But it doesn't matter to everyone, as long as Kim Jae-ho wins, this is Kim Jae-ho's grand blueprint, exactly the same.

Kim Jae-ho, who ended the battle by stratagem or words in his heart, was very happy, and Liu Zaishi next to him suddenly said: "You are going to fight Kim End-country in the next battle." "

Kim Jae-ho's smile disappeared, he looked at Kim Ji-kook, Kim Ji-guk showed a "kind" smile, Kim Jae-ho only felt panicked.

Today's Jin Zhiguo, "I don't know if it's my delusion, Brother Ultimate Kingdom is so terrifying today." "

"Where will it be, you are my dearest brother~" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

Everyone looked at Kim Jae-ho with a smile, and they all knew the reason.

"I'm starting to feel pain." Kim Jae-ho swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


After a while.

"Appa Apa!"

Kim Junguo lifted Kim Jae-ho high, and then directly above his head, compared to Liu Zaishi, Kim Jae-ho was simply as light as a feather.

"Throw in the towel! Admit defeat! Ahhh! Too high! Brother Stone again! Throw in the towel! "

"Ah~ the scenery is so nice ~ hello aunt~ Are you happy tonight?"

Liu Zaishi looked at the scenery next to him, holding the whistle, he now holds the power of life and death of Kim Jae-ho, and he only feels that the scenery is very good.

"It's so bad hahaha~" Haha laughed miserably.

"Pretend not to see~" Li Guangzhu said with a smile, Liu Zaishi is really pretending not to see.

Kim Jae-ho didn't know what he did wrong to do this, Kim Ji-guk didn't speak, held Kim Jae-ho and began to parade the street, playing with it in his hands, Kim Jae-ho never touched the floor from the beginning.


First out?



I heard you talk a lot?

"Brother! I was wrong! Yes! It's so tall! Kim Jae-ho didn't even dare to struggle, for fear that Kim Junguo would suddenly lose his hand and smash him to the ground.

It's tragic, a human tragedy.

Kim Junguo finally relented and put Kim Jae-ho down, and Kim Jae-ho shouted: "Let me die!" Then he wanted to lie on the ground, but Jin Junguo grabbed him tightly and took off again, this time upside down, with his head underneath...

Survival must not seek death, can not!

Kim Jae-ho was directly desperate, he didn't expect that one day it would be difficult to even fall, and after playing with it for a while, Kim Junguo threw Kim Jae-ho on the ground in a circle, like garbage.


Crush the Bureau!

Song Zhixiao laughed next to him so that tears came out, it was too ruthless, it really was.

Kim Jae-ho was still dizzy when he stood up, crying: "Although there is no substantial harm, my heart!" Do you know how much my heart hurts? Self-esteem is gone! "


Several losers feel the same way, indeed, although it is very safe, but so many people watch, how embarrassed it is to be eliminated like this!

Especially Liu Zaishi has a deep feeling, so he didn't blow the whistle just now, just to let him experience this feeling and speed up his growth.

My brother is also well-intentioned~

Liu Zaishi said while coming over and helping him up, and Kim Jae-ho said directly: "You go away!" Filial piety to help. "

Song Jihyo smiled and came over to help him up, no matter what, this elimination process was ordered by Kim Jae-ho himself, and it can now be said to be perfectly completed.

Kim Jae-ho only felt that Kim Junguo was like this for the effect of the show, and he didn't think much about it.

Anyway, the result is the one I think.

Now the problem is that Kim Chengguo has to be the last to be eliminated, which is too difficult.

But Kim Jae-ho was also drunk after seeing how small Kim Junguo's famous brand was, and it turned out to be smaller than ordinary famous brands, and it changed from square to diamond-shaped.

Even Liu Zaishi said: "This brand is too small, right? "

"The name of the person who is already so powerful is still so small." Kim Jae-ho complained.

PD doesn't care about him, and directly issues the name card of the second gear, that is, Kim Jae-ho, Song Ji-hyo, and Lee Kwang-joo who won a set.

"This is not even an ordinary famous brand, and the gap is too big, right?" Kim Jae-ho deliberately said that in fact, having a tail is good for him and easy to tear.

"There is no victory in the set below."

Large name brands.

They are Chi Shizhen, Liu Zaishi, and Haha.

In this way, the order of Kim Jae-ho's elimination is there.

After everyone got their name tag, they were ready to move, and they had to greet the surrounding audience before moving, and thanks to them, the shame of the fiasco was greatly increased.

"Thank you and happy holidays!" After everyone bowed, they moved to the mall amid applause, and then tonight's highlight was next.

As soon as they entered, everyone was amazed by such a scene, the empty shopping center, the lights were bright, they had the moment.

"Where is the end of today?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"From the second basement floor to the sixth floor above ground." PD said.

"So big? Don't run us to death? Kim Jae-ho deliberately said that in fact, the bigger the better, so that there are more opportunities.

"That's it~" Everyone echoed.

"In this case, it is difficult for us to find the guests hidden." Jin Zhiguo said deliberately.

"That's it~" Kim Jae-ho echoed.

Everyone is acting, you play me and I play you, I don't know and think it's a set, no, you should know to think that this is a set.

The mission letter was handed over, "Within the limited time, find the puzzle hidden in the shopping mall and uncover the secrets inside the puzzle, the mission is successful!" "

"If you look at it this way, this issue of guests is really a big deal, there must be three guests."

"How could a person be in such a big place."

"The Mid-Autumn Festival special is unconditionally a very powerful guest."

Kim Jae-ho nodded, yes, the guest is indeed very powerful.

Several people also took great pains to let Kim Jae-ho find the bottom of the steps, and they themselves first helped Kim Jae-ho check and fill in the gaps, so that Kim Jae-ho could tear off their name tags more easily.

Several people immediately separated to find something, and that was the key.

Kim Jae-ho has long known what the mystery is, that is, his own face, but what kind of photo it is, he does not know.

Fortunately, when looking for something, he has a hand, so in order not to let everyone discover the truth, he has an immature plan.

Instead of thanklessly hindering everyone, it is better to find things yourself first and then find a way to destroy them, which will not expose yourself and make yourself more reasonable.

He immediately began to trot, and soon he disappeared from everyone's sight.

What he didn't know was that he was very positive, Liu Zaishi and they weren't, it didn't matter to them whether they looked for something or not, they just needed to be torn off reasonably.

Several people even discussed it together.

"Hahaha~ Kim Jae-ho is so positive, you see it, they all ran~" Haha laughed.

"yes, if he hadn't run before." Liu Zaishi said.

"Sure enough, he disappeared, just as we thought at first."

"Kim Jae-ho likes sneak attacks, we have to give him a chance, we have to scatter."

"It's too cheap for him, or else, we'll get together and him off."


After Kim Jae-ho, who is very positive, runs to a nobody's corner, the production team labels him as a spy, which can only be seen by tearing up the name tag.

"Hurry up, I'm going to find something." Kim Jae-ho dislikes the slowness of the PD sticker.

He planned to catch them all, otherwise as long as one was discovered, he would be in danger of being exposed.

Not to mention, he quickly found one, and just put it on the side of the road, unabashedly.

"Yay! This one! How can it be placed in such an obvious place! Wasn't this discovered all at once? Kim Jae-ho quickly picked it up and looked at it, and he knew at a glance that it was his own photo, the one in which the two expressions were split in half in the original photo, which can be said to be his classic pictorial.

"Yay! How can it be this one?! Whoever looks at this is my face, there is only one person in the world with such a handsome chin profile! "

Agreeable: ???

Well, he's used to it.

"Yay! Gotta hurry! "

So, Kim Jae-ho began to run again, hiding things deeper by the way, but in fact, he was running alone, he thought he was very secretive, in fact, as long as he passed the edge, everyone stared at him.

After all, the protagonist tonight is him, and several people are still wondering, why didn't Kim Jae-ho do it yet?

Jin Zhiguo shouted: "Yay! Kim Jae-ho! "

"What for?" Kim Jae-ho poked his head out and looked down.

"Found it?" Ikeishi Zhen is also there.

"No, why are you so free? Still looking for me? Kim Jae-ho asked rhetorically, no one had looked for him like this before he disappeared.

"It's okay, just ask, I haven't seen anyone all along, you found it and said." Jin Zhiguo hurriedly said.

"Good." Kim Jae-ho continues to disappear.


Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Be careful, don't show the stuffing." Kim said.

Chi Shizhen nodded, "This kid is still keen. "

Almost discovered, they just wanted to tease Kim Jae-ho, didn't expect to almost have an accident, playing with fire is really fun~

"I'm ready, why haven't you come to me yet? Why? Haha was swaying alone, and suddenly there was a voice in front of him.

"Brother! Haha brother! "

"What?" Haha looked back, it was Kim Jae-ho.

"Come quickly, there are your relatives there!" Kim Jae-ho said.


Haha quickly trotted to follow Kim Jae-ho, and then glanced at the camera excitedly.

Here it comes! It's finally here!

He waited until the flowers were all thankful.

"What? What is it? "Haha followed, very positive.

"Hehe~Good stuff~" Kim Jae-ho raised his eyebrows and led Haha to run, "You'll know when you go." "

His expression is the same as tricking a child into going to the alley to grab candy to eat.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho running in front, haha has been holding back his laughter, it's time to test his acting skills, and suddenly he is a little nervous.

But looking at Kim Jae-ho's silly look, Haha's tension eased a lot.

If nothing else, at this time, he doesn't need to care so much, he just needs to find a way to wait for how to create conditions for Kim Jae-ho, in fact, Kim Jae-ho is very smart, just do what Kim Jae-ho said.

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