"Hahaha~ no, my stomach hurts, I'm going to die of laughter!" Song Jihyo reacted at the first time, because from her point of view, she took a closer look, and the person running in front was not Kim Jae-ho's VJ~

Although he was wearing a mask, scarf, sunglasses, hat, and changed clothes at this time, she still recognized it.

After Lee Kwang-joo and Kim Junguo reacted, they also laughed while running, so it seems that Kim Jae-ho's acting skills are very exaggerated, for fear that others will not know that he is chasing guests.


"Yay! Get him! Jin Zhiguo held back a smile and shouted.

"Hurry up! Hurry up brother! Poof..." Lee Kwang-joo shouted and didn't hold back and laughed, but Kim Jae-ho couldn't hear or see it.

By the time they found Kim Jae-ho, Kim Jae-ho was panting.

"Yay! Caught it? Jin Zhiguo asked.

"Hah... Ha...," Kim Jae-ho said roughly, "No, ran away, ah, why are you so slow?" "

"It's already the first time to run over, are you running slow?" Kim said.

To be honest, now that Kim Junguo has the ability to say the whole thing, Song Zhixiao and Lee Kwang-joo are trying to suppress their smiles, turning their heads from time to time.

"Am I running fast, don't you still have points?" Kim Jae-ho complained.

Jin Zhiguo was speechless, very convincing.

"How did Brother Zaishi get eliminated? Isn't he with you? Li Guangzhu asked.

"We were looking for something, and then I heard him shouting, and I saw that he had been torn off, so I rushed to catch up."

"Who is the guest, did you see it?"

"No, the face is blocked." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes, I saw it, blocked it." Song Zhixiao said.

"So what now?" Li Guangzhu asked, "It's terrifying." "

"What else can I do, hurry up and find something, you can't wait for death." After Jin Zhiguo finished speaking, he also boosted his morale, and everyone dispersed.

Kim Jae-ho found Sang-yoon, sweating profusely.

"Well done! They totally believed it! The acting skills can be ah~" Kim Jae-ho praised.

Sang-yoon smiled.

That is, I didn't become an actor, otherwise there would definitely be his name in show business.

The two people were proud, feeling that they had deceived the world with perfect cooperation.

On the other side, Song Zhixiao, Kim Junguo and Lee Kwang-joo are getting together to laugh.

"Did Kim Jae-ho see that just now? Laugh me to death! "

"Sangyun is not there, it must be his guest, otherwise it is impossible not to be there." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"Really?" Li Guangzhu didn't react to him, "Wow ~ Dafa!" "

He wondered who the "guest" was, it turned out to be Xiangyun~

"They must be proud and have lied to us." Jin Zhiguo guessed with a smile.


Several people seem to have never been so happy, and there is nothing more interesting than teasing Kim Jae-ho, and there is a feeling of revenge.

But now is their time, they also have to prepare, with such a show, what Kim Jae-ho will do next can be said to be justified.

Kim Jae-ho's plan is now known, using Liu Jae-seok's hand to eliminate the guest played by Sang-yoon, clearing his suspicions while letting everyone know that there are really guests, if not everyone knows the truth, his kung fu of shouting to catch the thief can be said to be concealed.

Although the plan is simple, it doesn't work, and a person who runs over at this juncture will definitely think that he is a guest, and he ran away because of his weak heart.

But alas, there are no ifs.

If the remaining three people are Haha Chi Shi Zhen Lee Guangzhu or Liu Zaishi, then they may really be deceived, even if they know the truth, they have to be confused, and they may even expose themselves with Kim Jae-ho.

But it's a pity that the rest are Song Zhixiao and Kim Zhiguo, who are most familiar with him, although there is a Li Guangzhu mixed in, it is not in the way.

I believe that this scene of thieves shouting to catch thieves, Kim Jae-ho will really understand what social death means when watching.

The next thing is simple, Kim Jae-ho tears off Lee Kwang-joo and Song Ji-hyo, and there is only one famous super small Kim Ji-kook.

Of course, the way Li Guangzhu and Song Zhixiao are treated can be said to be worlds apart.

Treat Li Guangzhu extremely arrogant and cruel, treat Song Zhixiao, gentle and apologetic, almost exchange saliva to express sorry.

Song Zhixiao left angrily because of "betrayal", turned his head and let the staff let her go, and then said to the camera: "This fool~ what should I do?" "

"Brother! I'm definitely next! What to do?! "

Kim Jae-ho's terrified voice came out of the walkie-talkie, and Kim Ji-guk said: "That's no way, you be careful." "

"Otherwise, I'll lure them out, how about you hold them down and beat them up?"

"Last time Brother Shi said so, and then he didn't have it."

Kim Jae-ho: ...

Kim Junguo is about to die of laughter, since the appearance of "Guest", he has also been pretending to be a guest, chatting with Kim Jae-ho, running with him, it can be said that the acting skills have exploded, and he is now very much looking forward to Kim Jae-ho seeing this episode, really happy to think about.

Then again, why didn't Kim Jae-ho come to find himself yet?

Others don't say, Kim Jae-ho's words Kim Junguo is still quite relieved, to be honest, tearing up the name tag one-on-one, the formal kind, the only one who can give him a sense of threat is Kim Jae-ho alone.

Because that kid might pop out of nowhere, maybe behind a hanger, maybe a corner, and if he reacts slowly or unguarded, he'll be hit hard.

But now, he has to control himself, and don't subconsciously throw him off when the time comes, after all, his name tag is very small, and it is easy to tear it off.

So he is waiting for Kim Jae-ho, either Kim Jae-ho comes to negotiate with him, or he directly sneaks up, he prefers the first one.

The two men met where the task was handed over, and three cards were sparsely pulled on the huge mission board, all with some edges.

Two were found by Kim Jae-ho, one was found by Kim Ji-guo, as a person who is looking for things, he has self-esteem in this regard, even if he wants to be exposed, he has to find more than others.

So Kim Jianguo later found a piece, and Kim Jae-ho added another piece.

"This is so familiar! I seem to have seen it somewhere. Jin Zhiguo thought and said.

In fact, when he saw this piece in his hand, he already recognized it, Kim Jae-ho's set of albums, they all have a set, it can be said that it is a classic album, very good-looking.

Because of this set of albums, the photographers who produced them became famous, which can be regarded as his masterpieces and proof of strength.

And one of the most impressive is this, in addition to the appearance is also mixed with terrifying acting skills of the moment proves, the completely different style interpretations on the left and right will make people have a feeling of "Kim Jae-ho can do it perfectly".

In fact, it was not so easy to do, after all, he only saw a little, but when he thought of Kim Jae-ho, he knew which one.

Now, it belongs to the storm acting.

Recently, his younger brothers and sisters' acting skills have exploded, and he also wants to study this aspect, and strive for Kim Jae-ho's next few dramas to be a supporting role or something, so he will learn from Kim Jae-ho or go to the set to see it when he has time.

However, it is clear that deception can sometimes be strong purely based on life experience.

Compared with his acting skills, it is more difficult for Kim Junguo to hold his desire to laugh now, which is very difficult.

"It's only a little silhouette, how can you recognize it! It's too hard, right? Kim Jae-ho said, "And what's the use of this recognition, the guests are different, you can tear us off, you still have to find Quan." Kim Jae-ho recounted the difficulties.

"Why do you always play such a difficult game!" Kim Jae-ho directly scolded PD, and PD smiled and didn't know how to cooperate.

But usually he also smiled like this and did not speak, which is also very reasonable.

Jin Zhiguo looked at the puzzle and pondered, afraid that he would laugh when he looked back and saw their faces.

What a spy game this is! It's clearly a game of laughter!

Hell difficulty!

Taking a deep breath, he turned his head and just wanted to say something, but suddenly...

"Brother! That! Guests! Kim Jae-ho pointed to a place and shouted, and when Kim Junguk saw it, he only saw the back of a fleeing figure.

"Yay! Hurry up! Get him! Kim Jiuguo's horse began to run, and with a glance at Kim Jae-ho out of the corner of his eye, Kim Jae-ho also ran, and he deliberately led Kim Jae-ho by one position.

To be honest, both of them are very strange, it's just to see the guests, what to run, and you can't tear people, the conditions for victory have nothing to do with the guests.

But they just chased after them, and the two men had their own goals.

Jin Zhiguo ran very fast, but now he also slowed down, and strangely, although he had slowed down, when he went upstairs, he still saw the figure of the "guest".

"Yay! That! Jin Zhiguo continued to run, he was a little hesitant now, should he catch it or not?

He paused and turned around and shouted, "Hurry up!" Yikes! Why are you so slow? "

"You catch up first, don't worry about me!" Kim Jae-ho said breathlessly, the content confusing.

Jin Zhiguo thought about it and chased after him, wondering in his heart, what if he chased him?

If he catches it, then Sang-yoon will definitely be exposed, what is this Kim Jae-ho famous for?

No matter.

Kim Junguo saw Sang-yoon slip into a store, and when Kim Junguo arrived, Sang-yoon had already entered the fitting room and closed the door.

"Here! Get in! Jin Zhiguo came to the door, pushed the door, and found that someone behind him resisted.

He did not push the door open at the first time, but pretended that he was guarding this entrance and blocking the guests inside and waiting for Kim Jae-ho.

In fact, Jin Zhiguo has not yet thought about whether to catch him or not, now he is confused, everything is happening too fast, he has to think about it.

He pushed twice casually, and the door shook twice...

He estimated that as long as he used his own strength, he could enter in about a second, right?

The strength is so small.

He complained in his heart.

And at this moment, behind the door, Sangyoon rejoiced alone, thinking that he had resisted two waves of violent attacks by Jin Zhiguo...

I'm amazing!

He thought to himself.

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