And the place where Kim Jae-ho wants to take Haha is also a surprise, a halulu paradise.

Kim Jae-ho didn't expect that there was such a place, it's too exaggerated, is the national popularity of Harulu so high?

"Brother, your paradise~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Dafa~Found my relative~" Haha's tone immediately changed to a child's tone, and the childlike heart seemed to overflow as cute and lovely.

It was all about Halulu's things, and Haha was momentarily confused, as if entering a dream called a fairy tale.

He directly took off his shoes and began to play, and when he saw Kim Jae-ho looking at him, he said with a smile:

"You also come to play~"

"I'll forget it, you can play by yourself~"

Kim Jae-ho was stunned, "How do I feel like a parent, watching my children play?" "

But he really isn't in the mood to play now.

He looked at Haha, and his eyes were full of his name tag.

I treat you like a father, and you actually crave my name brand?

To be honest, there is no one left and right, he now rushed up and directly tore haha, there is no problem at all, but seeing haha having so much fun, he is a little unbearable.

Alas, forget it, it is rare to have such an opportunity to make him happy for a while.

Haha jumped around, happy to the point of not working, he saw the bubble pool on the side, and immediately jumped in, but it was only a shallow layer with balls, and he fell directly on it.

"Yay! You be careful! "Kim Jae-ho is worried, don't hurt my name tag!

"Ahhh~ I thought it was deep." Haha endured the pain.

Who would have thought that the bubble pool was only laid so much, even for children is very dangerous.

But haha is an adult after all, still very resistant, a while like a nobody wandered in the bubble pool, after playing for a while, haha stared at the building on the side.

He got up and went over there, then he looked inside the small room and deliberately left his back to Kim Jae-ho.

But he didn't wait for the sound of the name tag being torn open, but leaned over to a head next to him.

"Wow! What a thing! Kim Jae-ho felt even more interested than haha, "Brother, is this your home?" Can I come in and take a tour? "

You visit your uncle!

After scolding secretly, he also squeezed out a smile: "Of course!" Come in~My home~"

"Wait! Don't go in yet! We have to have a sense of ritual! "

Kim Jae-ho led the inexplicable haha outside again, and Kim Jae-ho said with a surprised face: "Wow ~ brother Halulu ~ Is this your home?" It's so beautiful~"

It's an old drama bone at first glance.

Haha also immediately entered the state of the children's channel, endured goosebumps and said: "Yes ~ yes ~ Dear little pot friends, welcome to visit my house ~"

Then two people went in with their bodies bowed, because the doorway was for children, so it would be very small.

The two adults squeezed inside, but they didn't expect that the inside was quite large, enough for the two of them to stand up, and there was a bed.

"Hey Yigu ~ so tired ~ lie down for a while first ~ " Haha went to sleep, if you want to act in a sitcom, I will accompany you to act.

Thirty-three-year-old Harulu was lying on the bed for the three-year-old child, without feeling any sense of discord, and suddenly he noticed something next to him.

"Do you want to read?" Haha reached for it, and suddenly found that it was just a piece of cardboard, he glanced at it, and was suddenly surprised.

"What is it?" He didn't react for a while, and after coming back to his senses, he quickly sat up, "Come and see!" I found something! "

Haha said in surprise.

"What is it?"

"It's a face, hey, why is this face so familiar?" Haha puzzled.

"Is it a face like this?"


Haha immediately put down the cardboard, and a face exactly like the one in the painting appeared in front of his eyes.

Kim Jae-ho blocked the other parts with his hands, leaving only the part on the card, and even the defiant expression was exactly the same as on the card.

Haha was suddenly frightened by the scene in front of him, "What?!" "

Even if he knew the plot, he was creepy at the moment.

In the next second, Kim Jae-ho directly pounced, covered Haha's mouth, and ripped off the oversized brand behind Haha, which was extremely easy to tear.

Haha looked frightened, looking at Kim Jae-ho who was close at hand, because the venue was too small, VJ had to reach out hard to shoot this scene.

"Shh!" Jin Jae-ho covered his mouth and showed an evil smile, "I'm sorry brother, actually, I'm undercover!" Take! "

He has wanted to say this for a long time!

Don't look at his expression is very handsome, his heart is actually excited to die.

So handsome!

As soon as Kim Jae-ho's words fell, a bodyguard-like person squeezed in very hard, and then took the confused haha out very hard.

Five people were crammed into a small room, and it was difficult to even walk.

"Oops, step on my foot!"

"Yay! Let me go out first and then get me!" Apa! "

"Camera camera!"

After a few people came out, it was very embarrassing, and the handsomeness just now was gone.

After Kim Jae-ho tidied up his clothes, his expression returned to course: "Take away!" "

Haha's expression also returned to horror and dismay, as well as the regret of being betrayed, and he was taken away while struggling.

It's a bone old.

All collapsed!

"Yay! This is not what I imagined! Kim Jae-ho left the scene speechlessly.

"Who told you to be in that kind of place..." Xiang Yun was speechless, just tossing and turning him was already sweating all over.

"But fortunately, Haha brother cooperates well, you guys edit it, please, let me be handsome once!" Kim Jae-ho said.

Where he couldn't see, the staff had already let go of haha, haha laughed wildly there, "How is my acting?" "

The staff nodded in affirmation.

"Hahaha~ Did you see Kim Jae-ho's appearance just now? Hahaha~ What else to say that I am undercover, hahaha~ completely proud! Must believe it! "

So far, haha has completed the task perfectly.

Suddenly, the radio sounded: "Haha, out! "


Everyone was first stunned, then laughed, and finally laughed directly.

Good guys, finally hands on!

It's going to be moldy, I don't know where to move my hand, and next, it's time to test my acting skills.

Jin Zhiguo shouted through the walkie-talkie: "Yay! Haha eliminated! What's going on?! Did anyone see it? "

"I don't know! I didn't see it! Kim Jae-ho replied immediately.

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"What about the others?!"

"Neither do I."

"What's going on?"

Listening to the uproar of the walkie-talkie, Kim Jae-ho smiled at the corner of his mouth, which is why he took Haha to such a hidden place, it was afraid of being seen.

And at first, he didn't call Haha through the walkie-talkie, but went to find Haha, and avoided other people, so that everyone didn't know that he was with Haha.

He Kim Jae-ho does things, foolproof!


Now they must have thought they were guests~

Kim Jae-ho laughed proudly, and then threw the puzzle pieces out of reach of Lee Kwang-joo.

Destroy the corpse!

He sneered into the camera and said, "This is just the beginning. "

Then turn around and keep running.

At this moment, he felt that he was handsome!

Where he couldn't see, everyone else was dying of laughter.

"I almost laughed when he said he didn't see it." Kim said.

"That's it." Ikeishi Zhen is also there.

Everyone was smiling, and Kim Jae-ho today was simply a source of happiness for everyone.

"The next one should come to me, right? I have to hurry to find him. Chi Shizhen said.

"You don't have to look for it, you just go to a place where there is no one, and Jaehiro himself will find you." Liu Zaishi said.

"Yes!" Chi Shizhen felt reasonable.

"You are also a target, you also hurry up." Kim said.

Liu Zaishi nodded, and after saying the refueling, he went his separate ways.

The start was very smooth!

After hearing the news, they immediately found someone to share the happiness of the moment before finding someone to get together, and now they spread out to be happier.

Kim Jae-ho is happy, they are happy, the production team is happy, everyone is happy, what a good night Oh~


The current situation is all under the control of Kim Jae-ho, although Haha was eliminated, but there was little movement, and everyone shouted for a while and then dispersed.

If it weren't for the fact that they almost stunned the grass just now, they even wanted to tease Kim Jae-ho, but now forget it, it's not easy to get it, and they were accidentally discovered by Kim Jae-ho, and that kid is very ghostly.

If others find out, they will pretend not to know for the effect of the show, and if he finds out, he will immediately shout two words: "Off work!" "Then I went yo-yo and went home.

I can't let him be so cool today.

There is no one of the same group of people, and the remaining few people deliberately go to some places where there is no one, just waiting for Kim Jae-ho.

Ji Shizhen is such a person, although he walks alone, but from time to time he talks to the camera about Kim Jae-ho, and he is not afraid of being heard.

Suddenly, the jogging in front of him was a person.

"Yo~brother~" Kim Jae-ho ran over head-on.

"Zaihao, did you find anything?" Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

"Found it, put it now." Kim Jae-ho's speed did not decrease, and when he ran past Ji Shijin, he tore off his name tag by the way, and then flew away.

Chi Shizhen: ???

Because it was too natural, Chi Shi Zhen didn't even react, "Oh?! What? "

He still wanted to say something, but he was covered by the staff who was waiting and took away.

Kim Jae-ho casually said to the camera, "Brother Seok has to be careful, I have to think of a way." "

He looked like he was drinking saliva on the way to a marathon.

On the other side, Chi Shizhen, with all kinds of tastes in his heart, inexplicably completed the task, but he was not in a good mood...

"Yay! Is he underestimating me? "Chi Shi Zhenqi is dead, which is completely different from the script he expected!

Even if it's not cool, this can still be mentally made by him?

It's outrageous!

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