But Ji Seok-jin is really not worth mentioning, and the next thing is what Kim Jae-ho is worried about - Yoo Jae-seok.

This is a hurdle that cannot be crossed, and it cannot be said that others are solved first, because Liu Zaishi was eliminated in the first round, and he must be obtained first.

Kim Jae-ho also didn't bother to ask where Yoo Jae-seok was, but as soon as the radio rang, everyone knew where Kim Jae-ho was.

"Chi Shizhen, out!"

Unlike Chi Shizhen, when everyone heard the sound of Chi Shizhen being eliminated, they all smiled heartily and were in a very good mood.

Jin Zhiguo was also the first time walkie-talkie, "Ah! How did it get eliminated again? Who saw it? "

"I don't know, brother! I'm putting something. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Huh?! Did you find it? "

"Yes, brother! It's terrifying! "

"Yay! We'll have to find it soon! They're getting moving! Liu Zaishi said.

And Kim Jae-ho was also like he said, really putting task items on the frame, and really doing tasks, everyone was stunned, and after thinking about it, they figured it out.

"He's trying to clear his suspicions!" Liu Zaishi said to Li Guangzhu with a smile.

As Liu Zaishi said, he is extremely brave, Jin Zaihao has so much effort to find something to say that he has not found one, it is impossible, in fact, he has already found five pieces, all in very conspicuous places.

Four of the pieces he destroyed and the remaining one, because it only had hair, he turned it in.

"In fact, it is also very dangerous, you see, even the ends of the hair are so handsome, there is only one person in the world, it is too obvious, but if you can't find it, it's even more obvious, so it's better to hand it over." Kim Jae-ho said.

And he deliberately said this to let everyone know that he was doing a task and clearing suspicion.

Sang Yoon was carrying the camera, he was used to it, and he didn't even bother to complain, but at this time, Kim Jae-ho kept looking at him, and Sang Yoon suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Yay! Then I'll go to the fourth floor, I have to find it quickly!" Liu Zaishi said to the walkie-talkie.

"Oh?! He's on the fourth floor? Kim Jae-ho was immediately alert, "It's really effortless!" "

Kim Jae-ho glanced at Sangyoon, he already had a plan, and he was overjoyed, tonight may end sooner than expected.

The smoothness of the first two times gave him a feeling that he had everything under control, which was very exciting and fulfilling.

The walkie-talkie messes with people talking all the time, which also allows Kim Jae-ho to grasp the situation.

Liu Zaishi naturally deliberately told Kim Jae-ho his location, and everyone did not go to the fourth floor interestingly, deliberately staggering with Kim Jae-ho.

"There we went! He went up! Jin Junguo kept staring in the shadows.

"He will definitely go to find Brother Zaishi~" Li Guangzhu looked excited and happy, this feeling of knowing everything was very good.

To be honest, there are only a few ways to go up, they deliberately stare and do not do tasks, of course, they can find Kim Jae-ho.

The information between the two sides is originally unequal, but the purpose is the same, both to let Kim Jae-ho tear them off.

I don't know how Liu Zaishi's acting skills are, can he fool Kim Jae-ho, but Ji Shizhen can fool Kim Jae-ho, Liu Zaishi should not be a problem, right?

The two of them are together because they don't have to do tasks, so they are idle anyway, and it's not bad to chat together.

"You also prepare, if Brother Shi is eliminated again, it will be your turn." Kim said.

"Isn't there still Zhixiao Fury?" Li Guangzhu said.

"Do you think he eliminated Zhixiao first or you first?" Jin Zhiguo asked rhetorically.

Li Guangzhu stopped talking.

He still has a forced number.

Even if it is a million of himself, it is not comparable to Song Zhixiao.

At this time, a sound suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

"Brother! You're on the fourth floor, right? I'm nearby, I'm coming for you. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Huh? He actually said it? Jin Zhiguo was surprised, why did Kim Jae-ho, who had a stable batch, do this? This is completely self-destructing!

"Yes, I'm on the fourth floor." Liu Zaishi didn't ask why.

Jin Zhiguo said first: "Ah! Let's go together! Separate ah! That's how efficient! "

"Aren't you with the light beads too!"

Kim Jae-ho's voice came out of the walkie-talkie, Kim Junguk and Lee Kwang-joo were shocked and creepy, how did he know?

Did he find us?

Li Guangzhu and Kim Junguo were stunned, stunned, and very scared.

But in fact, there is nothing, Kim Jae-ho just glanced at them and knew that they were together, and when you can see others, others can see you.

Kim Jae-ho went openly this time, intending to use this method to reverse clear his suspicions, but even so, he had to grasp the position of others first.

Otherwise, when he starts, people are watching from the side, then oh.


Liu Zaishi looked back and saw that it was Kim Jae-ho, alert, and he had to act well.

"What are you looking for me for?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"I'm afraid, let's go together, I haven't looked for it around here." Kim Jae-ho said.

"How many did you find?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Found one." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What does it look like? How come I haven't seen it? Liu Zaishi asked.

"It's like a card." Kim Jae-ho thinks, of course you haven't seen it, conspicuous he has already looked for it, this stability is exchanged for physical strength, and now his physical strength is basically exhausted.

He was also talking nonsense, he had already looked around here, although he did not look carefully, but if there was a conspicuous one he must have seen it.

"Okay, let's find it together, have you seen Brother Shi Zhen?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"I don't know, it should have been attacked by a sneak attack, right? Brother, do you have a water gun? Kim Jae-ho suddenly asked.

"Where do I have it!" Liu Zaishi said with a smile, who has a water gun and you don't have points?

"Brother, shouldn't there be no guests, who is a spy?" Kim Jae-ho said suspiciously.

"Hiss~ don't say, it's possible, wasn't it the last time Zhixiao and haha? Then this time it will not be the two of them. Liu Zaishi said.

"Could it be Brother Endowment? He spoke so positively and strangely this time. Kim Jae-ho said.

"Wouldn't you? He was always with others. "

Saying that, Liu Zaishi felt cold in his heart.

Oops, Kim Jae-ho is already beginning to doubt!

In fact, no, Kim Jae-ho just said so casually, his mental energy tonight was all spent looking for things.

Not only did he have to look for something, but he also had to find it without being found, and then he had to hide, in such an open place, it was difficult!

Not to mention that he had to tear off haha, and in order to surprise haha, he also took a lot of painstaking efforts.

Now, it's Liu Zaishi.

That's right, Chi Shizhen is not worth mentioning.

Even so, Kim Jae-ho's random nonsense is still very reasonable, in fact, if they hadn't known the truth long ago, they would definitely have been deceived by Kim Jae-ho so far.

Now they are only from God's point of view, so they think that Kim Jae-ho is full of loopholes, which is very ridiculous.

Kim Jae-ho looked up and found that many people were watching this position, which was very good.

It makes perfect sense for someone to watch, because they may want to see if there is a guest in action, which is just the right time for him to get rid of suspicion.

As for how to get rid of it~

Liu Zaishi walked more and more remote, looking as if he was actively looking for task items, a little ahead of Kim Jae-ho.

Jin Zaihao accompanied him and said, "Brother Zaishi, I have a guess for you to see if it's right." "

"What?" Liu Zaishi didn't look at him, still facing away from him and pretending to be searching.

"That's it, you see, why not someone else, but Brother Haha and Brother Shi Zhen, will there be any order?"

"Huh?!" Liu Zaishi looked back in amazement, "What do you mean?" "

"Just now, we wrestled, is it the order in which the guests are to be eliminated?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Ah! That's right! Liu Zaishi looked like he suddenly thought, "They were eliminated in the first round, so if one is..."

"That's you!"

Tear and pull! Along with the tearing of Liu Zaishi's famous brand, it was Kim Jae-ho's cruel voice!

"Yay! You..."

"Take away." Kim Jae-ho said indifferently, and his expression changed.

Liu Zaishi still wanted to say something, but he was covered by the staff on the side and taken away, and the process was the same.

"Okay, here we go." Kim Jae-ho looked to the side of Yoon.

I saw that Xiang Yun had put down the camera at this time, looking like he was dying generously.

Kim Jae-ho suddenly shouted: "Yay! Guests! Guests are here! Fast! "

Then everyone saw Kim Jae-ho running after a man in this open space.

All of them:???

"What?" Li Guangzhu was shocked by this scene, what happened?

"Doesn't it mean that there are no guests?"

Jin Zhiguo was also stunned for a while, but when he heard the radio shouting: "When Liu Zaishi is out," he still reacted.

He immediately shouted: "Quick! Go ahead and help! "

Although it is inexplicable, everyone still went over there for the first time, where is the guest?

Li Guangzhu was full of confusion, didn't he say that there were no guests? How can there be guests? Could it be that the production team lied to them?

Kim Jae-ho is a spy, and then they think they are counter-espionage, but in fact they are helping the real guests?

Mission Impossible?

"Yay! Fake! "

Li Guangzhu can't turn a corner, but Jin Zhiguo is not.

Jin Zhiguo reacted quickly, "It must be that he found someone to play a guest himself!" You see his reaction is exaggerated~"

"What about this?!" Lee Kwang-joo also reacted, if that's the case, then Kim Jae-ho now...

"Quick! Get him! Fast! Brother Guangzhu! Brother Ultimate Country! Hurry up~" Kim Jae-ho shouted as he ran, and the whole building could hear it clearly.

When everyone knows what he is doing, his behavior of shouting to catch a thief at this time is very funny...

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