Liu Zaishi couldn't accept such humiliation for a while, he really tasted everything in life, and today's taste is to lose face in front of everyone, and he really has no face to face his father and fellow countrymen.

"Hurt self-esteem, huh, really..." Liu Zaishi couldn't even look at it.

"To be honest, people who watch it are even more embarrassed." Kim Jae-ho said, "What did the grasshopper do wrong?!" "

Jin Zhiguo smiled and did not speak, looking very relaxed.

Kim Jae-ho died laughing, obviously he could press directly on the ground, he had to parade the streets to show the public, and he had to kill people.

"Grasshoppers suffer..."

Liu Zaishi, dressed in green, shouted: "Don't say it!" "

Every word of Kim Jae-ho was a fatal blow to him, and it was very heart-wrenching.

"Don't replay, don't play back." Liu Zaishi instructed.

PD: Great idea!

So he released all the pictures that shot that shot, no dead angle playback, once not enough to go back and playback, very ghostly beast, demon late stage, repeated whipping of the corpse.

Everyone still thought that this was a big war, but they didn't expect it to end so soon, the time was not enough, and the shots came together.

After Liu Zaishi calmed down, he began to complain, recounting the humiliation just now, in fact, needless to say, he had already felt it up close.

Liu Zaishi sorted out his emotions and said, "Next! Lee Kwang-joo! Ha ha! "

It can be said that these two people, whoever wins, can win.

This is the battle between the shortest body and the longest body, and it is also a battle between dirty and strong, and just at the beginning, Li Guangzhu came to kick off with a chin attack, and then the two scuffled together, grabbing each other's hair, rolling on the ground.

This close match is much more interesting than the last one, the two people fight dignifiedly, haha was at a disadvantage at the beginning, without him, the legs were not long enough.

He tried his best to lift Li Guangzhu, Li Guangzhu's feet were still standing on the ground, haha directly grabbed Li Guangzhu's butt, Li Guangzhu endured the pain and lifted Haha up, haha immediately couldn't touch the ground.

This is the gap, they all have the strength to lift each other up, but the leg length gap is too big.

Haha had no choice, so he had to step on Li Guangzhu's instep wildly, Li Guangzhu put on a pain mask, and then threw it hard, did not throw it out, Li Guangzhu successfully turned around and directly pressed Haha to the ground.

"Li Guangzhu! Victory! "


Kim Jae-ho was overjoyed, it turned out to be exactly the same as he predicted, he guessed that it was Lee Kwang-joo leftover, and then fought against Kim Zhiguo, with Lee Kwang-joo's character who only lived one day, he could better consume Kim Zhiguo's physical strength.

Next is the main play, the battle between Song Zhixiao and Ji Shizhen.

At the beginning, Song Zhixiao jumped up directly and hooked Chi Shizhen's foot with his foot to sweep his leg crisply and neatly, and then pressed hard to press the unbalanced Chi Shizhen to the ground, the whole process was extremely smooth and definitely practiced.

Trick knockdown!

This is the only player in three games who has knocked out his opponent with skill, from our bad girl Song Zhixiao!

Chi Shizhen's expression and movement were the same as Liu Zaishi just now, and the cheers on the scene burst out, a very good-looking knockdown!


Everyone looked stupid, everyone knew that Chi Shizhen would lose, but he didn't expect to be killed in seconds, and it was even better than the one in Jin Zhiguo, and everyone was shocked, including Song Zhixiao himself.

Kim Jae-ho immediately had pressure, next time her opponent is herself, she can't plant it here.

But, it's hard!

He was already figuring out how to avoid it.

Everyone is happy, Chi Shizhen's face is gone, and everyone can see that he really didn't let him, which already shows that he is weaker than Song Zhixiao.

"Song Zhixiao! Victory! Liu Zaishi whistled and started the next game.

Next, Lee Kwang-joo vs. Kim End-guo!

After the two people grabbed each other's binding ropes, Li Guangzhu looked at Liu Zaishi: "Brother, I'm so scared!" "


His voice was a little shaky, his face was a little pale, and he could tell that he was really afraid.

"Pearl of light! Don't be afraid! Get him! Kim Jae-ho shouted next to him: "Push him with your chin!" "

Li Guangzhu and Kim Zhiguo looked at each other, and Jin Zhiguo said: "If you do that, you will die." "

"I can't do it!" Lee Guangzhu shouted, on the verge of collapse.


As soon as the whistle sounded, Li Guangzhu immediately exerted force, Jin Zhiguo did not move, Li Guangzhu tried several times and shouted: "What is this brother?!" "

Is he moving mountains?

Jin Chengguo smiled, as if nothing had happened, and then suddenly with a force, his feet were swept, and Li Guangzhu rolled over his legs as if he had smashed on the ground.

"Call the doctor! Hurry up! Call an ambulance! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

Jin Zhiguo explained: "Yay! How can it be such an exaggeration! "

Kim Jae-ho didn't care, rushed up to look at Lee Kwang-joo's injury: "Fractured!" Ambulance! Why hasn't it arrived yet! Forget it, it's already helpless. "

"What's not saved?!" Li Guangzhu immediately stood up and questioned, and the person who was still screaming on the ground just now stood up in the next second, which was simply a medical miracle.

Every time people who fail, it can be said that they have their own faces, even if the script has been set, but the process has gone to the unimaginable picture, and there are hundreds of millions of points different from what everyone thinks.

RM, the script is always just an auxiliary, you can't deny RM just because the variety show has a script.

"Song Ji Hyo, Kim Jae Ho!" As soon as Liu Zaishi's shout fell, the main play began.

On Monday, the couple is optimistic, four or six open, Kim Jae-ho four.

"Zhixiao, so many people, give me a face." Kim Jae-ho said.

Song Jihyo smiled and nodded, and Kim Jae-ho felt longing when he saw her smile, and he had the feeling that he was going to be seconded later.

Song Zhixiao nodded meaningfully, it will definitely lose to you later, don't worry~

One appearance, two understandings, people who do not know the truth only play the role of enlivening the atmosphere through superficial judgment, or destroy it.

The atmosphere was just right, especially when I saw the couple hugging each other on Monday.

Some people say that if the two of them are not together, they do not believe in love, which also represents their national degree.

Song Jihyo's cries rose and fell one after another, occasionally mixed with a sound or two of Kim Jae-ho, which can be heard who everyone hopes will win.

The two hugged together, face to face, Kim Jae-ho smiled in his ear: "I have knelt once in my life and gave it to you." "

"What kind of kneeling is this?" Song Zhixiao's face turned slightly red and said with a smile.

"Come, get ready!" Liu Zaishi was ready to blow the whistle.

"Wait a minute!" Kim Jae-ho leaned his face against Song Ji-hyo, his eyes closed, and the corners of his mouth kept a smile, "I'm not ready." "

"How much longer?"

"About ten minutes~"

"I see you're so well prepared!" Liu Zaishi could see at a glance what Kim Jae-ho had in mind.

Song Jihyo laughed so hard that he leaned weakly on Kim Jae-ho's shoulder, and the only person who could rely on this posture was the other party.

And for Kim Jae-ho, I don't know why, when holding Song Jihyo, Kim Jae-ho will have a very reassuring feeling, as if he is no longer lonely.

"Let's get started! Everyone watched! Liu Zaishi sorted out the scene, and the two people stood up.

As soon as he sounded the whistle, Kim Jae-ho immediately said: "It's not like we got married, and then Brother Seok is next to him as a witness~"

Song Zhixiao held back a smile.

"Even if you press me to the ground, you are the most beautiful."

"I hope I don't love you, then now I don't have to worry about it."

"You stepped on me, and it is my happiness to have your trampling."

"You were so close to me, I thought it was an angel embracing me."

"Yay! Don't say it! "

Song Zhixiao curled up with her hands and feet, uncomfortable, the whole person was not good, she kind of knew what Kim Jae-ho was going to do.

"I don't want to wrestle anymore, now I just want you."

Kim Jae-ho gently spoke in Song Ji-hyo's ear in a tone that only she could hear, so greasy that Song Ji-hyo went crazy directly.

"Yay! Are you two dancing?! "

In the eyes of the people next to him, it is very strange, the two people walk around, Song Zhixiao has been laughing but does not attack, very boring.

"They say we're dancing, so it's supposed to be a dance of love, and it feels like we won't be able to sleep tonight because we're going to think about it all the time."

"Yay!" When Song Jihyo felt that she was going to die here if she continued like this, Kim Jae-ho suddenly said very greasy "wife~"

Song Zhihyo finally lifted the strength immediately unloaded, Kim Jae-ho directly got up at this time, Song Zhihyo had fallen before he could react, but Kim Jae-ho held around, so he didn't feel anything on the ground.

After she reacted, she covered her face with her hands, showing a smile, curled up her hands and feet, and slapped her feet on the ground, which can be said to melt on the spot.

It's so hard!

Song Zhixiao felt relieved.

"Yay~!" Kim Jae-ho happily raised his hands and ran around the field.

"What is this?!" Liu Zaishi shouted.

"Ah! I really can't stand it! Is! Haha complained.

The audience next to him couldn't hear what Kim Jae-ho said, only felt that he had seen nothingness, and Song Jihyo intermittently wanted to explain, but laughed so much that he couldn't even say everything.

"Yay! He kept talking in my ear! Song Zhixiao complained that she didn't have the heart to fight just now, she didn't have the strength to breathe, and every move was interrupted, which was too difficult.

"What for? Can't talk yet? Kim Jae-ho asked.

Song Zhixiao didn't know how to explain what she felt just now.

"No matter what, Kim Jae-ho, victory!" Liu Zaishi said.

"Yay!" Kim Jae-ho ran another lap.

The person next to him seems to see nothingness, but there will be sound when broadcasting, because everyone wears microphones, and the cash register is still very good.

In the eyes of the people next to him, it was the two people who grinded and chirped and danced in a circle, and then Kim Jae-ho got up and Song Jihyo was gone.

"Ah~ it's so boring." Chi Shizhen complained.

Song Zhixiao had words of suffering, and used his hand as a fan to cool his face, which was already red.

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