

"Isn't it the first time again, it's almost finished, are you still staying up late?" Kim Jae-ho was surprised.

"Can't persuade, no way." The uncle's eyes were full of heartache.

"So you're going to watch her stay up late?"

"Stayed up with her, didn't you see my dark circles?" Although the uncle has dark circles, he looks similar to usual.

"It's okay, in line with the role, I don't need to wear makeup haha~ I saved some money again." Kim Jae-ho showed his ugly face.

"Are you still human? Is this human speech? The uncle scolded.

"How about that? Is it still a myth? Kim Jae-ho said and suddenly sang: "In the end, I can't give up on you ~ don't shake anymore~"

"Terminator? Yikes! What songs have you been listening to lately? This is the song of our time, right? "The uncle is drunk.

"Classics don't look at time, just like wine, the more it is brewed, the more mellow."

"You kid can't be saved." The uncle shook his head.

"Hurry up! I'll get in touch again in the car. "

The three brothers set off directly, as for why the combination of sister-in-law and uncle participated, that is Kim Jae-ho's pot, this will be discussed later.

In the car.


"Hey, is it a sorry child prodigy?" Kim Jae-ho asked while pinching his throat.

"Oh, it's Kim Jae-ho who roars~"

"What roar, roar, ahahahah~"

The prodigy made Kim Jae-ho laugh with a word.

"Roar oh oh oh ~" The prodigy sang funny, it was Kim Jae-ho's debut song, whole.

"How can you recognize me like this?" Ah, brother, you are really completely big hair~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, the feeling of the prodigy is very comfortable, there is no shelf of the seniors at all, chat is brother, they have not even met.

Confirmed language, all have no heart and no lungs... Interesting people.

"Oh, how many years are you?" The prodigy asked.

"Eight or eight years."

"I'm eighty-five."

"I'm April 15." Kim Jae-ho emphasized.

"What for? Want me to give you a gift? "

"It's not impossible~"

"I have SJ's album ready, and I signed them all."

"That's not fragrant, I'll give you some paper next time we meet, you can sign it."

The prodigy is smiling, which is quite exquisite.

"Okay, if you give it to me, I'll sign it for you."

"So good? I myself felt that it was too much. "

"Not too much, it's my birthday September 28, just remember it."

"Wow! It's too much, brother! I said how I agreed so simply, it turned out to be waiting here. "Kim Jae-ho is stupid, it's just September.

"Hahaha~ Anyway, I have the album ready, if you want to come and get it."

"Don't be, you send it over, brother, do you have a trip now?" Is it domestic? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"In, what about the standby room, MC today."

"Brother, you are really versatile, envy to death."

"Yay! Now which in the circle does not envy you, so free. The child prodigy was speechless.

"That brother, are you forced by life, versatile, aren't they all hobbies~"

"This sentence is good, forced by life, multi-talented." The prodigy did not deny that it was a hobby.

"What do you mean I gave it to you?"

"It's that I won RM and sent a beef bone set meal, it looks like the thief is comfortable, I want to have a whole meal, when you are free, please eat." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"So good, yes, tomorrow, not today."

"It's okay, there's no hurry, I've already frozen." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"This thing has to be eaten fresh, it will have no taste after freezing for a long time." The prodigy said.

"That's right, brother, you can come and say it when you have time, I can do it at any time." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Wow, you're really idle!" The prodigy sighed that such a red person was so idle and so free, and he was so envious that it almost cracked.

"No, I work every day, and now I have time to chat with you on the way to the crew."

"You still let me choose the time I want."

"I'm the boss, I can allocate my time freely, I'm more free."

"I feel the urge to hang up."

Listen, is this human speech?

"You can hang up, hey, wait, brother, can you choreograph?" Kim Jae-ho's voice suddenly sang, "Lifecouldntgetbetter~"

“hey!" Two people together hey, the prodigy is very good.

"Oh, this is a song from a few years ago, it will be, what are you going to do?" The prodigy asked.

"It's that I want to dance at the concert, it's simpler, brother, can you help me make it up?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Oh~ you're going to have a concert? Yes. The prodigy readily agreed.

"Thank you brother, then you can set a time to call me." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, of course, the details will be discussed in detail at that time, and he did not expect that the prodigy actually agreed to come down, it was too top, and he didn't even hesitate.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho can let the choreography teacher rehearse, but he feels that if the prodigy comes, the meaning is better, even if it is a dish, it is also meaningful.

If you dance, it's over here, he feels that it's enough, it's currently two dances, the rest are singing, maybe it's a tour or not, it's okay to shoot it then, and you should make do with the online version.

Let's talk about it then.

Life is not easy, Haohao sighed.

Now there are so many things that he has to squeeze out even the time to play games.

There are two days a week to record RM, and the remaining five days to film, rehearse, and if he is still allowed to go to various stages and award ceremonies, he is afraid that he will always be on the road.

Yes, but not necessarily.

After chatting, the prodigy hung up the phone and sat dumbfounded for a while.

The prodigy once again lamented that Kim Jae-ho is really too powerful, he is too envious, he can work whenever he wants, he can have a job if he wants to work, and he will not work if he wants to.

After all, no one can say for sure about this thing, sometimes such as the three major stations invite you to go, that is an honor, can you not go?

But Kim Jae-ho can, if you don't want to go, you can't go, and in fact, it's like this, he really didn't go at all.

If you want to say that Kim Jae-ho has not been invited to various awards and various stages, it is impossible, as long as his songs come out, he will slaughter the list, the streets and alleys are his voice, Kim Jae-ho as long as he goes to the award ceremony, that is the highest honor of one, but basically except for RM you can't see Kim Jae-ho.

Another one is the TV series, the TV series you always have to have some regular publicity, right?

Publicity is that the starring actor goes to various places to hold meetings and the like, even if it is not, at least some variety shows will be on, but think about it, because several of Kim Jae-ho's TV series starring are in RM, which seems to make sense.

And idols this also eat youth, the general idol is afraid that they will suddenly not be popular, no one is looking for their own work, because this is not the same as not working, you have no one to find, you don't know that you have no one to find, then what can you do, you can only wait, wait for a long time to know that they are really angry.

Therefore, idols will have a sense of crisis, work as much as possible, and make themselves better.

But Kim Jae-ho is not like this, and does not care about his exposure at all.

However, Kim Jae-ho seems to be so popular because of this, starring less, so everyone is very happy to appear, and the idol thing, to put it bluntly, people hope that they are also so alive, so handsome, so genius, singing so good, so sought after, and as long as they are happy every day.

How would that person wish he would live?

Some people definitely hope that they can live like Kim Jae-ho, excellent and lazy.

And at present, this part of the population accounts for a very large proportion.

To be able to meet such a person, the prodigy thinks it is quite interesting, although he is only three years older than Kim Jae-ho, but he has also debuted for so many years, and he has seen ups and downs, this time he really thinks Kim Jae-ho is interesting before he wants to make friends with him.

Some people naturally like to be lively, otherwise they would not choose this path.

Kim Jae-ho is different, he likes to pretend.

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